




Lewis victory photo with Bruce Lee and others at "68 U.S.
National Championships, Washington , D.C..

Lewis winning his second of four consecutive U.S. National Karate Grand
Championship titles, Washington, D.C.. Lewis was also a 2-time U.S.
National Kata Grand Champion in 1967 and 68.

Wallace and Joe did an exciting Exhibition bout that thrilled the fight fans in
1990 in Stateline, Nevada, USA

"Another one bites the dust!"
Joe Vs Ronnie Barkoot in New York. This bout was
covered by Sports Illustrated magazine, the first coverage ever of what they
called a "New Sport" in 1970. The fight lasted 75 seconds.
Ronnie's Wife came up onto ring side and hit Lewis from behind over the ropes
with her purse. He was so into the fight he didn't even feel it or remember
it hitting him. He was later told and shown a picture of her after him up
on the ring apron. NOTE 2 things in the photo... 1: How big both pair
of golves were in those days. Lewis was wearing the personal training gloves (16oz)
of the former world boxing champ, Sonny Liston. and 2: Notice the shoes Joe
has on in this bout. The reason why is unknown.

Back Tracy Black Belt Team representing the West Coast, becoming victorious
over the entire East Coast's best team.

Is that the only way you 'THINK' you can beat me.....NOT!"


ABOVE & BELOW Doing Battle with Chuck Norris.




I like to use this wording: Never talk about beating someone. I avoid most
of these "impersonators" who simulate being considered knowledgeable
or accurate "self-appointed" Scholars or Fighters. These are the
ones who always judge me on Facebook or from phony books, etc." Joe

In the early days of tournament fighting, Joe Lewis was the head of the
Tracy's National Fighting Team. He designed the original checkered gi that
was at first worn in tournaments by these guys. The Tracy system "sparring
method" is based heavily on theories and principles that were developed by
Joe Lewis, and Lewis still does seminars often in Tracy's schools around
the country. The 1st blacks that are awarded in the St. Louis area are
likely black belts in the Joe Lewis system. Joe Lewis does not teach Shorin
ryu, but his own style based heavily on sparring and fighting.
