"Georgia Promoter's
Continue To Work Together With An Eye Towards The Future By
Cal Cooper

From the President "This is yet another example of the tremendous
spirit of cooperation I have seen in Georgia with their promoters working
together. It is also one more example of where the focus of TEAMWORK, as
stressed within the IKF &
organizations has proved to be the foundation of success." Steve
Fossum, IKF &
Georgia, USA
On January 19th, 2002, Georgia fight promoters (Shown above - third
from left - ) gathered in Augusta Georgia for a meeting hosted by the
International Kickboxing Federation and its subsidiary, the International Sport
Combat Federation. The meeting was led by Mike Carlson at his Augusta
Martial Arts Academy. Carlson is the Assistant District Attorney known
best to MMA fans as the man who got their sport sanctioned in Georgia. Also in
attendance were SFO and Gauntlet Trials promoter Matthew Waller,
Valdosta promoter James Corbett, Douglasville promoters Mark Maske
Mike Crocker, Atlanta Battle at the Brewery promoter Lane Collyer,
Augusta's Eddie Singleton, and fighter/ISCF referee Cam McHargue.
Atlanta Fight Party promoter Brett Moses also had a representative
present. All have been associated with Kickboxing and/or MMA promotions and have
supported the efforts of the IKF and ISCF to bring regulation to the fighting
sports in Georgia.
Since Georgia law states that MMA can take place in the state
if sanctioned by the ISCF, the seemingly casual meeting was an
important moment in the development of the sport in Georgia. Likewise, since
Georgia is one of only a handful of states to have recognized MMA in a legal
manner, the gathering will ultimately effect the entire sport of MMA in the
United States. In the past, MMA in Georgia has always been a mixed bag. A
multitude of promoters have run events of various sizes in the state, and, left
to their own devices, very few have done a very good job. After the regulation
of events began in 2001 (Georgia
Legitimizes MMA Competition), Georgia went a long way towards
establishing itself as a stronghold of MMA, and many promoters from around the
US expressed interest in promoting in the Peach State and being legitimately
sanctioned by the
Mike Carlson is tickled pink. The meeting on the 19th
was for dealing with the practical matters. Events are scheduled for every month
for the first, half of 2001, most of which will originate from within the state.
Many other events, which are in the planning stages, do not yet have dates. The
meeting established a calendar for Georgia, which allows promoters to have a
reasonable time period to promote without conflicting with another event in
their area. This creates a uniquely promoter friendly environment in the entire
Union. No other state law creates such a situation. The meeting also
established the first ISCF fighter database, which will initially be
comprised of fighters who compete in and around the South. Individuals were
appointed various responsibilities, such as maintaining the "Fighter Pool",
and writing testing questions for judges and referees according to established
and IKF rules.
Because of meetings like this, Georgia and the
South East USA has continued to be the most sanctioned region in the World for