THURSDAY, April 27th, 2000, AT 7:00 PM ZBILSKI'S IKF/RINGSIDE Regional Amateur Tournament Full Contact Rules
Only 2000 IKF
Regional Amateur Tournament Full Contact Rules Only April 15, 2000
CONGRATULATIONS CHICAGO On A Dynamic Event!!! See You All at
"CHILL" On the second IKF Sanctioned Kickboxing event in England in the same week, last Friday nights Brighton England event featured the same results as in Coventry the Sunday before.., A Sellout Crowd, Great Venue, Exciting Bouts and a GREAT Job by IKF Promoter Steve Gosden of Brighton Kickboxing Club (07970 346842) and his "21st Century Promotions" Team. The event was filmed by Eurosports,Steve Holdsworth and featured 9 Exciting Full Contact Rules bouts and 1, 2 round exhibition. The nights Main Event featured Super Lightweight Full Contact Rules Fighter Garnett "CHILL" John of Brighton England (24-0 with 1 KO's, 22) who was looking to add a second World Title Belt to his trophy case. His opponent was Jose' Peres of Lisbon, Portugal (42 wins, 7 Loses and 24 T/KO's, 29). Although round 1 was a close fought round, the minimum kick count came into play against Peres' quickly into the bout. As in the previous bout of another Portugal fighter earlier in the night, Peres came up on the short end of getting his mandatory 8 kicks in for the round only scoring 7 while John got in 11 kicks. Because of this, 1 point was automatically deducted from Peres' round total. Right away Peres went down to 10-9 on 2 of the judges cards instead of a 10-10 score and on the third judge, he dropped to 10-8 instead of 10-9. In round 2, John got off 15 kicks to only 7 again for Peres. Being the second round he didn't get his kicks in, this time, Peres lost 2 points from his round total. Now Peres was down 20-16 on 2 judges cards and 20-15 on the other. As round 3 started off, John kept the pace fast and had 14 kicks off with 20 seconds to go with Peres also answering back with 9 kicks. As the round moved inside the 20 second remaining mark, John drove Peres into the ropes. As Peres came slingshotting off the rope, John kicked, and the speed of Peres coming off the rope drove him inside the ending reach of John's foot. As Peres ducked, his forhead hit John's knee and dropped him to the canvas. It was immediatly clear that it was a misfortanate, unentential foul. As Peres stood up, he walked to his corner where he was quickly examined by the Ringside Physician/Doctor. The Doctor said the cut wasn't bad at all and if Peres felt OK, he would allow him to continue. At that time, IKF President Steve Fossum explained to Pere's corner their 2 options;
Peres and his corner choose not to continue despite being told Peres was down on all the judges cards due to not getting his minimum amount of kicks in in round 1 and 2. As the judges cards were read, the results were clear that Garnet "Chill" John had become the new IKF Full Contact Rules Superlightweight Champion of the World. Here are the results of the nights other bouts.
NEWS OF 4-26-2000...
England &
Of FURY 3!
It was clear that the FIST OF FURY 3 Promotional Team (Dons & Fury Promotions) of Mr. Stephen Donnelly, Mr. John Flounders and Mr. Mick Fowles had great things to smile about when all was said and done last Sunday night, April 16th in Coventry England. The crowd was a sellout, standing room only at the Mercia Supporting Club in Coventry where the crowd was treated to 11 great bouts that featured 5 IKF Ireland vs IKF England bouts along with 4 IKF Title Bouts. IKF Team Ireland was headed by trainers Peter Foley and Paul Cummins with fighters Ken Horan, Dave Thomas, Brian Butler, Vinnie Di Russico, Gary O Brien and Owen Flatley. IKF Team England was headed up by trainers Mick Fowles, Jim Bacon, Steve Donnelly and Balwinder Sandham and featured fighters Richard Lesson, Fraser Symthe, Bobby Hale, Ingolf Nelson and Perry Ben. Although IKF Team England won all 5 bouts, IKFTeam Ireland proved to be a team with great fighters that we are sure to see more of in the future.
The event was filmed by Cable Telecom for a later European release and was commentated by well know retired kickboxing world champion Ronnie Green and IKF President Steve Fossum. During his dynamic career, Green won 5 British, 5 European and 5 World Titles. Fossum and Green are currently working together to create the ALL TIME Kickboxing Hall of Fame that will soon be featured here on the IKF Website along with the IKF Hall Of Fame. For more info on this effort, please see the article below this one. Here's the full results of the nights action;
The only negative thing about the entire event was something that every kickboxing event around the world faces. No shows by fighters. The no shows on this event were Clifford Nelson of Warral Gym which left Niel Green of Coventry England without a bout for the night. Owen Flatley showed up and was ready to fight as well but his opponent Justin Stevenson of Englands Scorpian Gym Swindon was a no show at the event. Both John Haydon of Warral Gym and John Shields of Fury gym who were scheduled to meet each other were no shows at the weigh-ins as well.
Dons & Fury Promotions founders Mr. Stephen Donnelly, Mr. John Flounders and Mr. Mick Fowles are all new members to the IKF World Team but certanily not new to the game. Mr. Donnelly has 16 years of experience in martial arts & kickboxing. He became the number 1 Featherweight in Britain and European in 1992. However an unfortunate accident in which he broke his hand forced him to retire. But as they say, "When a small door closes, a Bigger Door Opens." which was the case with Dons & Fury Promotions. Donnelly has now promoted 8 successful kickboxing events and has many more to come in the future.
Mr Flounders was a fuel behind Donnelly's promotional fire as well. He had been training with Donnelly for two and a half years when he became interested in kickboxing shows. He kept asking Donnelly to start promoting again and if he would, Flounders agreed to get event sponsors which he has done very well at.
The name of Mick Fowles is well known in Europe. Fowles started martial arts at the age of 21. Within 6 years he had achieved both the British and European Kickboxing titles. From there, he went into coaching and training fighters eaning respect from his peers throughout Europe. After being disapointed with the internal works of an organization he was with for several years, he decided to make a positive career decision move and in January of 2000, Fowles joined the IKF World Team, teaming up with IKF European Director, Alby Bimpson also of England. Fowles was appointed the position of IKFEuropean Coordinator and has done great things for IKF Team Europe.
Together, Donnelly, Flounders and Fowles discussed the various issues of kickboxing and where they would like to see it in the future. The three of them had the same ideas so they decided to form their promotional team to promote great kickboxing entertainment. They already have several more events planned on June 25th (IKF British & IKF European title Bouts), August 20th (IKF British & IKF European title Bouts) and November 18th, Sky Dome Arena (IKF World Title Bouts). For more Information, please contact Mr. Mick Fowles at 07 970 08 2553 or Mr. Steve Donnelly at 07 9390 480 38 or Mr. Alby Bimpson at 01942-723858 or : +441 942 723 858 or by e-mail by clicking HERE.
NEWS OF 4-26-2000. . .
& Fossum
Preparing Kickboxings FIRST
Hall Of Fame...
IKF President Steve Fossum and 5 Time World Kickboxing Champion Ronnie Green are currently working together to create the ALL TIME Kickboxing Hall of Fame that will soon be featured on the IKF Web Site along with the IKF Hall Of Fame. Both can be found here on the IKF Website by clicking HERE. Although the Kickboxing Hall Of Fame is just now being created, once done, it will feature fighters, trainers, promoters and officials from every organization in the sport that are deserving of such recognition on such a page. Currently there is no Hall Of Fame for the sport of Kickboxing which makes Green and Fossum's work more special. "We need to bring attention and recognition to those who started our sport, promoted it and taught it as well as those who are just no longer in the game." said Green. Fossum added, "These individuals need to be appreciated and remembered to those still in the sport as well as those new to the sport no matter what organization they fought with. It will include current individuals as well." If anyone reading this wishes to submit names of trainers, promoters, trainers and of course fighters who made a positive mark in the sport, please e-mail the IKF with your thoughts. The Hall will take months to create so your assistance will be greatly appreciated. You can e-mail the IKF at this link
NEWS OF 4-26-2000...
Club Wins Big At
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
IKF Promoter Jesse Finney and his Finney's
Kickboxing Club had to be all smiles at the end of the night. Their April
15th, Union Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri, USA event had plenty of great things
happen for them. Here are the nights results:
For more info, contact Mr. Jesse Finney at (314) 351-5226.
April 17th, 2000, AT 10 AM
Butler Pennsylvania,
Reported By IKF PA, USA
IKF Promoter, Jimmy Stewart, The Stewart Center & Coors
Light held another successful Kickboxing Event to a sold out crowd.
The Main Event featured IKF PA State
Champion Jimmy Stewart (10-0-5) defending & retaining his title
against Mike Holleran.
From the opening bell of the 7 round bout, Holleran (5-3) pressured Stewart most of the entire round. Stewart was able to withstand the pressure with a flurry of combinations, that backed Holleran to the ropes, then eventually dropped him for the first standing 8 count. Holleran survived the round barely able to continue into round 2. Stewart had a swollen eye - but was able to turn the pressure back on Holleran. With a well placed back fist to the jaw that stunned Holleran, Stewart went in with a second combination of punches that dropped Holleran for the second & final time of the fight, Stewart retained the title after the fight was called at 1:20 into the second round.
FRIDAY, April 14th, 2000, AT 12:40 AM
It was a Dynamic Team effort by many that made the first Iowa Kickfest a DYNAMIC SUCCESS! Promoter Roger Tompkins had to be excited when the night was done as he hosted a crowd of over 1,500 who packed the Five Sullivan Brothers Civic Center in Waterloo, Iowa, USA. The nights crowd witnessed 4 Explosive IKF Iowa State Title bouts, 6 undercard bouts and 3 exhibition bouts. Trainer Russ Oconnell of Cedar Valley Pro Fitness & Kickboxing was the star of the night as his fighters went 8 for 8 without a loss with 6 of the wins coming via KO or TKO. Iowa event assistant Blaine Nichols did a fantastic job giving IKF Referee Dan Stell and IKF Representative Brooks Mason the red carpet treatment. "Thank you so much for sending Mr. Stell to help out with our event. He and Brooks Mason were tremendous help." said Nichols. He went on to comment "I feel the event went great, it ran so smooth with Mr. Stell handling everything he was a true professional." Team Iowa is planning their next event this fall. GREAT JOB TEAM IOWA! Here's the nights results.
The event judges were Marvin Styles, B. Nichols, Marco Medina and Dan Stell. Alternating at referee were Blaine Nichols, Marco Medina and Dan Stell. The event timekeeper was Beth Green. Event Physicians were Dr. Louviere, Dr. Kettman and Dr. Kelly Schmidt. Kick judges were John Higdon and Matt Higdon. Ring announcer was Scott Lathrop. IKF Representatives were Dan Stell and Brooks Mason..
Great job Team Iowa! We look forward to your Fall, 2000 event. For more info on this event, please contact Mr. Roger Tompkins or Mr. Russ Oconnell at Cedar Valley Pro Fitness & Kickboxing at 319-234-1935. Or Contact Mr. Blaine Nichols by e-mail by clicking: HERE!
NEWS OF 4-14-2000. . .
Lots Of
IKF Action In The Next Week!
WEDNESDAY, April 12th, 2000, AT 6:10 PM
Regional Small But
In New York!
Although the fight card was small we need to give credit to Steve Ventura and David Ross who kicked off the first of many 2000 IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Championship Regional Tournaments last weekend as they hosted the NORTH - EAST #1 Tournament In NY New York at New York Kung Fu & Kickboxing Club.
Of those few that were there, Mr. Ross sumed it up when he said; "The fights themselves were good, too bad no one saw them." However the quote isn't far off as no Regional Tournaments, not even in amateur Boxing seem to draw big crowds. Assisting Ventura and Ross as judges were Tom Battone, Sifu Matt Blazon Yee and Ken Hewski. Here's a rundown of those who "Walked The Walk" in New York last weekend;
When we receive all the registration papers from Mr. Ross & Mr. Ventura, more detailed results will be posted on this page. A total of 15 fighters registered for the event and we plan to see the winners and walkovers at Nationals to represent the North East Division 1. For more info on this event, please contact Mr. Steve Ventura or Mr. David Ross at (212) 242-2453 or e-mail by clicking HERE!
NEWS OF 4-12-2000. . .
KO'S Petit
Green Bay!
The Promotional Partners of Ad Cetra Sports, Duke Roufus and Scott Joffe were happy to finish another successful Wisconsin, USA Promotion. However this time the venue was a bit different. Stadium View Sports Bar in Green Bay Wisconsin, USA was ROCKIN last Friday Night. Especially in the nights Main Event when Chicago Illinois USA's Manson "The Master Blaster" Gibson Blasted Phil Petit of Sik Tai, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with a spinning backfist in the first round. The shot dropped Petit for the KO as Gibson captured the vacant IKF Pro Light Cruiserweight MuayThai Rules North American Title. Gibson improves to 93 wins, 8 loses, 2 draws with 61 KOS/TKOS as a Pro while Petit drops to 15 wins, 5 loses with 11 wins by KO/TKO. Here's the nights results of the remainder of the card as sent in by Ad Cetra Sports;
For more info on this event, please contact Mr. Duke Roufus
at (414) 319-1151 or e-mail by clicking: HERE or check out their website by clicking
this link here:
Milwaukee Phetnoi
NEWS OF 4-12-2000. . .
IOWA Results Coming Thursday...
FRIDAY, April 7th, 2000, AT 2:50 PM
Weekend Action Includes
3 Great Events!!
In Waterloo, Iowa,
Three IKF Events are planned this weekend and all three are assured to have some great action, especially tomorrow nights Iowa Kickfest 2000! The April 8th event will take place at the Five Sullivan Brothers Civic Center, 4th St & Commercial at 7:00 PM in Waterloo, Iowa, USA. The event will feature 4 Iowa State Title Bouts that include;
The IKF Event Representatives will be Dan Stell & Brooks Mason. Both Mr. Stell and Mr. Blaine Nichols will referee the bouts. The event Promoter is Mr. Roger Tompkins. For more info, please contact Mr. Russ Oconnell at Cedar Valley Pro Fitness & Kickboxing at 319-234-1935. Or Contact Mr. Blaine Nichols by e-mail by clicking HERE!
NEWS OF 4-7-2000. . .
Petit Meets
In Green Bay, Wisconsin
Stadium View Sports Bar at 1963 Holmgren Way in Green Bay Wisconsin, USA will be the place to be to see some great IKF MuayThai action in tonights event promoted by Ad Cetra Sports partners Duke Roufus and Scott Joffe. IKF Pro Light Cruiserweight MuayThai USA Champion Phil "Le Grand" Petit of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada will face 7 time World Champion Manson "The Blaster" Gibson of Chicago, Illinois, USA for the vacant IKF Pro MTR Light Heavyweight North American Title.
Petit won his IKF Pro MTR USA Light Cruiserweight title on October 24th, 1998 at the Eagles Club in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA when he defeated Kevin McMullen of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On February 6, 1999 he faced off in a rematch against McMullen. After a sluggish round 1 performance, Petit took control in round 2 landing several direct knees to McMullen's face. At the break, McMullen's corner stopped the bout as Petit strongly defended his IKF Title by a TKO win this time.
Gibson last fought for the IKF on The "SUMMER BRAWL" event at The Centre at North Park in Franklin Park, Illinois on September 11th, 1999. In the bout, Gibson faced off against Richard Stellwagen (18-1 with 15 KOs as an amateur and 9-0 with 3 KOs as a pro) of St. Charles Illinois for the vacant IKF Pro Full Contact Rules United States Light Heavyweight Title. Gibson, 10-0-1 with 8 KOs as an amateur and 92-8-2 with 60 KOs as a Pro has been around the world and won 7 different World Titles in various organizations. At 38 years old that night, he looked as young as ever against the younger Stellwagen at 29. With flashy kicks and spins from both fighters, they gave the fans a clear look at what Full Contact, above the waist style fighting should really look like when 2 Great fighters hook up. Neither fighter seemed to be in trouble during the bout but both took the best the other had to offer. In the end it was VERY CLOSE and the judges gave a split decision to Stellwagen, 77-76, 76-78 and 75-77.
Tonights action should be fast and ferrous as Gibson walks into the ring to a more familiar style of fighting for him, MuayThai, which is his known speciality. However Petit has proven he has no plans to lose his title anytime soon so if Gibson plans to walk out of the ring with the the IKF title tonight, this bout is sure to be a WAR! For more info on this event, please contact Mr. Duke Roufus at (414) 319-1151 or e-mail by clicking: HERE
NEWS OF 4-7-2000. . .
Regionals Start
TONIGHT In New York!
North East Division #1 Regional
The First Road To The National Amateur Championships!
Every Amateur fighter in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia has had a chance to (As they say) "Put Up or Shut Up" this weekend as the first regional event for the IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Championship Tournament Kicks Off. The NORTH - EAST #1 Tournament In NY New York will be held at the New York Kung Fu & Kickboxing Club at 43 West 24th Street Between Broadway & 6th Ave, Suite 3B, New York, New York.
It's the first time a North East USA Regional has been offered for the National Amateur Championship Tournament Circuit and the fighter registration numbers prove that not every amateur fighter wants to try to be a REAL National Champion. From the numbers, very few are willing to "Walk the Walk". Apparently many are happy with winning a U. S. title against the guy across town in one of the smaller organizations instead of facing off against the BEST in the Nation. However, enough of the many who were not willing to enter the Tournament, lets focus on the few who did.
Of those few, there will only be "5" matched bouts. Yes, FIVE. All the other amateurs that are registered will receive a straight Walkover to the Nationals since they were not matched up against anyone at the regional level. It's a far cry from some of the other Regionals such as Chicago that will feature over 50 fighters and Tennessee that has plans for over 40. But maybe next year will prove different. Or maybe there will be more North East support for the NORTH - EAST #2 at Warwick, Rhode Island on JUNE 24th. Here are the divisions that will feature bouts;
Long time IKF Promoters Steve Ventura & David Ross will match a few more bouts to provide a great event for those there. One thing has been set in stone for this event. For those amateur fighters who did not attend? Please don't let us hear how good you think you are..... Your opportunity has come and went now. The stage was offered and you turned away. As far as the many schools that were close to this regional in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania who couldn't send at least "1" Fighter? Well, we see no reason to keep you on our "KICKBOXING" Gym "REFERRAL" Page if you don't train fighters.... Do we sound a bit upset about this? Of course we do. Not for the IKF, but for the Regional Promoters who worked hard and sacrificed to host this regional event "FOR THE AMATEUR FIGHTERS". These regionals don't make financial profits for them or the IKF. They were not created for great financial gains. Just like in Amateur Boxing. The Tournament circuit is there to provide an Opportunity for All Amateur Kickboxers to prove who truly is the BEST in the Nation.
"The Game Has Changed" people and it's bad enough seeing fighters back out of events at the last minute, but when given such a GOLDEN Opportunity to prove yourselves and you turn away, we have nothing to say but;
"The credit belongs to those
people who are actually in the arena...who know the great enthusiasms, the great
devotions to a worthy cause;
who at best, know the triumph of high
achievement; and who, at worst, fail while daring greatly...
so that their
place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory
nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt
So next time you see one of these amateur fighters above and you want to brag how good you are or how you could have beaten one of them, remember this day that you had a chance to "Walk the Walk" instead of just "Talk the Talk..."
For more info on this event, please contact Mr. Steve Ventura or Mr. David Ross at (212) 242-2453 or e-mail by clicking HERE!
THURSDAY, April 6th, 2000, AT 8:00 PM
Trainers & Promoters
Speak Up...
And MuayThai?
See This Page
California Submission Fighting
NEWS OF 4-6-2000...
Are you Willing To
"Walk the Walk?"
Attention to ALL Amateur Fighters of EVERY Sanctioning Organization in the United States! Looking to win a U.S. Title from the guy across the street with an organization thats only known in your corner of the Nation or only in your State? Or maybe you already won a so-called U. S. Title with one of these organization. If so, Great because we'd like to invite you to prove to the entire NATION that you truly are "THE BEST AMATEUR KICKBOXER IN THE UNITED STATES" in your weight class and rule style.
Here's your chance to prove yourself to your peers and the National Media. We invite all of you from every corner of the United States to register for the ONLY TRUE United States National Amateur Kickboxing Championships. The 2000 IKF/ RINGSIDE Amateur National Championships.
Regional Tournament deadlines are approaching fast so don't miss out. Last years event was great and in only the second year of the Championships, this year will have tremendous media coverage. Coverage will include all the major martial arts magazines and more important to exposure as a TRUE NATIONAL CHAMPION, It appears this years National Championships may include ESPN and Fox Sports.
If you plan on registering late, at least get a call in to the regional director. Team Z in Chicago, Illinois has over 50 fighters registered for their upcoming Full Contact Regional Event. However, David Ross and New York Kung Fu had much less and were wondering why? How could ANY Amateur pass up such a great opportunity to become a TRUE NATIONAL CHAMPION? "Hey all you North East USA Amateurs, WHATS UP?" We hear bits and pieces of events up there but WHO ARE YOU? No one knows who you are around the Nation and WE Want to give you the exposure you deserve so here's your chance. You have 1 more Regional to Register in, NORTH - EAST #2: Warwick, Rhode Island: JUNE 24th. So don't miss out a "SECOND" Time...
We challenge ALL Amateur fighters in the United States to "Walk the Walk" and become the BEST among their peers. Winners at the regional levels go on to the National Amateur Championship's at Harvey's Casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 1st, 2nd & 3rd, 2000. Here's a link list of this years regional events;
So, were wondering. If your a kickboxing school in the United States and your on this page on our website found at this link;
We would expect all of you to register at least "1" fighter from your school. If not, what your telling us is that you don't train fighters. With this, it makes us and many other IKF page viewers ask, "Than why is your school on the IKF Pages?" Want to keep your school there? So do we. So again, we ask that each of you send at least "1" Fighter to your area regional. No Regional Event in your area? Even better for you. This means that you're invited to attend the Nationals via Walkover. With that kind of invitation, why would you say no...? Want to be the best? Go fight the Best... Go
"Walk the Walk!"
YOU DON'T NEED A TON OF EXPERIENCE to enter the National Tournament circuit. The average Amateur Fighter last year had less than 5 Amateur bouts. Believe it or not, many FIRST TIME Fighters entered as well and actually did quite well. So experience is not a big factor. What is, is a desire to be the best and to try to prove that against others who strive for the same challenging goal. To be the BEST. This isn't about the IKF! It's about YOU as a TRUE National Amateur Kickboxing Champion.
"If you don't win the National Title this year,
Why let someone else take
WEDNESDAY, April 5th, 2000, AT 10:50 AM
MuayThai Fighters In
Dear USA Amateur MuayThai fighters. We have received a lot of e-mail from many of you in regards to the 2000 IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Tournament. Many of you have inquired about registration dates, Regional Events you should attend etc. etc. Some of you have Regional Events in your area that you can attend while others do not. Of those who have Regional Events to attend, some of you have mentioned that the Regional Event you are requested to attend to is too far for you to travel or presented on a day that you cannot attend etc.. Because of some of these concerns, whether you're already registered to fight or not in a Regional Event in your area, we would like to ask ALL The Amateur MuayThai Fighters who wish to compete in the 2000 IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Tournament circuit to please contact us directly here at the IKF via e-mail at or by phone if you do not have access to e-mail at (916) 663-2467.
Because of the various issues many of you have brought up to us, we want to assure that you've been given the best possible opportunity to compete in the 2000 IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Tournament.
In addition, if you're a International / Leg Kick, Full Contact or San Shou Rules fighter and are having some of the same problems with registration into your Regional Event or don't have a Regional Event in your area, we ask that you too contact us here at the IKF Headquarters directly as well so we can assist you.
We will do our best to help you with some of the issues that have come up and provide you with the best opportunity possible to compete against yours peers to find the TRUE United States Amateur Champion at this years National Amateur Kickboxing Championship in September. We thank you for your response in advance.
NEWS OF 4-5-2000. . .
Know the
Difference Between
Amateurs And Pros!
Let us start off with some simple definitions that anyone can look up in any dictionary around the world.
Now that we have written the facts of these two words, Amateur and Professional, let us get into the heart of this issue. This special news piece is one we here at the IKF have been working on for some time now. It's a very important issue for us as well as the overall growth of the sport of kickboxing around the world. We have been back and forth as to how to present this issue to all of you and to make sure we don't offend anyone. We have decided "This Time" not to put any names in this article since we would like to set the record of fact straight at this time instead of pointing any fingers at anyone. We say, "At this Time" because if we continue to encounter the problems we have in the past with this issue, we will be forced, for the future growth of the sport to start pointing fingers at certain trainers and fighters who continue to abuse these 2 words, Amateur and Pro. Not only are they abusing the actual definition of "Amateur " and "Professional" in the sport of kickboxing but these amateur fighters and trainers who ask for money to fight also make the business of promoting more and more expensive for promoters. True, without fighters there would be no promoters. But it works both ways. Without promoters, the fighters would have no fights.
If a Promoter cannot afford a Professional fighters purse or he/she has met his limit as to what he wishes to spend on fight purses, he surly isn't looking to add to his expense list a purse for an amateur fighter. Why should he? Not to mention the expense of some athletic commissions for pro promoters licenses and other fees related to Professional Promotions. Unless you have promoted, you have no idea how expensive promoting can be. Many people do what we call "Spectators Math." What we mean here is the spectator who goes to a promotion and looks around, counts 500 people at $20 a head and truly believes a promoter "Profits" $10,000.00.
What they fail to calculate in is the expenses of an event. For example, the venue rent of $2,000+, venue insurance of $500.00, fighters insurance $500.00, hotels for fighters $500.00, Judges, Referee, Timekeeper etc. $500.00, event advertising, $1,000.00, long distance phone bills $250.00, fliers and posters $250.00, event security $250.00, ambulance stand-by $250.00, travel (Gas) expenses for fighters coming in $500.00, event programs $250.00, special event license $250.00 and before you know it, the promoter already has $7,000.00 into the event and we haven't even got to Professional fighters Purses. So if we have 4 Professional fighters, making $1,000.00 each, there goes the whole event income, and where is the pay for the promoter who took months planning the event? Who cares about sanctioning fees at this point. We lost our rears! Now, when an amateur wants to be paid? Imagine how much more money a promoter stands to lose... So where are all those people now who think the promoters make thousands of dollars in profit?
We can support a promoter paying an amateur a percentage of the tickets he or she sells. It's only fare if the fighter is a big draw or is assured to sell a lot of tickets to his/her gym, friends and family. Better yet for the fighter if he/she doesn't have their own promoter to promote them. So now with that foundation put down, let us express more of our reasons for this article.
There was a big reason why the IKF first started back in 1992 and it centered greatly around the issue of amateurs asking to be paid. We won't mention any names here but lets just say that we had a fighter from Southern California pull out of the main event title bout 3 days before one of our events because he wasn't going to be paid to fight. He and his trainer were going to get travel expenses, but we were not going to pay him for fighting. HE WAS AN AMATEUR! It was an AMATEUR event and an AMATEUR bout! Obviously we lost a great deal on the event since we had been building the main event up with the hometown fighter who was the local favorite for the main event. Does this sound familiar to any promoters out there? Of course it does.Amateur DO NOT GET PAID TO FIGHT! That's the bottom line FACT! If you want to get paid, it's simple, TURN PRO!
In addition to this, the IKF has taken a small amount of heat from some of the amateur fighters here in the United States about our desire for their safety in requiring them to wear headgear. We have had some Southern California promoters for example choose not to sanction with us because of this rule. Of the ones we still work with, they have informed us that they have had problems getting fighters to agree to use the headgear. Many of these fighters want their face to be seen or claim they don't even wear headgear when they spar in the gym. Other reasons include a fighter saying it blocks their vision, it's too heavy etc. etc. We have heard many reasons why amateurs don't want to wear headgear. However, we can say that across the United States, 90% of the amateur fighters we deal with have no problem with wearing headgear, especially after hearing our logical reasons for it. Many praise us for making a stand in the name of fighters safety. A praise we are proud of.
On the other hand, one of the main reasons a lot of amateur fighters got away from wearing headgear has been promoters. Again, were not pointing fingers here but the fact is, many promoters out there want the fights on their events to appear as Professional Kickboxing. The crowd knows no better and they truly believe they're watching Pro fights. When a fighter wears headgear, their status as an amateur is clear. A promoter here on the West Coast that started this trend years ago did so to be able to offer better TV fights. The audiences watching TV like the live audience at the events don't know whether these fighters are amateur or professional and if it's an amateur bout, you don't hear the announcers saying it is. For this reason, these promoters and the sanctioning organizations they work with believe "It just looks better for TV and sells for more money." True. But again, we here at the IKF are more concerned for a fighters safety and the future of their fighting careers. We like to look at the long term picture and not the short gain.
Lets look at this from a different angle. Lets compare the sports of kickboxing and boxing. Ask Lennox Lewis if he wears headgear when sparring in the gym. Ask Evander Holyfield if he wore headgear as an amateur. Ask Tony Lopez if he was ever paid to fight an amateur match for USA Boxing. Ask Oscar de la Hoya if he thought his amateur career helped build his skills better to prepare him for his professional career. The answers you will get back from these four Professional World Boxing Champions will be YES, YES, NO and YES! Now once you understand these issues, lets go a bit farther. Lets compare amateur and pro boxing and kickboxing in more detail;
So enough of comparing amateur kickboxing to amateur boxing. What we're trying to say here is that for years, many have been working the sport of kickboxing with the same ol tune. Well as many of you know, with the IKF, "The Game Has Changed!" It's clear that we have made some big changes for the sport because we're looking at the long run. The BIG PICTURE of the Sport! A NEW GAME! We want to offer amateur fighters a safe venue so they can properly learn the sport as a beginner. Then when ready, we want to offer them something greater than the old game has offered them. A reason to turn professional and get paid well for their hard earned skills instead of staying an amateur. Professional Kickboxing purses are the same if not less now then 20 years ago yet no one has pushed to improve the value of the sport for the long run. Too many organizations are in it for the quick buck instead of investing for the long haul. It's going to take time, but we here at the IKF are willing to invest the time and energy to Change The Game!
That's why our televised events and other forms of public exposure to the sport are so important. Plans such as our IKF kickboxing documentary videos, IKF Instructional video, books and magazines of the sport just to list a few examples. Not to mention our future plans for movies that those of the sport can be a part of. Yes, we're organizing big changes for the sport and a much brighter future for everyone, Not just the IKF. Remember, we think TEAM! A great future for the fighters as well as the trainers and the promoters. With a stronger media base and more sponsorship money available, the more financial support we can offer to gyms, trainers, fighter purses and promoters expenses. We may have to suffer in the beginning stages of the New Game with those who wish to work against the issues we've presented such as our firm stand on amateurs not getting paid to fight and our amateur headgear rule. However we can assure those who stand with us now will surly stand tall in the future. Someone needs to Change this Game because every organization before us hasn't improved it much. Only improved their own financial pockets and we want everyone to succeed with us. Again, Remember, we think TEAM! Now don't be sold by our words or let our press influence you. Talk is Cheap and many others have proved that in the past. Keep an eye on the IKF and watch for yourself. Let us prove to you we'll follow up what we say with ACTION. We only plan to do one thing... "Walk the Walk!" So we hope your already a part of the IKF TEAM when we prove this to everyone. If not, the game will surly pass you by because you will wake up one day and surly see that..., The Game Has Changed!
MONDAY, April 3rd, 2000, AT 2:00 PM
Arizona Results
Bartinelli Stops Downing
of Canada in 5th by TKO
IKF Promoter Clement Vierra is all smiles as his Fight Anthony Bartinelli (KB: 9-0/9, BX: 9-3/6 ) made some more waves in the IKF Pro Full Contact Rule Light Middleweight Rankings once again. In his second Pro kickboxing bout, Bartinelli stopped Thomas Downing (25-15-2/10) of Ontario, Canada on their event "Showdown In Arizona" last Tuesday night, March 28th, at the Midnight Rodeo Club in Phoenix Arizona. Bartinelli is a past IKF Amateur, International Rules United States Middleweight Champion. His first Pro kickboxing win was also a TKO when he stopped his opponent, Cecil Hagins in the 2nd round of their main event bout back on October 26th, 1999. Here's the nights results as well as more details of the main event below.
For more information, please contact Mr. Clement Vierra at (602) 493-1567.
SUNDAY, April 2nd, 2000, AT 4:50 PM
Milwaukee Features 11 Great Bouts!!
Milwaukee, WI, USA, by George Buse.Jason "Roadblock" Johnson (Milwaukee Phetnoi Gym) and Christian "King Cobra" Toleque (Indianapolis Siam Muaythai) both entered the ring with undefeated records, but after 15 minutes of non-stop, closely contested combat, Johnson emerged as the victor via split decision. Both warriors exhibited true grit throughout the 5 round, full rules (no pads, knees & elbows legal) professional muaythai bout. Toleque employed an effective pushkick along with punch combinations to keep Johnson at bay, but Johnson returned fire with penetrating leg kicks and an authoritative high switch kick. The bout was a real crowd pleaser, with both fighters displaying sound ring generalship and solid techniques. However, Johnson's constant pressure and thunderous shots gave him the upperhand and the split decision victory. A synopsis of this great see-saw battle and the undercard bouts can be seen below.
For more infoplease call Duke Roufus or Scott Joffe at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2 or e-mail them at or at For more information please visit the Phetnoi MuayThai Gym website at
FRIDAY, March 31st, 2000, AT 3:00 PM
MuayThai Time
In Milwaukee
USA Again!!
IKF Promoters Duke Roufus and Scott Joffe are all set to host another exciting night of MuayThai action at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex, 6000 West Ryan Road, Franklin Wisconsin, USA this Saturday night, April 1st.
This event took some bout hits earlier in the week when 4 different fighters pulled off the card. Some had valid excuses while others simply backed out for no given reason. Such the case with Light Heavyweight MuayThai Fighter Derek Yuen of Milwaukee, Wisconsin who's opponent, Paul Donaldson of Omaha, Nebraska dropped from their scheduled bout for no reason. These drops and others on other events obviously hurt an event greatly. Yuen had sold a lot of tickets to people who will be coming to the show in hopes to see him fight. Instead, he'll be in the crowd with them cheering for his fellow fighters. The issue has caused some debate here at the IKF Headquarters as to what to do to fighters who pull off events without valid excuses. Several ideas have come up from placing these fighters on a special page for promoters to be aware of to many other disciplinary ideas. What to do is a big question that many promoters face in todays promoting game. your ideas out there would be greatly appreciated if any of you have any. please e-mail them in to us.
The Milwaukee card will still feature many great MuayThai bouts including Pro MuayThai Heavyweight Sensation, Jason Johnson of Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA vs Christian "King Cobra" Toleque originally from Paris France now training out of Sakasam's camp in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Johnson is scheduled to face Kevin Rosier of Buffalo New York, USA as a Special Saturday Night Feature bout on the June 17th IKF/RINGSIDE Regional Event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
FFor more infoplease call Duke Roufus or Scott Joffe at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2 or e-mail them at or at For more information please visit the Phetnoi MuayThai Gym website at
WEDNESDAY, March 29th, 2000, AT 10:45 PM
MuayThai Fighters NEEDED
In Milwaukee,
IKF Promoter Duke Roufus is looking for some Amateur MuayThai Fighters to fill some bouts for his event scheduled for this Saturday night, April 1st in Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA. Roufus is mainly looking for a Light Heavyweight MuayThai Fighter (165 to 178 lbs) to fight Derek Yuen (7 wins, 3 loses, 6' ) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Yuen's opponent, Paul Donaldson of Omaha, Nebraska pulled out of the fight earlier today. Roufus is also looking for other Amateur MuayThai fighters in other weights to fill some spots on the same event this weekend.
For more infoplease call Duke Roufus or Scott Joffe at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2 or e-mail them at or at For more information please visit the Phetnoi MuayThai Gym website at
MONDAY, March 27th, 2000, AT 7:00 PM
In Arizona"
Set For Tuesday Night!
IKF Promoter Clement Vierra is ready to go for his upcoming event tomorrow night, March 28th entitled, "Showdown In Arizona". Vierra's promotional company, Hard Knocks Gym will host the event at the Midnight Rodeo Club in Phoenix Arizona, USA. The main event will feature past IKF Amateur, International Rules United States Middleweight Champion, Anthony Bartinelli (KB: 8-0/8, BX: 9-3/6 ) of Phoenix, Arizona, USA vs Thomas Downing (25-14-2/10) of Ontario, Canada.
Bartinelli officially vacated his amateur title on October 18th 1999 to move into the Pro Full Contact Rule Rankings. He made his pro debut this last fall on October 26th at the same venue in Arizona. On that night, Bartinelli knock out his opponent, Cecil Hagins in the 2nd round of their main event bout. Hagins went down three times in the final round. The first knockdown came with a right hook after a right roundhouse kick. The 2nd time was after a combo of punches, two left hooks then a straight right hand. The 3rd and final time was after a right hand, left hook then right hand.
Downing last fought for the IKF in Redding California on December 17th, 1999 at the Win River Casino. In the bout he faced Dave Marinoble of Roseville, California, USA for the vacant IKF Full Contact Rule Super Middleweight North American Title. Marinoble stopped Downing at 1:04 of the third round.
Downing will be out to prove he has more to offer than he did against Marinoble against Bartinelli and Bartinelli will hope to continue his undefeated run as a kickboxer. Whatever the outcome, one thing is for sure. There's clear to be a Showdown In Arizona Tomorrow night!! For more information, please contact Mr. Clement Vierra at (602) 493-1567.
NEWS OF 3-27-2000. . .
Coming later in the week, Results from
From Nebraska
THURSDAY, March 23rd, 2000, AT 2:30 AM
Set For Nebraska USA!
IKF Nebraska Representative Mick Doyle and Jay Beckby of Punch Promotions are all set to host this Saturday nights MARCH MAYHEM at the Hastings City Auditorium in Hastings, Nebraska, USA. The event will feature IKF Amateur MuayThai and ISCF Amateur Submission Bouts. For more information, contact Mr. Mick Doyle at (402) 498-9592 or by e-mail by clicking HERE or contact Mr. Jay Beckby at (402) 462-2636.
NEWS OF 3-23-2000. . .
Fighters Advance in Boxing's
Golden Gloves!
IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Full Contact Rules Champions Dave Pareja and Tim Mazurkiewicz have both advanced to the semi-finals in the Chicago, Illinois, USA Golden Gloves. Pareja is fighting in the light heavyweight open division. He won Tuesday night by decision. Mazurkiewicz fought Wednesday (March 15th) and won with a 2nd round TKO. Mazurkiewicz also fought this last Tuesday night as well and won with a 1st round TKO. They both fought again last night, Wednesday the 22nd, but the results were not available at this press time. (12:20 AM) The winners advance to the finals. The two are representing B & Z Boxing Club from Freeport Illinois, USA. Mazurkiewicz will be representing B & Z Kickboxing Club (TEAM THUMP) at the IKF regionals as well. Congratulations guys and keep up the great work!
WEDNESDAY, March 22nd, 2000, AT 4:00 PM
Owens Ready To Defend U.S. Title
IKF Amateur Full Contact Rules Welterweight Champion Gary Owens of San Jose CA, USA has found himself in familier territory with other Amateur Champions. Two and a half years ago, Owens won his title after stopping past Champion Kimo Kekai of Roseville, CA, USA at 1:23 of the first round with 3 solid body shots. The event was promoted by IKF Promoter Dan Verdugo in Redding California on July 24th, 1997. After winning the title, Owens and trainer Javiar Mendez had hoped to have several challenges. However, Owens injured his knee and surgery took him out of the fight game for over a year.
For some time now, IKF Florida State Full Contact Rules Champion, Derrick Samuels of Orlando Florida has been wanting to meet Owens to challenge for his US Title. Samuel's had hoped to meet Owens at last years IKF/RINGSIDE National Championship Tournament but rehabilitation of Owen's knee surgery forced him to miss the event. Samuels ended up winning the Welterweight Full Contact Rules National Tournament Championship which made him eligble to face Owens for his U. S. Title. (The two are different, one a National Tournament Championship, the other a U.S. Title) After the Tournament last year, IKF Promoter Caroline Mixon of Orlando Florida was willing to bring Owens to Florida to face Samuels. However, again, Owens was still rehabiliting from his knee surgery. Since than, Mixon accepted a big promotion with her job which brought her to close her gym to focus more on her job, leaving Owens without a local promoter to promote the bout.
Although, this match still appeared good and possible on paper, the two still needed a promoter to put the match on. Something that many fighters don't fully understand is that it takes money to promote events and most amateur promoters only bring local fighters in for their events to fight fighters they train at their gym or other local fighters they feel can bring in ticket sales. A valid reason for every promoter. However, to bring someone across the country was an expense many promoters were not willing to put out. To make this work, some promoter would either need to fly Samuels to California or Owens to Florida and since neither Owens or Samuels trainers are promoters, they would need a promoter willing to find the match worthy enough to justify the costs of bringing the other opponent in.
To give everyone some insight to the fight game here, the fighters who have trainers who are promoters are usually going to get a lot more oppoortunities to fight since they are assured to get fights on their trainers events. In addition, these same trainers who promote can now work out trade deals with other trainer/promoters to exchange fighters for each others events. Also, even if the fighters phone never rings for other promoters events, they can still fight on their trainers events. This is usually an issue when it comes to pros as well. Many promoters work out exchange deals around the world where one trainer/promoter in Europe may bring a USA fighter or fighters over and in exchange, the USA trainer/promoter does the return deal with the same number of fighters or if pro fighters, they can also match the purses to assure all is even. This is a great way for trainers/promoters to justifty the expense of bringing in an international fighter to assure his/her fighters will get international experience and travel as well. Fighters who do not have a trainer who promotes are left with the hope a promoter will book them on their events as in Samuels and Owens case. |
Enter IKF Official and Promoter Dan Stell of Fairfield, California, USA. Stell got to see Samuels fight this last month in Daytona Beach Florida and he's also seen Owens fight as well. Being impressed with them both, Stell has offered to put the two together on his May 20th event in Fairfield California.
Owens and trainer Javiar Mendez of American Kickboxing Academy in San Jose California were glad to accept, especially since we had made it appear that Owens was not defending his title in a previous press on this page. "Gary will do the fight on the 20th. The only problem he has is the claim that Gary is the U.S. Champ, but he has not defended the title, when in fact no one has contacted me regarding this fight until now." said Owens trainer Javiar Mendez.
Let us apologize to both Owens and Mendez publically, for that was not our intention at all. Our point we were trying to make was about the NEED to bring all the best fighters together to meet at the National Tournament each year. Again, Owens couldn't attend the tournament due to the rehabilitation of his knee injury. In addition, as we said previously, the only promoter to ever ask for Owens to defend his title on their event was Caroline Mixon in Orlando last year. During that time, the IKF had allowed Owens time to rehibilitate after his knee surgery. Regardless of Samuels or anyone challeng him, if Owens does not have a promoter to promote him, it's not his fault the bout couldn't happen. The bout would still need a promoter so challenges on any level, pro or amateur are easier said than done.
So again, we apologize to Mr. Owens and look forward to bringing these two great amateur welterweights together to find the true United States Champion on May 20th in Fairfield, California, USA. At 5'7, the 23 year old, U.S. Champion Owens of San Jose, CA, USA enters the bout with a record of 3 wins, 1 loss with 2 wins by knockout. He also has some amateur boxing experience to add to that record. Current U.S. National Tournament Champion Derrick Samuels of Orlando Florida, USA is 18 years old and 5'6" tall. He enters the bout with 12 wins, no loses and 6 wins coming by TKO or KO. He too has had amateur boxing experience. This is a bout that has waited a long time and if your close by, try to make it out to this one. East meets West to determine who truly is the best United States Amateur Welterweight Full Contact Rules Fighter in the title showdown in Fairfield, California on May 20th. Hope to see you there...
NEWS OF 3-22-2000. . .
"Ring Of Fire"
IKF Colorado Promoter Sven Bean Ring of Fire event at Red & Jerry's Event Center in Denver, Colorado, USA was a Fantastic Success. The event was sold out before the doors even opened as we reported here last Friday and if the venue was bigger, it could have easily held many more.
In his pro debut, past IKF U.S. MuayThai Amateur Champion Duane "Bang!" Ludwig of Aurora, Colorado USA defeated Terris James of Albq. New Mexico, USA by unanimous decision in what was a 5 round WAR! More on this bout below. AKKA Karate has a super strong team and did very well winning several of their fights. Here's a full event report;
IKF Colorado:
Many special thanks go to: Brian Larsen, Jesse Chavez, Will Hendricks, Ron "H2O"Waterman, Larry Parker, Ray Sefo, Evan Tanner, Cecil Peoples, Brent Medley, Aaron Williams, Kim Yee., Victory Sports,, Rockies Auto, Profile Auto and Glass, Red and Jerry's, Tigron Martial Arts supply, Lisa Langen, Jane Lanzel, Dante and Keith Folino, and last but certainly not least Sgt. Jerry NOSHAME Roeder
For more event info please contact Mr. Sven Bean by Phone/Fax: (303) 400-1756 or e-mail by clicking HERE!
NEWS OF 3-22-2000. . .
Below Posted At 11:30 AM
St. Louis,
IKF Promoter Jessie Finney is looking for 4 fighters to complete his upcoming April 15th card entitled, "MIDWEST FIGHT FEST". Mr. Finney is looking for the following Amateur Full Contact Rules Fighters that live in the Midwest USA area;
He also needs a male Amateur BOXER that weighs between 230-265 that will fight an opponent with a record of 5 wins and 0 loses.
The event is scheduled to take place at the Union Plaza at 300 S. Grand in St. Louis, Missouri, USA on April 15th. If your a fighter or trainer who lives in the Midwest USA and can fill one or several of these positions, please contact Mr. Jesse Finney at (314) 351-5226. Thank you.
Still To Come... IKF Corpus Christy, Texas USA Results...
MONDAY, March 20th, 2000, AT 6:20 PM
Familiar Faces Of The
Record Weekend Wins!
Although they were not IKF Sanctioned events, several familiar faces of the IKF had some impressive showings over the weekend. In Las Vegas Nevada Friday night, IKF World Champion Kongnapa of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA won by KO over Pascal LaFluer in the first round. IKF Champion Don Wilson of Los Angeles, California USA won a 10 round majority decision over Dewey Cooper of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Number 2 IKF Ranked Super Heavyweight Jerome LeBanner of LeHavre, France knocked out Vassilikos in the 2nd round.
Also known to the IKF on the same Las Vegas event was MuayThai Intercontinental Champion Richard Kostuck of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. However Kostuck didn't fare so well being stopped by Jamel Kamel in the first round. Number 5 IKF Ranked Jr. Middleweight MuayThai fighter Alex Gong of Fairtex, San Francisco, California, USA didn't do so well either losing a decision over Kit Cope of Las Vegas Nevada. We were told that Cope usually fights 2 weight classes lower than the weight the fight was at. We were also told Gong had been sick all week as well.
At another event in Tustin, California, IKF World MuayThai Champion Danny Steele of Los Angeles, CA, USA won a 5 round unanimous decision over Kadur Marouff of France and number 4 IKF ranked welterweight Melchor Manor of San Diego, CA, USA defeated BM (Last name unknown) from Thailand by decision as well.
On Saturday night March 18th at Perth's Altone Leasure Centre in Australia, 2 time IKF Women's World Champion, Holly Ferneley and two time Australian Muay thai champion Marita Williamson squared off as the main event of the night for a World Title. It was a hard match that went the distance and in the end Ferneley added her 3rd World Title Belt to her collection. It was the first time that women were a main event in Western Australia's fight history. Ferneley was the main event on an IKF event in Eastern Australia (Sydney) just a couple of weeks ago when she won her second IKF World Title.
FRIDAY, March 17th, 2000, AT 3:15 PM
Of Fire
In Denver Colorado...
IKF Promoter Sven Bean of Denver, Colorado, USA is all set to host his "Ring of Fire" event this Saturday night, March 18th, 2000 at Red & Jerry's Event Center in Denver, Colorado, USA. The Main Event of the night will feature the professional MuayThai debut of past IKF U.S. MuayThai Amateur Champion Duane "Bang!" Ludwig of Aurora, Colorado USA vs Terris James of Albq. New Mexico, USA. IKF Referee Cecil Peoples of California will be the event referee. Doors open at 6:30 PM, bouts start at 7:30, However, the event is already a sell out... Sorry... For more event info please contact Mr. Sven Bean by Phone/Fax: (303) 400-1756 or e-mail by clicking HERE
NEWS OF 3-17-2000. . .
Jimmy Stewert
Ready To Heat Up The Middleweights!
At 9 Pro Wins and no loses with 4 KO's and an amateur record of 27 wins, 5 loses, 2 draws, IKF Pro Full Contact Rules Pennsylvania State Middleweight Champion Jimmy Stewert of Butler Pennsylvania, USA wants a shot at one of the other IKF Middleweight titles. He has more bouts and more wins then each of the top IKF Middleweight Title holders who include;
However, despite all these title holders, the one who may shine above them all when all is said and done may be non IKF Title holder Trevor Ambrose of Bournemouth, England with a record of 96 wins, 15 loses with 76 KO's. Although it wasn't an IKF event, the outcome of last weekends Middleweight bout in Sacramento, California, USA for another organizations World title between Regan and Lex Easdon of Scotland made many in the middleweight class take a different look at things. Many thought IKF North American Champion Eric Regan would stand taller than them all but despite his 6'4 height he had more than a rough time against the 5'10" tall Easdon. Easdon had stopped Ambrose a few months back to take his world title but Ambrose had some heavy mental issues on his mind having just lost his brother the week of the bout. A rematch was accepted by Easdon but since he didn't want to promote it and Ambrose had no promoter, Ambrose was past by for Regan. Regan had a promoter to host the bout so he got the shot. Although Regan won the bout and the title in question, the bout itself and the end bring questions now about Regan's ability. Easdon put on a show and rocked Regan in every round fought until the end. He hit Regan so hard in round 2 that Regan took the first standing 8 count of his life that left him in trouble most of the bout. However, despite Easdon dominating the bout, the bout was stopped at 1:45 of round 7 by the doctor after Easdon said he couldn't see out of his eye. Many thought Regan should have walked through Easdon but that didn't happen at all. At the time of the stop, Easdon was clearly ahead on all 3 judges cards:
So was Regan's performance a fluke? Regardless if he and Easdon rematch, it doesn't concern many around here. The real question is "Who holds the IKF World Title?" If Marinoble isn't the one, Ambrose will
surly be put ahead of all the others...But watch out Middleweights... |
NEWS OF 3-17-2000. . .
Corpus Christy
IKF Promoter Walt Mason is scheduled to host tomorrow nights amateur kickboxing action in Corpus Christy, Texas. No bout line-up was received for this event by press time so if you need or would like more event information, please contact Mr. Walt Mason at (972) 239-5053 or e-mail by clicking HERE
THURSDAY, March 16th, 2000, AT 4:30 PM
Muay Thaimes
Voice of Kickboxing... Or MUAY THAI!
We are very pleased to introduce Muay Thaimes, the new bimonthly publication dedicated to the complete coverage of MuayThai, International, and Full-Contact rules kickboxing. The first issue was released on Monday, February 21, 2000.
As many of you are already aware, there has been a surge in the popularity level of kickboxing worldwide over the last several years. However, without a significant print publication to act as a voice for the sport, kickboxing's growth is limited at best. The primary objective of Muay Thaimes, therefore, is to provide competitors, trainers, promoters, and fans with a means of being heard and with a means of following the sport on a regular basis. The writers of Muay Thaimes plan to keep their readers on the cutting edge of kickboxing by bringing them in-depth news coverage of kickboxing events throughout the world as well as breaking news stories from within various factions of the sport.
Muay Thaimes will provide its readers with updated world professional and amateur fighter rankings, feature stories on the world's finest professional and amateur fighters, and feature stories on world renowned kickboxing coaches and promoters. Tips and techniques to improve your kickboxing skills will be provided courtesy of some of the finest trainers in the sport.
The publication is dedicated to keeping it's readers informed so that continuity and order are finally established within the world of kickboxing. This will help further the growth of our exciting sport amongst the public and benefit everyone involved. If you have any questions or comments, please call Muay Thaimes Publisher, Michael Afromowitz at (516) 647-4583 or send him an email at Also, be on the lookout for their forthcoming website,
Muay Thaimes - The Voice of Kickboxing
P. O. Box 132, Valley Stream, NY, 11582 USA. Phone: (516) 647-4583, Fax: (516) 295-2008, Email:
TUESDAY, March 14th, 2000, AT 2:00 AM
Daytona Rumble
Rocks The Beach!
It was a record crowd for last weeks Daytona Beach Bike Week 2000. (Founded from Harley Davidson Motorcycle Owners) Experts estimated the crowd to be well over 700,000 which made traffic and parking a big problem for promoters Sean Wohl and Larry Jones' Daytona Rumble on Saturday night, March 11th. Regardless, the event was great and featured 8 exciting amateur bouts.
The night we arrived in Daytona Beach we were introduced to rock star Eddie Money by promoter Sean Wohl. Money was at the hotel for a concert. Wohl had trained in Karate with him back in New York where Wohl was raised. At dinner we met the Publisher and Editor of Karate International Magazine, Michael DePasquale Jr. (Who was also a special guest at the event the following night) DePasquale also hosts one of the largest martial arts internet sites, "Martial Arts Worldwide Network" that can be found by clicking this link On event night, the Molly Hatchet band held a concert that packed the outside patio at the PLAZA RESORT & SPA hotel while in the Grand Ballroom we all got ready for the nights kickboxing action. Here's the rundown of the nights bouts;
Samuels hadn't come up to the event to fight though. He had traveled to the event with Team Dynamic who brought up both Eccle brothers and Scurry as mentioned above. After Wilson was informed exactly who and his full ring record, Wilson and his trainer, Bill Robinson wanted to take the fight anyway if Samuels was willing to step in. "We might as well find out now who's the best Welterweight in the Nation is now" said Robinson. Samuels had no problem with the request to step in.
As the bout started, Samuels had no desire to go easy after he saw Wilson wanted to start off quick as well. Samuels quickly shut Wilson down and forced the first knockdown of the round before the 1 minute mark. After the count Samuels quickly went back to work and knocked Wilson down again. Finally after Samuels closed in to finish Wilson with a barrage of punches and kicks, referee Dan Stell stepped in to stop the bout at the end of the first round. There were no questions about the stop as it was clear Wilson got a front row seat to see who truly is the best in the Amateur Full Contact Rules Super Welterweight class.
This was a great event and our hats go off to both Wohl and Jones. It was well organized and located in a beautiful venue that will also host the upcoming IKF/RINGSIDE SOUTH - EAST 1 Regional on July 28, 29, 30. The regional is the first step for amateurs in the South East towards the National Amateur Tournament in September. There is talk Wohl may host an amateur event sometime in May but nothing confirmed as of yet. For more info contact Mr. Larry Jones at (904) 238-1001 or Mr. Sean Wohl at (904) 253-5141 or Larry by e-mail by clicking HERE or Sean by e-mail by clicking HERE!
NEWS OF 3-14-2000. . .
AMATEUR National Titles!
Derrick Samuels, (Who fought in the event reported above) like "SEVERAL" other IKF/RINGSIDE Amateur National USA Tournament Champions has been waiting for his mandatory title match against current IKF U. S. Title holder Gary Owens of San Jose, CA, USA since September of last year. The two titles are different U. S. titles but this year, may become the same, depending upon how the title scene in the IKF is finally structured.
This year, the IKF is working towards the structure of Amateur Boxing in making the most prestigious National Amateur Title the one that's won at the IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Championships each year. Last year, Samuels won the IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Tournament title in the Full Contact Welterweight division. Last year, Owens' as other IKF U.S. Amateur Title holders didn't register or attend a regional event let alone the National Championships. Both Samuels and Owen's now hold IKF U. S. Titles in the FCR Welterweight class. The question among their peers now is "What Title is worth more?" The clear answer coming back is "Unless you win it at the Nationals through the tournament process, as in amateur boxing, the other titles are just a belt."
In 2000, even the IKF is looking to "Clean Up" the title scene in amateur kickboxing. For one thing, there are many amateur fighters in various organizations who hold the exact same title. Many of these organizations don't keep track of their amateur champions. In addition, it's not uncommon for two fighters from practically across the street to fight each other for what they "THINK" is a true National Title.
Many organizations offer these big titles just to please the promoters they're working with. A prime example of this was this past weekend where 2 fighters from Northern California fought for another organizations United States title. OK, maybe this can be OK, but what made it terrible was that although one was a good fighter, her opponent was not. One of the fighters true fight record was only 2 wins and 4 loses. However, the promoter advertised her as 4 wins and 1 loss. Even so, for a "U. S. Title??" This kind of thing happens all the time around the world with these organizations. Two fighters from the same state in the USA fighting for an amateur title while the same title is being fought for in another part of the US or somewhere else in the world. With the invention of the internet, hopefully people will start to realize that until you fight "The Best" in the Nation (As the IKF/Ringside National Tournament process brings the amateurs to do) how can these fighters call themselves "The Best Anymore?"
Back to the Owens vs Samuels bout, Owen's has been rehabilitating a knee injury but the time is now or never for Owen's and Samuels to meet. Why? Owen's, like many of the other past IKF U.S. Champions won his title on an IKF event without facing all the nationally ranked contenders. The best were in Council Bluff's Iowa for the National Championships last year and Owens like the other IKF US Champions didn't attend their IKF/RINGSIDE Amateur Regional Tournament last year as well as the IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Championship Finals in September. Now these champions ability among his peers is in question.
The goal of the IKF is to have a National Championship Tournament each and every year to determine who "TRULY" is the best in their weightclass and rule style. Samuels proved among his peers at last years finals that he IS the best right now in the Amateur FCR Welterweight Division. If Owens' wants to prove differently, he will need to face Samuels in the ring, however it's easier said than done. First a promoter will need to bring the two together which will be an expense in itself since Samuels lives in Florida on the East Coast USA and Owens in California on the West Coast USA.
This travel issue points out another reason why the National Tournament works better. It brings the best to one place as in amateur boxing. Sure, the fighters must pay their own way to get to the National Championships, but look at amateur boxing. Sponsors are found, donations, team fund raisers etc. etc. Last year, the most inspiring story came out of Camp Pendleton when Team Hamil traveled by "CAR" the entire distance, 1,630 miles with their team of fighters. Their efforts and the efforts of many others such as Samuels team from Orlando Florida, proved that if fighters want to be recognized by their peers and fans of the sport as the best, they will find a way to get to the Championships.
In addition, with the IKF TV deal this year, the best amateurs will be featured in a special program "IKF Amateurs - The Best of the Best on the Road To The Nationals!"
NEWS OF 3-14-2000. . .
East Meets West
IKF Official as well as part time Promoter Dan Stell of Fairfield can sympathize with Samuels and knows of Gary Owens as well. So he's brought it to our attention that he would like to give each the opportunity to truly see who's the best FCR Welterweight in the Nation. He'd like to bring Samuels and Owens together on his May 20th event in Fairfield, CA, USA. Neither fighter is trained by Stell but his desire is that of many. To truly find out who is the BEST in the Nation. If he can do it, Stell will be the first IKF Promoter to put an IKF/RINGSIDE National Tournament Champion against an IKF Event National Title Holder head to head on an event outside the National Championship Tournament to see who truly is the best.
For 2000, Owens could face losing his title unless he fights Samuels or attends the regional tournament in his area depending what will be ruled on in the next month with the IKF. We don't mean to point a finger at Owens, it's just that he's in Samuels way to be the undisputed Amateur Welterweight FCR Champion. There are several other IKF U.S. Champions out there as well that face the same fate. They include Full Contact Rules Champions Billy Beach and Brett Spaid of Citrus Heights, California, USA. International Rules U.S. Champions include Juan Escobar of Gilroy, California, USA, Yia Mua of Fresno, California, USA, Tony Haddock Orlando, Florida, USA, Jason Williamson and Boyd Murphy of Bakersfield, California, USA, Richard Kresechuk of Venice, California, USA, and MuayThai U.S. Champions Steven Berkoluyko of Brooklyn, New York, USA and Harry Vicarro of San Diego, CA, USA. There's only 1 fighter in the IKF Amateur woman's divisions. Marisol Esquilin of Orlando Florida, USA. Trisha Hill of Lawerenceville, Georgia, USA just won an IKF U.S. title against Tracy Kuschel of Omaha, Nebraska, USA. (See Below) The only reason the IKF approved the challenge was because Kuschel was awarded the title by Forfeit without fighting at the regional or National level. At the time, Hill and her trainer didn't even know of the National Tournament process. As mentioned, this decision about IKF Us National title bouts will be decided within a month. Your comments would be appreciated. Please e-mail them to the IKF at this link
NEWS OF 3-14-2000. . .
IKF Promoter Andy Foster of Dalton Georgia had to be pleased with the excitement the amateur women's title bout brought to his event last Saturday nights March 10 at "The Rumble Down South" in Dalton, GA, between Trisha Hill of Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA and Tracy Kuschel of Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Kuschel was defending her IKF United States Bantomweight International Rules Title she won by forfeit at last years IKF/RINGSIDE USA National Amateur Championships. As posted below, these two had met before in Colorado last year, but this time it was for a IKF title.
As the bout began, Kurshel started out very strong by throwing hard combinations, powerful kicks, and spinning back fists. Once she settled into the fight, however, Hill responded with a barrage of leg kicks, devastating punches, and kicks to the inner thighs of Kurshel. Kurshel then retaliated by using her powerful left hook.
At the start of the second round, Hill was ready for Kurshel with a series of front kicks and outside leg kicks. Hill continued her assault with additional inside split kicks to the inner thighs of Kurshel. Kurshel countered briefly with powerful round kicks and left hooks. Hill then threw a left hook of her own and a lead leg side kick that dropped Kurshel to the ground. At almost halfway through the second round, Hill then threw a spinning side kick that connected her heel to Kurshel's ribs, that dropped her in pain from the blow. The count by the referee was stopped short as it was clear she wasn't going to be able to continue.
Hill was awarded the IKF United States Bantomweight International Rules Title by KO. For more info, please contact Mr. Andy Foster at (706) 277-4165 or Mr. Simon Chung via e-mail by clicking this link by clicking HERE
FRIDAY, March 10th, 2000, AT 1:20 AM
Friday Night's
Georgia, USA
Kuschel Set To Defend Her IKF United States Bantomweight International Rules Title Against Hill
IKF Promoter Andy Foster of Dalton Georgia is ready to give the girls a night out on the town tonight Friday the 10th of March. Foster will host tonights IKF Dalton Georgia event. It's time for the IKF amateur women to take the spotlight as Tracy Kuschel of Omaha, Nebraska, USA ( 1-4/1, 5'2", 30) defends her IKF United States Bantomweight International Rules Title she won by forfeit at last years IKF/RINGSIDE USA National Amateur Championships.Kuschel will face off in a rematch against Trisha Hill of Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA (4-0/1, 5'3", 24).
These two went at it back on October 17th, 1999 in Denver, Colorado, USA in a scheduled 3 round non title bout. In the second round, Hill overwhelmed Kuschel with punch after punch each time she pressed her. In the second round, after a fury of punches by Hill, referee Tom Yoshida stopped the bout at 1:25 of the second round. While the winning of an IKF U.S. title will be on Hill's mind this time, revenge will be on Kuschel's. In addition Kuschel herself feels she has something to prove from her last several performances.
To begin with, in the regional qualifying event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last year, Kuschel entered but her opponent dropped out and she was given a free ride to the Nationals. At the National Championships she was scheduled to face off against Thong Souksavath of Nashville, Tennessee trained by Jeff Hargis ( 2-1/0, 5'3", 22). Although Souksavath and her trainer confirmed they were going to be at the Nationals they never showed up. So, by the rules and regulations set for the National, Kuschel was awarded the title by forfeit. Since then Kuschel has fought three times, losing all 3. However, one was a special bout where on November 11, 1999 she fought in a Special Exhibition. A Special Male vs Female bout entitled, as usual under these circumstances, "Battle of the Sexes" where she faced Matt Bentley in a three round bout that, Bentley won 30-26, 29-28, 30-27.
Her next outing was the one with Hill in Colorado on October 17th. Her last bout was a MuayThai Rules bout in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she faced off against Rachel Thomas (124, 3-5/1) of Phetnoi MuayThai Gym in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US. Thomas used a strong jab and an aggressive fighting style to defeat Kuschel by unanimous decision, 29-28, 30-27 & 30-27.
Hill as been busy but no fight report was available since she fought Kuschel back in October. Zack Day will be the Associate IKF Representative at the event. For more info, please contact Mr. Andy Foster at (706) 277-4165 or Mr. Simon Chung via e-mail by clicking this link by clicking HERE
NEWS OF 3-10-2000. . .
Saturday Night's Wohl and Jones Looking For Great Action as Bike Week & Spring Break Meet! | ||
Where better than to have an IKF Kickboxing event than smack dab in the middle of 500,000 people at this years "BIKE WEEK" in Daytona Beach Florida USA. IKF Florida Representative Sean Wohl and promotional partner Larry Jones picked this Saturday night, March 11th to host this years Daytona Rumble. As one e-mailer to us put it earlier this week, "There will be thousands of Bikes, Beer and Babes Roaming the streets of Daytona". Promoters Jones and Wohl hope to have some of them inside watching IKF Kickboxing while Molly Hatchet plays next door. What a weekend! Bike Week runs from March 3rd through the 12th and this year celebrates the 59th Anniversary in Daytona Beach. IKF Daytona Rumble Kickboxing will take place Saturday night, March 11th at the PLAZA RESORT & SPA, 600 N. Atlantic Avenue (800) 767-4741 (904) 255-4471 Daytona Beach. As if that won't be enough excitement, Daytona Beach Spring Break officially begins this weekend as well and runs through the 26th of March. Its a great weekend to be in Daytona Beach so if you get a chance, stop in and say hello and watch some great fight action. |
IKF Head of Officials Dan Stell will attend the event as special guest and be the event referee as will IKF President Steve Fossum as the IKF Event Representative. For more info contact Mr. Larry Jones at (904) 238-1001 or Mr. Sean Wohl at (904) 253-5141 or Larry by e-mail by clicking HERE or Sean by e-mail by clicking HERE! |
NEWS OF 3-10-2000. . .
Champ Stewert
Wins In Boxing!
IKF Pro Full Contact Rules Pennsylvania State Middleweight Champion Jimmy Stewart of Butler Pennsylvania made his pro boxing debut a success a week ago. Stewert knocked out Steve McDivitt of Bradford at 2:35 of the 3rd round. "I hurt my leg a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to box" Stewert said. "But on April 15th, I will kickbox again to get closer to the World Title."
At 9 Pro Wins and no loses with 4 KO's and an amateur record of 27 wins, 5 loses, 2 draws, Stewert has more bouts and more wins then each of the top title holders, including the current IKF World Champion, Tommy Kimber of Salem, Massachusetts, USA (AM KB: 8-3/2, PRO KB: 16-1/10) In knowing this, he may be closer than he thinks for that shot. "If we can get a match with him and one of the top guys in the middleweight division such as Marinoble, Regan or Robbie it will give us a better idea of where he's at." says IKF President Steve Fossum. Marinoble currently holds the IKF U.S. Middleweight Title along with the IKF Super Middleweight North American title. Robbie from Scotland is the IKF British Champion.
Standing head and shoulders above them all in height is 6'4"Eric Regan (18-0/12) who holds the IKF North American Middleweight Title. Regan and is fighting for a different World Title this weekend, not the IKF due to some issues we have with the promoter. But regardless, Good Luck to You Eric! We here at the IKF know that "YOU" are an Honorable Class Act and we truly support you and wish you the best in your career.
The fighter who may be most ready for ANY of them though is Trevor Ambros of Bournemouth, England with a record of 96 wins, 15 loses and 76 knockouts. Ambros lost his brother a few months back and had to defend his title later in the same week. He was winning but was caught by a punch and lost by TKO in the later rounds. Along with the loss, he lost his World Title in another organization as well. Many have commented that Ambros won't get his deserved rematch because he doesn't have a promoter for the sanctioning body to work with. Regan does so he'll get the shot instead, allowing him to side step past Ambros. No slam to Regan. He's a GREAT Fighter! But it's the truth. Could Regan beat Ambros? Who knows, we may never see now since Ambros lost his title the way he did which probably would have never happened under better personal circumstances. However we can say it would be a great fight and probably the best competition for Regan ever. But it may never happen due to politics with the promoters, trainers and organizations involved. Oh well.
So who will face IKF World Champion Tommy Kimber? If not Ambros, Marinoble is ready and waiting. However, maybe Marinoble and Stewert first and don't count Robbie out. Although he only has 9 wins in 9 pro bouts, all 9 have been wins by KO or TKO. Stewert fights again April 15th in Butler PA. His opponent has yet to be announced. The next 2 months should paint a better picture for the FCR Middleweight division. Lets wait and see...
NEWS OF 3-10-2000. . .
The following article is
not by the IKF.
We thought it was such a
ridiculous ruling that we wanted to share it with you...
Who are these
people who decide these things anyway.......??
Thai Boxing
By JACK BOLAND, TORONTO SUN, Thursday, March 9, 2000
Thai boxing was dealt a knockout blow yesterday in a Brampton courtroom, and it may be a long time before the sport returns to fight again in Canada. Ontario court justice Judge Nancy Kastner ruled that Muay-Thai boxing is "inherently dangerous" and contravenes Section 83 of the Canadian Criminal code, which prohibits unsanctioned prize fights. "The boxing gloves were mere window dressing, given the multiple blows delivered by elbows, knees and feet to largely unprotected parts of the opponents' heads and bodies," Kastner said of the martial art, which has been practised without regulation in Ontario for years.
The case arose from a Sept. 12, 1998 bout which was covered by The Toronto Sun. "The fight of Sept. 12, 1998 was inherently dangerous ... (and) had insufficient safeguards to prevent serious bodily harm, incapacitation or possibly death of any of the combatants," Kastner said in her ruling. Under Ontario laws, boxing and kick-boxing promoters must provide safety measures for each show, such as pre- and post-fight medicals, ringside doctors, headgear, etc. "This sends a clear message right across Canada, that promoters have to consider the health and safety of the athletes," Ken Hayashi, Ontario athletics commissioner who attended the 1998 bout, said. "They're not just a money-making machine on the backs of the fighters." Gerald Ching and David Rows of the Martial Arts Fighting Academy in Mississauga were found guilty of promoting, encouraging and permitting a prize fight to occur on their premises. Each was fined $1,200 and ordered to give $100 to a charitable organization (the Hospital for Sick Children). Ching and Rows said they would appeal the decision.
MUST MAKE CHANGES: Hayashi said he would be willing to sit down with the Thai boxing community in Canada to discuss ways of bringing the sport in line with regulations regarding combat sports. "They want to do Thai boxing, and I understand that," the commissioner said. "But they have to get changes implemented first. They just can't say, 'It's Canadian law, it's stupid, we don't agree with it.' And do it anyway." Suchart Yodkiripaoprai, a former professional Thai boxer and master instructor, said Thai boxing may be accepted as a demonstration event at the 2004 Athens Olympics and, if all goes well, could be a full medal event at the 2008 Games. "Wouldn't that be ironic if those Games were held in Toronto?" defence lawyer Ross Milliken said.
WEDNESDAY, March 8th, 2000, AT 6:30 AM
North East USA
Tournament DEADLINE!!
Hey North East USA Amateur Fighters, are you ready to "Walk the Walk" as many did in 1999? If so, don't miss the DEADLINE to Register for your areas IKF/RINGSIDE Regional Kickboxing Tournament. The event will be held at NY Kickboxing Academy at 43 W 24th Street, NY NY. Winners of the regional will qualify to go on to the National Championships in September. The DEADLINE is MARCH 15th! The event will be April 7-9, 2000. States included in this event include: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia. (*) In coordination with the North East #2. Pre-registration is 100% required. Registration forms can be found by clicking this link; HERE!
All four IKF rules divisions are being offered (Full Contact, Leg Kick, Muay Thai and San Shou). The application and checks for $35, made payable to "NY Kungfu and Kickboxing", should be mailed to; New York Kungfu 43 W 24th Street #3B NY NY, 10010. For more info, contact Mr. Steve Ventura or Mr. David Ross at (212) 242-2453 or e-mail by clicking this link: For more Tournament, Regional and Nationals Info, click this link HERE!DON'T MISS IT!!!
NEWS OF 3-8-2000. . .
Hallak &
With Knockouts!
Both Capture 2 More IKF Vacant Titles by Knockout!!!
Australian Promoter Robert Wilesmith hosted his second IKF World Championship Kickboxing event last
Saturday night, March 4th. The show was Co-produced by Thunderlegs Promotions & Amazones Theatre
Restaurant and entitled "THUNDERZONE IV,
Pictured: IKF PromoterRobert Wilesmith of NSW, Sydney, Australia
The show featured fighters from USA, New Zealand and of course, Australia and was hosted at the Bankstown Sports Hall in Bankstown/Sydney, Australia. The event featured 2 IKF Pro World Titles, an IKF Amateur South Pacific Title (Which was the fight of the night) and 4 other amateur bouts. Here is a rundown of the nights action.
Wilesmith's next IKF Australia event is planned for September of 2000 however he plans to now have several other Australian Promoters Sanctioning under the IKF Banner Down Under. For more info, please contact Mr. Robert Wilesmith at (612) 9897-5222, Fax: (612) 9681-7776 or Cell: (614) 121-1000 or e-mail by clicking this link HERE!. For the Thunderlegs Website, Click this link;
TUESDAY, February 29th, 2000, AT 1:45 AM
IKF Pro International Rules Featherweight World Champion
Ali "Lightning" Hallak of NSW, Sydney,
will go for his second IKF World
Title this Saturday night in Australia.
IKF Promoter Robert Wilesmith of Sydney Australia is all set to host his second IKF event. This event will feature 2 IKF Pro MuayThai Rules World Title Bouts and is produced by Amazones Theatre Restaurant & Thunderlegs Promotions. It's entitled, "THUNDERZONE IV, THUNDER FROM ABOVE". The show will feature fighters from USA, New Zealand and of course, Australia and will be held at the Bankstown Town Hall in Bankstown, NSW, Australia.
The titles bouts will feature IKF International Rules Featherweight World Champion Ali "Lightning" Hallack of Thunderlegs Gym, Sydney Australia with a record of 31 wins, 3 loses, 1 draw and 12 knockouts (Amateur record of 17-3/10) against Alberto Ramirez of Tacoma, Washington, USA with a record of 31 wins, 4 loses with 27 knockouts. (Amateur record of 4-0/2) The bout will be for the vacant IKF MuayThai Rules Featherweight World Title.
Hallack won his International Rules Featherweight World Title in a controversial decision last year on September 24th at the Croatian Club in Bankstown, Sydney, NSW, Australia over Lucky Clement of Dobsonville, Roodport, South Africa. (Pro 12-1/6, Am: 8-0/0) In round 9 of the bout, Clement seemed to be taking more control but just past midway of the round both charged toward each other and collided with an accidental head butt. Hallak fell to the ring from the impact and blood spit out like a faucet from a deep gash on his forehead above his left eye. Referee Raymond Eardley stopped the action and brought Hallak to his corner for the doctor to examine. It didn't take much for Dr. Lou Lewis to request the bout be stopped. Hallak's forehead had a 2 inch slit above his left eye that appeared about a ¼" deep. IKF rules require in the case of any accidental injury that forces the stopping of a bout, the bout decision will go to the scorecards after all 3 judges score the last round, which was done. The scores read, 86-86 even by judge Cornelious. 87-82 Hallak by judge David Yap who for some unknown reason had gave Clement a score of "8" in 2 rounds of a bout that saw no knockdowns or standing 8 counts by either fighter... The true shocker was judge Malcolm Dem who scored "ALL" 9 rounds of the fight to Hallak, 90-81. This was a TERRIBLE score since no one agreed Hallak won "ALL" 9 rounds. Although the judges were NOT selected by promoter Robert Wilesmith the IKF will probably never accept them for an IKF World Title Bout again. This was terrible scoring. In Hallak's defense, both of these fighters fought very well and who knows what the outcome could have been if the bout went the full 10 rounds.
Ramirez' last bout had no controversy in it, just a disappointing ending for him. Ramirez was one of the American MuayThai fighters chosen to fight in the USA vs Belarus event this past January. He faced a young, (17) but Highly Experienced Alexei Pekarchik (46-5/27) of Minsk Belarus. In the bout, Ramirez never got warmed up from the cold air and found himself in trouble early taking several strong and well placed leg kicks from Pekarchik. After Ramirez took an 8 count from one of Pekarchik's kicks to his leg that sent him down again (This time, he was slow getting up which forced the referee to begin counting, good call.) After the count, Pekarchik went back to work on Ramirez leg again until one last strong shot took Ramirez out of the game for good at 2:10 of round 1. Ramarez hopes to be plenty warm in Australia though (Especially since it's summer time now down under...)
In the other IKF World Title bout of the night, IKF Pro World Bantamweight International Rules World Champion Holly "Wildcat" Ferneley of Sydney, NSW, Australia will face Julie Wood of New Zealand for the vacant IKF Pro Woman's MuayThai Rules Featherweight World Title. Ferneley won her IKF International Rules World title back on September 24th at the Croatian Club in Bankstown, Sydney, NSW, Australia as Hallack did. She won it with a "Devastating" 3rd round KICK KO to the right side of South African fighter Lynette Els jaw of .
Also on the night, current IKF International rules Welterweight New South Wales State Champion Bobby "Mr. Risky" Ristevski of Thunderlegs Gym, Sydney will face Dean Archer of Waikato Gym in New Zealand for the IKF Amateur MuayThai Rules South Pacific Welterweight Title.
The night will begin at 7.30 at the Bankstown Town Hall in Bankstown, NSW, Australia. (Corner of Rickard & Chappel Rds, Bankstown). Tickets are $25 General, $30 Balcony, $45 Ringside and $75 VIP (Includes Drinks & Food) . Wilesmith has also announced that the event will be filmed for Sky Television for a later release. He has also announced that Sky will telecast all Thunderlegs Promotions for 2000. Accommodations are provided by The Mecure, "Where the Champions Stay" in Rosehill, Sydney Australia.
The nights referee will be Mr. Raymond Eardley, Master of Ceremonies will be Howard Leigh. IKF President Steve Fossum will attend the event as the IKF Representative and IKF MuayThai Official Duke Roufus of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA will also attend and assist with USA Fighter Alberto Ramirez in his corner. Mrs. Tracey Penza of Australia will be the local, Australian IKF Australia Associate. For more info, please contact Mr. Robert Wilesmith at (612) 9897-5222, Fax: (612) 9681-7776 or Cell: (614) 121-1000 or e-mail at HERE!. For the Thunderlegs Website, Click this link;
MONDAY, February 28th, 2000, AT 9:40 AM
and Kongnapa...
Well MuayThai fans, the new superstar of IKF MuayThai, Dmitry Shakuta of Minsk, Belarus hasn't even gotten back to Minsk yet and already, Kongnapa has offered a REMATCH (See article posted 2-27-2000 below) to him and another shot at his IKF Pro MuayThai Rules Junior Middleweight World title on May 5th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. "We don't want ANY questions as to the outcome of this bout and we don't want to wait around to do it again." Said Kongnapa's trainer/promoter Duke Roufus.
Although Shakuta and trainer Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski } have yet to accept, (Only because they haven't even been offered it yet since they are not even home yet...) we don't think they'll hesitate. Shakuta was the best competition Kongnapa has seen in a long time and the same for Shakuta with Kongnapa. Were sure the rematch will be a SELLOUT so if you missed the first one, "DON'T" Miss this one!!!
If all is accepted, the rematch will take place on Saturday night, May 6th, 2000 at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex, 6000 West Ryan Road, Franklin Wisconsin, USA. In addition, the IKF is currently working to confirm that this bout and others on the event will be filmed for TV to be shown at a later date as well.
Once again, the IKF will select IKF Head of MuayThai Officials, Fred Fitzgerald as the bout referee. Although there was no question as to the judging of the first bout, we here at the IKF feel it would be best to have 3 different judges since the previous 3 have already judged these 2 fighters once before. The judges will most likely be one from Canada one from the USA and possibly one from Europe or Belarus as well.
It's going to be an all out WAR once again fight fans so again, DON'T MISS THIS ONE! For more info, please call Duke Roufus or Scott Joffe at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2 or for more information visit
SUNDAY, February 27th, 2000, AT 9:30 PM
IKF Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Proves He's
For "REAL"
Zuniga Comes Alive Against Downey!
About a month ago on these pages, we told you about a 19 year old fighter named Dmitry Shakuta of Minsk, Belarus. On that night, Shakuta fought Fernando Calleros of Albq. New Mexico, USA and won the IKF Pro MuayThai Intercontinental Welterweight Title in a 5 round unanimous decision. Some readers took the win lightly, commenting that Calleros wasn't an outstanding opponent. However, it was clear that those commenting weren't there at ringside in Minsk with us... For this was a hard fought war by 2 great fighters.
In the same article about the same event, we also told you about 4 other fighters we saw in Minsk that night. All of them with the same outstanding talent as Shakuta. One of which, on the same night, Visily Shish won the IKF Pro MuayThai Lightweight World Title. To make our point here, "Belarus has some GREAT MuayThai Fighters!"
From his win over Calleros in January, Shakuta earned instant recognition with the IKF and was granted a shot at an IKF World Title. IKF Promoter Duke Roufus (Who was the acting Team Captain for Team USA in Belarus) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA offered Shakuta the shot at an IKF World title he had been looking for. However since Roufus no longer had IKF MuayThai Welterweight World Champion Khunpon training at Phetnoi MuayThai Gym in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, (He's now living in Atlanta, Georgia, USA) he offered him a shot at well known IKF MuayThai World Champion Kongnapa who holds the IKF Junior Middleweight World Title. (1 weight class up from Welterweight) Shakuta and trainer Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski }- (IKF Central Europe Assistant Coordinator) quickly accepted before we even left Belarus with the bout planned for Saturday night, February 26th. now that the foundation is down, lets get on with the show...
Upon arrival, it was clear that "The Gam Had Changed" as far as IKF MuayThai in Milwaukee was concerned. AdCetre Sports' Duke Roufus and Scott Joffe opened the doors at their new stadium, the Milwaukee County Sports Complex and the new location served well to the standing room only crowd. From better parking and appearance to better fighter facilities, the new location is sure to serve the fans and fighters as well as Roufus and Joffe much better. No, it didn't quite have the nostalgia look of their old venue, The Eagles Club but what they gained from the new location for their future in MuayThai promoting will prove to all a wise move.
Well, enough on the venue and the past. We know you all want to hear about the MAIN EVENT which proved to be a bout that the fans deserved.
A clash of two
True World Class MuayThai Warriors!
Shakuta made it clear that all the titles he won in the past were only second to the one he wanted, the IKF World title. With the IKF Intercontinental MuayThai Title already around his waist, the 19 year old from Belarus wanted to prove it wasn't just a lucky night in Belarus with Calleros. He now wanted to add win number 62 to his already impressive record (61-4 with 25 KO's) and wear the World Title Belt. However, on the other side of the ring stood the current IKF World Champion, Kongnapa (King of the Sky. A 4-Time Rajadamnern Stadium Champion in Thailand and holder of the IKF Junior Middleweight MuayThai Rules World Title. Since he started at the age of 16, the 31 year old Kongnapa has accumulated an outstanding Pro MuayThai record of 101 wins, 10 loses, 6 draws with 50 KO's. Kongnapa was a warrior who had been here MANY Times before and in some ways, after 117 fights, tonights bout was just another day at the office for him in his long and impressive career. However Shakuta was out to prove this would be no day at the office Kongnapa would forget. He was about to give Kongnapa the fight of his life, or at least the best he had in the last several years.
It was bout 9 on the program if you didn't include the 4 prelim non sanctioned bouts. With their prospected countries flags leading the way, Shakuta and Kongnapa made their way to the ring and entered as they both had many times before, as True Warrior Champions. To set the stage even more and let you all know what Shakuta was really up against on this night, keep in mind that Kongnapa has challenged EVERY World Champion at his weight from Every Organization, but none have accepted. It's clear that no MuayThai fighter between 145 and 160 lbs (65.9 kg to 72.7 kg) in North America will accept a bout with him and those who "WANT" people to think they "Would" fight him use the common excuse of money and say they want $10 to $20,000 to do it... Kongnapa has even offered to fight some of these so called World Champions for FREE! And Still, they find excuses. We needed to say this because we needed everyone to know the challenge that Shakuta faced going into this bout. This was no second class fighter Shakuta was facing. Kongnapa was the "Best in the World", and has proved it over and over again many times to those who "WOULD" accept a fight with him, which seem to be few lately. Yet Shakuta was a fighter without fear, with confidence over flowing in the ring. Did he not know who he was fighting or was he truly that confident and that good... Lets find out...
When the bell sounded for round 1, the game was under way... Kongnapa seemed to be more relaxed in the opening round scoring on quick and explosive combinations after a slow first minute. Half way into the round, Kongnapa caught Shakuta's kick and followed with a strong punch that rocked Shakuta, dropping him to the canvas hard. The knockdown forced seasoned MuayThai referee Fred Fitzgerald to give a standing 8 count to Shakuta. After the count, Kongnapa pressed Shakuta around the ring and it suddenly looked as if he would make easy work of Shakuta like he had done so many times before with other opponents. However, Shakuta weathered the storm and round 1 was over. Because of the knockdown, Kongnapa was leading 10-8 on all 3 judges cards. But was it a sign of things to come...?
As the bell sounded in round 2, Kongnapa continued to press Shakuta, laughing at every kick and punch he threw and following up the majority of them with quick combinations. It appeared Shakuta was tense in the ring and unable to relax and find a rhythm. Kongnapa knew it and pressed on throughout the round. When round 2 was over, it was a surprise to see one of the judges, Sal D' Amato score the round 10-9 Shakuta while the other 2, B. J. Lavota & Tony Randazzo saw the round 10-9 Kongnapa. So at the end of 2 scored rounds, Kongnapa was up on all 3 judges cards. A score of 20-17 on 2 and 19-18 on the other. At this point looking at the bout "Mathematically" Shakuta, at best would end up with a Majority DRAW if he won the next 3 rounds. He knew now the only way to win was by a knockdown or knockout and he needed to get busy, but would he do it soon enough?
Round 3 saw Kongnapa looking to finish what he started scoring on several strong body shots and leg kicks. But Shakuta was starting to get in his rhythm and was starting to land some strong leg kicks to Kongnapa's right thigh. finally in the last 30 seconds of round 3, "The Game Had Changed" and Shakuta came alive. However, it wasn't enough to win the 3 minute round as all 3 judges gave the round to Kongnapa, 10-9. Now Shakuta was really in trouble on the judges cards. Kongnapa still led on all 3 cards after 3, 30-26 on 2 of them and 29-27 on the third. at this point, things were getting desperate for Shakuta and his dreams of becoming an IKF World Champion were looking slim. Again, "Mathematically" now, he had no chance to win unless he knock down or knockout Kongnapaand it's been a long time since anyone has ever done that. So the question was, Could this be the first? When round 4 begin, everyone in the crowd saw a totally different fight. Surprisingly Kongnapa seemed to start getting a bit tired and stopped exchanging with Shakuta. Shakuta threw everything he had at Kongnapa including some strong elbows. However on each attack, Kongnapa weathered the storm and simply smiled back at Shakuta. Shakuta wasn't thinking it was funny at all and would come back yet again and again at Kongnapa with quick hands, elbows knees and leg kicks. Still, Kongnapa failed to answer back with more than one kick or one punch at a time. Shakuta was putting on a MuayThai exhibition at Kongnapa's expense to the USA crowd and from it, he won their hearts and respect for the moment. Suddenly it was now clear that Shakuta was truly FOR REAL and was coming alive. The energy in the room doubled as everyone started to wonder, "Would we see Kongnapa go down in defeat?" There was no question that all 3 judges gave round 4 to Shakuta, 10-9. Still though, Kongnapa lead on all 3 judges cards. Two judges had him ahead 39-36 while the third judge had him leading at only 38-37. Again, Shakuta had no chance of winning by points, mainly due to the first round knockdown. It was do or die time in round 5 for Shakuta and he and trainer Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski } knew it. As the bell rang in round 5, Kongnapa looked like a tired warrior that didn't expect such a battle to last so long. Yet here he was, against one of the best in the world, Dimitri Shakuta of Minsk Belarus. A 19 year old MuayThai Warrior who may be young in age but wise and skilled in the Warrior Fighting Art of MuayThai. He wanted to be the new IKF World Champion, but he wanted more, the fame, the glory and the true respect that embraced the MuayThai Warrior Kongnapa. Shakuta's a fighter that very few people around the world knew about until he won his title last month and was brought to your attention worldwide here on our pages. He may not have been known around the world 2 months ago, but you better remember his name now everyone and never forget it. Dimitri Shakuta's a fighter who's young heart and mind is not afraid of any battle or any warrior, not even Kongnapa. He not only has a big heart but a strong attack to go with it. Keep in mind though as we prepare to enter round 5 of this World Title Bout, that as we said earlier, Kongnapa had been in many wars before and he knew he had to last this one out despite being exhausted from the battle. He needed to now show his heart as well and stand up to the much younger Shakuta. He and Shakuta both knew that if Shakuta were going to take Kongnapa's belt, he'd have to put him down to do it. The final round was filled with True Warrior Heart from two of the Worlds Greatest MuayThai Warriors. Despite what the outcome may be, Never forget this. As the bell rang for round 5, Shakuta came out even stronger scoring with elbows to Kongnapa's head and knees to his body. It was clear that Shakuta had gotten stronger as the fight went on. Kongnapa continued to weather the storms Shakuta brought his was. Attack after attack Shakuta scored big but Kongnapa wasn't going to allow himself to go down. He stood up to everything Shakuta had despite being so tired he could hardly exchange any blows at all with him. Shakuta gave his all in the entire round and in the end, as the final bell sounded, Shakuta landed a strong and solid front kick to Kongnapa's chest that sent him flying into his own corner, but he didn't go down. It was a calling card from Shakuta to Kongnapa announcing there was a New Kid in Town and his name is Dimitri Shakuta of Minsk Belarus. Well, it was clear that all 3 judges gave the final round to Shakuta 10-9 but still, it wasn't enough. Kongnapa won a Majority decision, 48-46, 48-46 and 47-47 to retain his IKF World MuayThai Title. It was expected that some in the crowd didn't seem to agree with the decision, however, they were only remembering the final 2 rounds. How quickly they forgot the first 3, and that my friends is the rules of the fight game. Shakuta gained World Wide Respect on Saturday night February 26th, 2000 and we prove that more by this article here that can be seen by fight fans around the world. The respect he gained is respect you have to earn, the hard way! He earned respect from the USA crowd and more importantly, from his peers. Kongnapa didn't seem to want his hand raised in the end because he too was humbled by the decision.Shakuta earned his respect on that night and very few fighters have truly earned such respect from such a great MuayThai Warrior as Kongnapa. It's possibly he took Shakuta lightly, but if so, he won't next time with anyone, and we pity his next opponent. Shakuta was his wake up call. Sure, he could have taken on a lesser opponent as many other organizations World Champions continue to do. However that's not the way for Phetnoi MuayThai Gym. "Our Champions only fight the best." said Promoter/Trainer Duke Roufus. "If we can't beat the best, we don't deserve to be World Champions!" We only wish other organizations felt that way as we here at the IKF do. Yes, it was a good wake-up call for Kongnapa and history in the making for Dimitri Shakuta of Minsk Belarus and MuayThai all over the world. Neither fighter need hang their head in sorrow for their performances for they both gave all of us who were there a war we'll NEVER FORGET! A rematch? It's highly possible and already the trainers/promoters are talking about it. It's also possible now that Shakuta "Could" face Khunpon (RIGHT - IKF Pro World MuayThai Welterweight Champion) who holds the IKF Welterweight MuayThai World Title. Another War for 2 great fighters, another great fight for MuayThai! Like any great event, the crown only remembers the last bout the best and with a war like this, it's obvious that the road to be the best in IKF MuayThai, especially here in North America still travels through Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA... At least for another day... Great fight Warriors!
Rood looked as if he had prepared for months for the bout. He scored big with hand combinations in round 1 and part of round 2. But when round 3 came around, Yuen started moving out of the way of Rood's punches and begin to take control of the bout. An exciting round 5 proved close as Yuen edged Rood to capture the vacant title by split decision, 48-47, 47-48 & 48-47. For more info, please call Duke Roufus or Scott Joffe at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2 or for more information visit |
THURSDAY, February 24th, 2000, AT 2:10 PM
Meets Shakuta
To Defend IKF
MuayThai World Title
In Milwaukee!
Can WAKO World Champion Dimitri Shakuta Dethrone "King of the Sky?"
IKF Junior Middleweight MuayThai Rules World Champion Kongnapa (King of the Sky - (101-10-6, 50 KO's) will look to once again defend his IKF World Title this Saturday night February 26th at the Muaythai Gala in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. His opponent this time will be Dimitri Shakuta of Minsk Belarus. Shakuta holds the IKF Intercontinental MuayThai Title and the WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organization) World Title. The event will be held at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex, located at 6000 West Ryan Road in Franklin, Wisconsin. Doors open at 6:00 PM, the first bout of the evening begins at 7:00 PM.
Kongnapa, 31, resides in Milwaukee, but is originally from Eesarn, Thailand. He began fighting in Bangkok's premier stadiums when he was 16 and is a 4-Time Rajadamnern Stadium Champion. Kongnapa, recognized as one of Muaythai's finest Champions of all-time, is also the Head Trainer and Coach of Milwaukee's Phetnoi MuayThai Gym and Team USA. He is managed by retired IKF MuayThai World Champion and trainer Duke Roufus (Owner of Phetnoi MuayThai Gym -Milwaukee-) and Scott Joffe. Kongnapa won the IKF World Title back on October 24th, 1998 when he defeated Ryan Jones of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada when he KOed Jones with a strong hook punch that left Jones motionless on the canvas. Since winning his IKF World title, Kongnapa has fought 5 times for the IKF defending his title 3 times. With wins over Eval Denton of England ( 5 round unanimous decision, February 6th, 1999) Marcus Mangan of Australia, ( TKO win, March 20th, 1999) and 2 time European Champion, Vadim Chamiakin (KO win round 2, September 18th, 1999). In addition to the title defense bouts, he fought Jeremy Abbott (Win by TKO, May 1st, 1999).
The most interesting of Kongnapa's 5 bouts was more of a laugher in Kongnapa's record book. A Pro boxer named Donnie Penelton had challenged Kongnapa saying he could stand up to any MuayThai fighter. Going into the bout, Penelton exaggerated a bit to everyone, saying he had a Pro Boxing record of 60 wins and 30 loses, a Pro Kickboxing record of 76 wins and 11 loses with 50+ KO's, Amateur boxing record of 33 wins and 4 loses and Amateur kickboxing record of 17 wins and 2 loses. Regardless, as far as Kongnapa was concerned, he could have had a million wins under his belt and Kongnapa STILL would have taken the challenge. However, the truth be shown as facts when the bell rang for the first round and Penelton lasted a whole 17 Seconds when Kongnapa put him away with "1" leg kick back on December 4th, 1998. After the bout, the IKF reviewed Fight Fax Boxing to find that Penelton actually had a pro boxing record of 6 wins, 74 loses, 2 draws and 2 KO's fighting from between 160 lbs to as much as 200 (He fought Kongnapa at 163 lbs). Far from what he wanted everyone to believe going into the bout.
Dimitri Shakuta, an extremely talented Muaythai fighter who is not afraid to use the elbow often. He fights out of the Kickfighter Gym in Minsk, Belarus.Shakuta recently defeated Fernando Calleros in Minsk, Belarus this past January by unanimous decision. (Find story by clickingHERE) Callaros was no slouch opponent either. Last year he defeated IKF MuayThai World Champion Danny Steel of Las Angeles, CA, USA in a 5 round non title bout.Shakuta's record is impressive for his young age at 61 wins and only 4 loses with 25 knockouts. As mentioned above, he holds the WAKO world title and the IKF Intercontinental MuayThai title. This premier event once again showcases two world-class Muaythai fighters - in Milwaukee - a city recognized worldwide as America's Muaythai hotbed.
In addition, James "Knock 'em Down" Downey, The first American Thai boxer to fight - and win - at Bangkok's Historic Rajadamnern Stadium makes his Junior Middleweight Milwaukee Pro debut in a rematch against his "1999's Fight of the Year" opponent, Dave Zuniga of Winnipeg, Canada's premier Muaythai gym, Sik Tai. This bout is Downey's first since returning to the US after training for 3 months at Thailand's renowned Phetnoi Gym. Downey's October 23, 1999 bout, a unanimous decision over Zuniga, was quite simply, an all out war. This meeting brings together two of the most exciting Muaythai fighters competing today in North America and Canada.
A total of 10 Muaythai bouts will be featured during the evening, along with a "No Holds Barred" Submission Fighting special Prestige match featuring Professional World Ultimate Fighting Champion Adrian Serrano of Milwaukee against Oleg Damsky of Moscow, Russia. Featured bouts include:
Three types of tickets are available: VIP Gold Circle Ringside ($50.00 advance, $60.00 door); Ringside Reserved ($30.00 advance, $35.00 door) and Bleacher ($15.00 advance, $20.00 door, children 12 and under $10.00 door only). Tickets may be purchased at the door or in advance by calling the Ticket Hotline at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2.
A Post Fight Party will be held at the CHARCOAL GRILL RESTAURANT, 8933 South 27th Street, Franklin beginning at 10:00 PM. The kitchen stays open late on fight night, preparing excellent rotisserie chicken and thick, homestyle chicken dumpling soup, among the countless other savory dishes the Charcoal Grill is known for.
Classic Muaythai videos will be shown and raffle prizes will be awarded throughout the evening. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the current and up-and-coming superstars of authentic Muaythai and learn more about this ancient, 700 year old spiritual art and national sport of Thailand. All fans of good times and good food are invited.
Ad Cetera Sports is proud to welcome to Milwaukee special VIP Guests:
We are honored to have all of these fine sportsmen and officials in attendance. The event is produced by Ad Cetera Sports and sponsored by the Charcoal Grill, Deluxe/Twins Muaythai Equipment, Ringside Inc. ARG Machining, Teamsters Local 200 & 344, Knight's Inn, Chippewa Spring Water, Community Newspapers, Bally, Balistreri's Restaurant, Amelia's Restaurant, Bell Ambulance, Watts Communications, Attorney Martin Stein and Hampton Dental Clinic. The next event is 7:00 PM., Saturday, April 1, 2000 at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex. For more info, please call Scott Joffe at (414) 319-1151, ext. 2 for more information and to reserve tickets or visit
NEWS OF 2-24-2000. . .
Back In The Boxing Ring!
Super Heavyweight kickboxer and boxer Kevin Rosier of Buffalo, New York, USA will step into the boxing ring this weekend to face past WBC & WBA Boxing Champion Tim Witherspoon. The two will meet Friday night in a 10 round main event at the Blue Horizon in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Results coming next week.
TUESDAY, February 22nd, 2000, AT 10:50 PM
More Weekend IKF Results...
New York,
New York Showdown
3 a Huge SUCCESS!
Once again, IKF Promoters Steve Ventura, David Ross and their "New York Showdown" event proved that an all amateur card can provide non-stop action and excitement and draw large crowds of spectators. Once again, the tickets were sold out well before the day of the event, the place was packed with those willing to stand just to see the action and unfortunately many were turned away at the door. Almost all of the trainers in attendance joked that it was time to find a bigger venue!
The New York Showdown series has rightfully earned an excellent reputation as a high quality event open to all amatuer fighters, which is fair and which is open to all rules styles. The eleven matches featured Full Contact Rules, International / Leg Kick Rules, Modified MuayThai Rules, San Shou Rules and even a Pancrase style match. The event also featured a wide variety of New York area gyms including NY kung-fu and Kickboxing, Yee's Hung Ga, Ultimate Muay Thai Gym, Borodine's Muay Thai, Moti Horenstein's Survival Center and Jonas Nunez' America's Finest Academy.
The next New York Showdown will be held June 24, 2000. For fighter info or tickets info, please contact Steve Ventura or David Ross at (212) 242-2453.
On April 7th, 8th & 9th, 2000, New York Kung Fu & Kickboxing, will be host to the 2000 IKF / RINGSIDE North East Division #1 Regional which will include the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia. For more info, see their info page for this event by clicking HERE!.
MONDAY, February 21st, 2000, AT 5:15 PM
Weekend IKF
Memphis, Tennessee,
Jessie Finney of St. Louis, Missouri, USA defeated Darrell Baker of Memphis, Tennessee, USA to win the vacant IKF and KICK U.S. Amateur Title. Full Results coming later in the week...
NEWS OF 2-21-2000. . .
Coming Later in
the Week...
News & Results Of;
IKF New York & IKF Texas, USA
FRIDAY, February 18th, 2000, AT 7:45 PM
Lots of IKF
This Weekend... As Usual...
Four IKF Promoters will be taking care of business around the U.S this weekend while IKF President Steve Fossum will be discussing IKF European organization. Meeting with Fossum this weekend will be IKF European Representative Alby Bimpson of England and IKF European Coordinator Mick Fowles also of England.
The discussions will focus on this years IKF European Events, Special Seminars and other IKF organization in Europe. Also included will be the discussing of appointments for European country representatives. Finalizing the meetings will be talks regarding European SKY TV programming since the IKF will begin their new North American TV programing this year. Here's a rundown of this weekends IKF Kickboxing action...
York, New York,
PLENTY Of Action At
New York Showdown 3!!!
There won't be any lack of action this weekend in New York as IKF Promoters David Ross & Steve Ventura have scheduled a great card for this Saturday night, February 19th's Event at the New York Kung-Fu and Kickboxing Academy. The event will feature some top San Shou Style Fighters on the East Coast. No Titles, just GREAT ACTION!!! Also featured on the card will be Full Contact and International / Leg Kick rules bouts. The club is located at 43 W 24th Street, New York, NY, USA. Tickets are $15 General and $20 Ringside. Here's the nights Line-up;
For more information on this event, contact Mr. David Ross or Mr. Steve Ventura at (212) 242-2453 or e-mail by clicking HERE!
Memphis, Tennessee,
Baker &
Battle For Vacant
IKF Amateur U. S. Title!
IKF Promoter Jeff Mullen is all set to host KICKSHOOT 2000 this Saturday night, February 19th, at the New Daisy Theatre in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. The event will feature a Co-Sanctioned Main Event when Jessie Finney of St Louis, Missouri puts his K.I.C.K. U. S. Title on the line along with fighting for the Vacant IKF Full Contact Rules Light Heavyweight U.S. Title against Darrell Baker of Memphis Tennessee, USA.
Previous IKF Full Contact Rules Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Dougherty of Loomis, CA has chosen to turn pro so he retired the title to make it available for Finney and Baker. For more info on this event, Contact Mr. Jeff Mullen at (901) 757-0985 or e-mail by clicking HERE!
McAllen, Texas,
IKF Promoter Walt Mason will host an amateur kickboxing event in McAllen, Texas, USA this Saturday night, February 19th. For more information, please contact Mr. Walt Mason at (972) 239-5053 or e-mail by clicking HERE!
WEDNESDAY, February 16th, 2000, AT 4:00 PM
Attention ALL
National (USA)
Amateur Tournament Champions
Like ANY Championship Event, you will be required to start from scratch all over again to Win the 2000 IKF/RINGSIDE National Amateur Tournament Title. All 1999 Champions who were awarded the IKF U. S. Title in their weight and rule class will stay title holders until they either lose or retire their titles or move into the pro ranks as some have already done. You will need to go through the entire Regional Event Process as before, just like in the World Series, Super Bowl etc. etc. We wish you luck in 2000.
TUESDAY, February 15th, 2000, AT 10:10 PM
Something To Think About For Your Day....
Today... This
is the beginning of a fresh new day. Today comes only once, and never again
returns. God has given us this 24 hours to use as we will. We must do something
good with this day and not waste it. Each day is a little life. This day is our
day of opportunity and duty. Today we will be filled with courage and
confidence. What we do today is very important because we are exchanging a day
of our lives for it. The cost of something can be measured by the amount of our
lives we spend obtaining it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever,
leaving in it's place something we have traded for it. In order that we shall
not forget the price we paid for it, we must do our best, make it useful,
profitable, and successful.
Our lives will be richer or poorer by the way
we use today.
by Alfred A. Montapert
MONDAY, February 14th, 2000, AT 2:45 PM
Honeymoon Armageddon Fighters Coquete & DeNatale Claim IKF Titles!
It takes TEAMWORK to make great things happen and last Saturday night in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, it was obvious that Team Sik Tai had been working hard to make "Honeymoon Armageddon... World Championship MuayThai Kickboxing" a Great success despite some recent setbacks. Earlier this year, the Sik Tai Camp moved into a fantastic new 6,000 square foot facility in Winnipeg. However, while most would celebrate a new move, Sik Tai instead was met with the emotions of anger from being the victims of some unknown burglars. Sik Tai owner and head instructor Arthur Pereira opened the door one morning to discover the club was cleaned out of thousands of dollars of their MuayThai training equipment along with computers, stereos and other electronic equipment. With such a big loss, many promoters may have chosen to quit working on what was planned to be the largest kickboxing promotions ever in Winnipeg and you know what? Everyone would have understood fully. However to Pereira and co-promoter Frank Albo, quitting was not an option and instead, focused on the famous words of many winners today, "The Show Must Go On!" And What a show it was!!!
Teamwork is something stressed within the IKF organization Worldwide as many of you know and such Teamwork was clear last Saturday night at the Winnipeg Convention Center. Although the air outside was FREEZING!" (Much colder than when we were in Belarus -West of Russia- a couple weeks back) The temperature inside was STEAMING With ACTION! But the action wouldn't have been possible without Teamwork. Although Sik Tai leader Arthur Pereira lead the Team, we would like to give praise to a very important behind the scene individual that co-promoted the event with Pereira, Frank Albo. What makes Albo's efforts even more incredible is that just six months ago, Albo didn't even know the word MuayThai let alone how many minutes in a pro MuayThai bout and other basic things about the sport. However if you were a part of the event, very few noticed Albo's lack of knowledge of the sport because by fight time, Albo had come a long way with his knowledge of Promoting MuayThai. Albo's open mind and willingness to learn is what made his work for the night so brilliant. By approaching the promotion with an open mind and learning as much as possible leading up to it, Albo was willing to learn from us here at the IKF and others such as IKF Promoter Arthur Pereira and IKF MuayThai referee Fred Fitzgerald. All helped Albo form a better understanding of the sport by answering his various questions about MuayThai and promoting as well. Together, Pereira and Albo headed up Sik Tai's winning team that should bring years of success to Sik Tai's promotions in Winnipeg. It's clear to all of us that we can now say that Albo knows MuayThai quite well after Saturday night. It's clear that the experienced gained from Pereira's 50+ previous promotions was a major part of the shows success.
When we entered the Winnipeg Convention Center, we thought we were entering a "LIVE Televised Event!" The venue was outstanding from top to bottom with spotlights, strobes, color lights, white tablecloth Reserved Ringside Tables and a heart pumping sound system. "IF" the fighters were at all unmotivated, the "PA-ZAZ" of the venue alone would bring their adrenaline to a heart pounding level! Even the dressing rooms were first class as both red and blue had an elevated view looking down at all the action in the ring. Before we cover the nights action in order, lets report on the Main Event of the night.
Here's a round-up of the nights undercard
MuayThai bouts.
All bouts were MuayThai Rules Bouts;
We here at the IKF would like to thank and congratulate all those involved with the outstanding job on the IKF Winnipeg Canada Event. It was clear that their hard work and dedication despite their set backs were rewarded in the great success of a dynamic event! Great job to all the fighters as well. As all those fighters on our IKF Events around the world know, whether you win or lose, you "Walked The Walk!" We look forward to the next show!.... Maybe in the summer though Arthur and Frank.... We're kinda wimps when it comes to that Cold Canadian Air...
As we were going through Customs at the Winnipeg Airport on our way out of Canada, the Immigration Officers recognized us from the event. Seems they enjoyed the night as well. We'd like to thank United States Department of Justice, Immigration & Naturalization Service Immigration Officer William Jackson for making the process smooth sailing for us. For more event information, please contact Contact Mr. Arthur Pereira or Frank Albo at: (204) 775-2672 or (204) 235-1357 or: e-mail by clicking HERE!
NEWS OF 2-14-2000. . .
Winter Wars
Georgia, USA
In the evening's most anticipated kickboxing
bout, Augusta's "Precious" Paul Pearman faced Shannon
Hudson of Greer, South Carolina in the Light Middleweight division. Pearman,
39, trains at Mike Carlson's Augusta Martial Arts Academy, while Hudson,
20, was cornered by his brother KICK World Kickboxing Champion Kevin
Hudson and Ronnie Copeland, KICK Kickboxing U.S. Champion.Hudson's
youth, skill, and power were evident throughout the match, as he slammed
devastating round kicks into the veteran Pearman. In the end, however,
Pearman's experience and strategy to "confuse the kid" won out
as he took the win via a close split decision with the "up and comer"
For more information, or directions to the event, please contact Augusta Martial Arts Academy at 706-855-5269, fax 706-855-7119 or e-mail by clicking HERE.
NEWS OF 2-14-2000. . .
Defeats Nilsson
J.J. "Killer" Wilson stops
Augusta's Jack"The Ripper" Nilsson, to win the ISCF Pro East Coast U.S. Super Heavyweight Title at
1 minute and 47 seconds of round 3!
See the ISCF
News Page for Full NHB Results by clicking HERE!
NEWS OF 2-14-2000. . .
Team Z &
Put On a Show At The
Rockford Rumble
IKF Chicago Illinois, USA
Saturday night, February 12th, the people of Rockford, Illinois, USA felt the
effects of the one of the most exciting Kickboxing shows they've seen in quite a
while. Over 1200 spectators arrived at the ISC Sports Center to watch 4 of
Illinois' Team Z's fighters compete
against Wisconsin's Team Thump. Team Z
earned the victory with 3 out of 4 wins.
Seiwerth (Team Z) VS Craig
Monyelle (Team Thump)
The fight was stopped by the doctor in the
2nd round in fear that Dan Seiwerth had a broken arm. Although Craig
Monyelle now holds the title, but offered Seiwerth a rematch. Seiwerth,
who won two of their previous matches accepted this challenge wholeheartedly.
Look for this 4th & REALLY FINAL rematch this fall. With an undercard of 12 fights including IKF U.S. National Amateur Champions Dave Pareja & Tim Mazurkiewicz sporting another win for each of them the evening was packed with excitement. We would like to thank our sponsors Coors Lite & Sky Daniels of WXRX 104.9 FM.
For more info, contact Z's Martial Arts at (847) 458-8333 or by e-mail by clicking HERE!
THURSDAY, February 10th, 2000, AT 2:15 AM
Weekend For IKF North America
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Meets Denton
World Title In Canada
IKF Promoter Arthur Pereira of Sik Tai MuayThai Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada is all set to host an exciting night of IKF MuayThai Kickboxing that will feature 2 IKF Titles this Saturday night, February 12th in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Fighting for the vacant IKF Middleweight MuayThai World Title will be Robert Coquete of Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada (35-0/21) against IKF European Super Welterweight Full Contact Rules Champion Eval Denton of Wolverhampton, England (38-19-4/11).
The nights semi main event sponsored by Barternet will feature Amateur MuayThai Heavyweights Wade Irwin of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada vs Jason Johnson
The other IKF Title bout of the night is sponsored by Boss Q's and will feature Guiseppe Denatale of Winnipeg vs Ryan Graham of Vince Jauncey's World Muay-Thai Centre, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada for the vacant IKF Amateur MuayThai Rules Canadian Heavyweight Title Bout.
Other bouts of the night include Paul Cabral vs. Larry Dollam, Juan Candia vs. Jason Strout, Joe Z vs. Nick Hare, Gus Denatale vs. Neal Fox and Crystal C vs.Rachel.
The night will also feature two special exhibition bouts. The first between Oleg Datsky vs. Bob Roberts and the second, a special Wrestling Exhibition will feature Super Heavyweights Chi Chi Cruz vs. Scott Amore.
IKF World MuayThai Referee Fred Fitzgerald of Neptune, New Jersey, USA will be the nights chief referee and MuayThai official for the event. For more event information, please contact Contact Mr. Arthur Pereira or Frank Albo at: (204) 775-2672 or (204) 235-1357 or: e-mail by clicking HERE!
Rockford, Illinois USA
"Team Z
vs Team Thump"
Dan Seiwerth
vs Craig Monyelle
This Saturday night, February 12th will feature another rematch at the ISC Sports Center in Rockford, IL between Dan Seiwerth and Craig Monyelle. In January 1999 Seiwerth fought Monyelle for the 2nd time as a Pro and won the K.I.C.K. Pro United States Bantamweight Title. The stakes this year are the IKF Pro United States Flyweight Title. Both fighters guarantee that they will win this 3rd and final rematch.
IKF Co-Founder and World Head of Officials Dan Stell will be in attendance as the IKF Event Representative and main event referee. There are 14 bouts scheduled for Saturday night with an undercard full of fighters the likes of Dave Pareja, Tim Mazurkiewicz, Amy Ramirez, Jason Ransom, and many more. Tickets pricing: General Admission $ 20.00 Advance & $ 25.00 at the door. Ringside $ 25.00 Advance & $ 30.00 at the door. Pick up your tickets at: Z's Martial Arts in Buffalo Grove (847) 215-8333 or Lake in the Hills (847) 458-8333 or at Impact Martial Arts in Wisconsin (608) 362-0404. For more info, contact Z's Martial Arts at (847) 458-8333 or by e-mail by clicking HERE!
Augusta, Georgia,
Title Featured On
Co-Sanctioned Event
IKF Georgia: Jack Nilsson, successful UFC XIII alternate, and George Allen, who fought on the recent WEF VIII card, are set to compete in Winter Wars 2000, a combination NHB/MMA and kickboxing event, which will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2000, in Augusta, Georgia. The NHB/MMA bouts will be sanctioned by the International Sport Combat Federation (ISCF), and the kickboxing bouts will be sanctioned by both the International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) and the Professional Karate Commission (PKC).
Nilsson, a decorated former U.S. Marine, will be competing for the ISCF East Coast U.S. Super Heavyweight title belt against J.J. "Killer" Wilson. The hometown audience has been anxiously awaiting an Augusta NHB fight for Nilsson, who has won U.S. Super Heavyweight kickboxing titles with the PKC and IKF since his UFC XIII appearance, both by first round knockouts! Wilson, who will be cornered by boxing trainer Elbert Maddox, represents himself as a freestyle practitioner. While noting that he has a background in both martial arts and boxing, Wilson does not wish to divulge much more about his experience or strategy, claiming that, "He (Nilsson) will feel it." Nilsson, a kickboxing and jujitsu stylist, who trains at promoter Mike Carlson's Augusta Martial Arts Academy seems undaunted by Wilson's confidence, simply responding, "We'll see about that."
WEF VIII competitor George Allen, who many regard as Georgia's top fighter in his weight class, will be competing in the ISCF Light Heavyweight division (185.1-200 lbs.) against the supremely self-assured Golden Gloves Champion and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner Charlie Wispert. Allen trains at Eagle Boxing/Kickboxing/Jujitsu in Lawrenceville, Georgia, with the high profile kickboxing and jujitsu trainer Gary Brown. Allen sports many fans in the Augusta, Georgia area as well, who are very much looking forward to this bout to see what veracity Whispert's boastful predictions about the outcome of this match will have once the bell sounds.
Stablemates of Nilsson and Allen will face each other in an NHB match that night as Augusta's Scott Usry will face Lawrenceville's Roger Waters. Usry, an experienced kickboxer and wrestler, is looking forward to his first foray into NHB. If the very game Waters shows the tenacity that area spectators are accustomed to from Brown's fighters, these two should provide a great match.
The Paul Pearman versus Shannon Hudson kickboxing bout is of particular interest, as the veteran Pearman will face a true "up and comer" in Hudson. Pearman who was 1998 Light Middleweight kickboxing champion in the PKC and 1999 Light Middleweight national tournament runner-up with the IKF will face Hudson, who is trained by his brother, World Champion kickboxer Kevin Hudson. The younger Hudson recently knocked out one of Pearman's sparring partners, so this bout, which will pit age and experience against youth and power, has extra promise as a potential "grudge match".
The entire fight card will feature nine kickboxing matches and three NHB/MMA bouts, with two women's kickboxing matches as well. The evening event will be preceded by a daytime karate tournament that is nationally sanctioned by the PKC and will include divisions in forms, sparring, grappling, and a shoot sparring/submission kumite division. Registration begins at 8:00 AM with the tournament starting at 10:00 AM. This tournament is open to martial artists of all styles.
The event will be held at Gym 1, The Sports Arena (706) 791-2599 or (706) 791-7857), at Fort Gordon in Augusta, Georgia and is open to the general public. The doors open at 6:00 PM with the first fight getting underway at 7:00 PM. The fight card, of course, is subject to change. Ticket prices are $8.00 for general admission ($6.00 with military ID), $3.00 for children, and children under 4 are free. Tickets are available at Augusta Martial Arts Academy and at the door the day of the event.
For more information, or directions to the event, please contact Augusta Martial Arts Academy at 706-855-5269, fax 706-855-7119 or e-mail by clicking HERE.
TUESDAY, February 8th, 2000, AT 2:50 PM
IKF Champ
Wins In
NHB & Proves There's A
By Sven Bean, IKF Colorado The fight started with both fighters circling each other for almost a full minute. Ludwig's right leg twitched to kick and as if on cue Abarra went for the shoot. Duane in an instant, transitions from the attempted kick and let Abarra experience his hand speed with a solid one-two combo to the face. Abarra , now leery, went back to circling and waiting. Suddenly he shot in and took Ludwig down. Duane calmly went to the guard position and like a veteran got his bearings and scooted close to his corner so he could hear instructions from Bas. In a move that suprised Abarra (and myself!) Ludwig transtioned to an arm bar and came pretty close to finishing his opponent. Abarra eventually scrambled away from the hold and got Duane in a head lock. Ludwig continually switched his hips and after the fourth or fifth movement just "popped" out of the head lock and immediately stood up and Abarra followed.. MISTAKE! Duane clinched Abarra muaythai style and let loose with a barrage of leg kicks and knees. He then pushed Abarra's head back against the cage and got off a HUGE round kick to the head! The referee stopped the fight and Ludwig was awarded the knock out. It was a great moment and Duane let the highly talented field of Southern California fighters that were there, see that there is indeed, a "NEW KID IN TOWN". Ludwig is scheduled to fight in a MuayThai Rules bout on the upcoming "IKF Ring of Fire" card in Denver, Colorado, USA. He will rematch against Terrace James out of Winklejohn's AKKA Gym in Alburqurque, New Mexico. Side Note: I want to congratulate Duane again on his victory. He impressed everyone in attendance and proved yet again he has true warrior spirit. I feel proud to have been able to accompany him. He has a incredible future ahead of him. Sven Bean .
MONDAY, February 7th, 2000, AT 6:40 PM
Dakota Storm
At IKF North
It was his first time as an IKF Event Promoter but Promoter Richard Calabera and his promotional team, Dakota Storm 2000 Promotion didn't miss a beat hosting a very successful mixed Kickboxing and Boxing event at the 4 Bears Casino in New Town North Dakota, USA last Saturday night, February 5th, 2000. Along with the Promotional help of the 4 Bears Casino Staff, the North Dakota State Athletic Commission (Mary Feist, Linda Gregoric, Bob Schaible, Diddy Quesnell & Timekeeper, Lois Seelye) and the IKF, the sellout crowd gave witness to 7 exciting bouts. (4 Boxing & 3 Kickboxing)
We'd like to thank Mr. Calabera and chief assistant Nancy, The 4 Bears Casino and the North Dakota State Athletic Commission for their great work on a great night of boxing and kickboxing. We'd also like to thank the other special people that made the weekend a great one, Joe, Charles "In Charge", Judy and a "GREAT SOUNDING" Western Band, "Danny Dee" and Company. (Rochester, Minnesota). Mr. Dee and his boys SHOULD be in the Top 10 of Country Western Singers/Bands Everyone!!! When they closed for the night, not one person wanted to see them quit. We hope to see Danny and everyone again soon as Calabera hosts the IKF/ RINGSIDE North Mountain Amateur Regional Tournament in April or May of this year. For more event information, please contact Mr. Richard Calabera at (801) 741-5602 or e-mail by clicking HERE.
NEWS OF 2-7-2000. . .
Coming Later in
the Week...
News & Results Of;
IKF Pennsylvania, USA: BATTLE FROM BUTLER IV, Friday Night, February 4th at the Butler Days Inn, Butler Pennsylvania, USA. IKF PA FCR Middleweight Title Defense of Jimmy Stewert and the results of the Featured Semi Main, Jim Emrick vs Scott Dixon! Promoted By: Mr. Jimmy Stewert: (724) 284-3725.
IKF Missouri, US: MIDWEST FIGHT FEST at the Union Plaza 300 S. Grand St. Louis, Missouri USA. Kevin "Boom Boom" Bozada vs Jermaine Wilson, Kenny Loehr vs Scott Atkins and the outcome of the main event featuring Jesse Finney! Promoted by Mr. Jesse Finney: (314) 351-5226 & Mr. Robert Donaker.
And the Results of IKF Texas, US A!!! Promoted by Mr. Walt Mason (972) 239-5053.
THURSDAY, February 4th, 2000, AT 2:25 AM
Videos For 1999
USA Amateur Championships
If anyone is interested in attaining a copy of the 1999 IKF/RINGSIDE USA National Amateur Championships at Harveys Casino in Council Bluffs Iowa, please contact Jayson Xiong by e-mail by clicking this link; Mr. Xiong will fill you in on the video and shipping costs.
Weekend For
IKF Pennsylvania,
IKF Promoter and Pennsylvania State Full Contact Rules Champion Jimmy Stewert and Team are all set for tonights IKF BATTLE FROM BUTLER IV at the Butler Days Inn in Butler Pennsylvania, USA. Tonights event will be a mixed Pro-Amateur Event that will include the IKF Pennsylvania State Full Contact Rules Middleweight Title Defense of Jimmy Stewert. A semi main event will feature Jim Emrick vs Scot Dixon. The event begins tonight at 8:00 PM. For more information, please contact Mr. Jimmy Stewert at (724) 284-3725.
IKF Missouri Promoter Jesse Finney and Team are all set for this Saturdays, February 5th event at the Union Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Jesse Finney will be featured in a Full Contact Rules non IKF title bout. Other non title bouts will feature IKF Amateur U. S. Heavyweight Full Contact Rules Champion, Kevin "Boom Boom" Bozada vs Jermaine Wilson and Kenny Loehr vs Scott Atkins. Ticket Prices are $100 VIP Ringside, $30 Platinum Seating, *$25 Gold Seating, (*) Tables of 10 Available. For more information, please contact Mr. Jesse Finney at (314) 351-5226 or Mr. Robert Donaker by e-mail by clicking HERE.
IKF Texas,
IKF Texas Promoter Walt Mason and Team are all set for this Saturdays, February 5th IKF Kickboxing Event in Dallas, Texas, USA. All bouts will be Full Contact Rules. -Sorry but we have no bout information from the promoter on this event. We do know that there are no title bouts.- For more info, contact Mr. Walt Mason at (972) 239-5053 or e-mail by clicking HERE.
IKF North
First time IKF Promoter Richard Calabera and his promotional team, Dakota Storm 2000 Promotion will be host to IKF President Steve Fossum and IKF Head of Officials, Dan Stell of Fairfield, CA, USA on their first IKF Sanctioned event this Saturday night, February 5th, 2000. The event, 4 Bears Fights of the Millennium, will be held at the 4 Bears Casino in New Town North Dakota, USA. The event will feature mixed styles of fighting. There will be 3 kickboxing bouts on the night and they include, in the 180 lbs. division, Howard Lemere vs Larry Sharpe in a 4 Round International Rules bout. In the 195 lbs. division, David Wald will face Brent Jordheim in a 4 Round Full Contact Rules bout. The Main Event of the night will feature 160 lbs. fighters Gery Jones vs Ryan Jones in a 5 Round Full Contact Rules Bout. For more event information, please contact Mr. Richard Calabera at (801) 741-5602 or e-mail by clicking HERE.
MONDAY, January 31st, 2000, AT 7:00 PM
Retires - For Real This Time?
Past IKF
Pro Super Heavyweight MuayThai Champion Duke Roufus. (Duke Roufus
(R) after his First Round "Head Kick" KO Over Grant Barker (L) In his
Defense of his IKF Pro Super Heavyweight MuayThai
Title on March 19th, 1999.) of Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA made it official
today that he will retire as a fighter. Some time ago, we had announced that
Roufus was retired from fighting. An injured hand was the reason back
then but his fighting spirit couldn't keep him out of the ring as eventually he
fought again. In his comeback, he went on to win an IKF
MuayThai World Title as he won 3 out of his 4 bouts. The other bout was in
Treste, Italy on November 19, 1999 for the WKA World Title. However, the bout
was eventually ruled a no contest after Roufus' opponent exicuted a hip
throw which stopped the bout due to a shoulder injury to
With a successful promotional company (AdCetra Sports) and MuayThai Gym, (Phetnoi MuayThai Gym) Roufus has decided to put more focus into the business side of the sport. At 29, he finishes with a record of 33 wins, 5 loses, 1 draw with 24 KO's. He won 3 World Titles in 4 different organizations and was probably best remembered for his first round Knockout Punch of Australian Great Stan Longinidis.
On December 8th, 1998, Roufus' won the IKF Super Heavyweight MuayThai Title in a 5 round decision over Hirawa TeRangi of Auckland, New Zealand. Roufus defended the title on March 19th, 1999 at the Eagles Club Stadium in Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA when he defeated Grant Barker (211 lbs, 41-11 with 32 KO's) of Sydney, Australia. Roufus started the bout hard and fast and then landed the "A Bomb" on Australia's WKA World Champion. In a combination which included a leg kick, 2 knees to Barker's head and finished with a high head kick, Roufus only took 39 seconds into the bout to Knock the Australian out.
On September 17th, 1999, Roufus retired his Super Heavyweight Title to move down to the Heavyweight Division. His last fight was also his last IKF bout as well as he punished a diehard Dewey Cooper (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA) for 5 hard rounds before winning a unanimous decision.Roufus will now focus on his Event Promotion Company out of Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA and the growth of the IKF MuayThai Division Worldwide. Roufus is also assisting many pro fighters in finding them bouts around the world. If your a pro fighter without worldwide representation, you may want to give Mr. Roufus a call at (414) 319-1151 or by e-mail by clicking HERE!
THURSDAY, January 27th, 2000, AT 12:30 PM
Milwaukee Wisconsin USA's Phetnoi MuayThai Gym, was just ranked as the number 1 North American Muay Thai Gym on a well known MuayThai Website. The major criteria were: (1) Excellence in instruction of authentic Muay Thai (no holding back on techniques); (2) Quality of Fighters; (3) Courage to enter the ring - especially in international real Muay Thai competition.
To view the entire article, please see the page "The Belt Is In The Ring" Located at this link: CLICK HERE. Scroll down to "Pop's Top 3 Muay Thai Gyms in North America" Congratulations, Phetnoi as well as the other two gyms listed as well. It would be great to see competition among these 3 Gyms in the future....
TUESDAY, January 25th, 2000, AT 11:40 PM
Cung Le!
Remember San Shou Superstar Fighter Cung Le?
do we.
Check out this photo just moments before his OUTSTANDING
PERFORMANCE in Hawaii last year against China's #1 San Shou Fighter.
of San Jose, California, USA went on to win the bout.
We were lucky enough
to be there in person and witness it live and to say the least, "WE WERE IMPRESSED!"
LAST UPDATE: MONDAY, January 24th, 2000, AT 3:35 PM - Pacific Time
Back In The Super Heavyweight Hunt!
Outside News Source/non-IKF Sanctioned Event: On Sat., Jan. 22nd at the Victorville Fairgrounds in Victorville, CA, USA, Super Heavyweight Pedro "Pitbull" Fernandez of Tijuana, Mexico scored a devestating 3rd round knockout over Wrath White to announce that he's back in the North American heavyweight picture. In an entertaining card attended by some 2000 spectators, K-1 USA contender Fernndez and K-1 Japan competitor, Wrath White of Las Vegas, NV were scheduled to meet in a 5 round modified Muay Thai rules bout. Round one featured Wrath White throwing some great knees and powerfull punches while Fernandez was content to cover up and feel out his opponent's power and ring savy. In round two, "Pitbull" went to work attacking with a combination of devestating low kicks and a powerful hand assault. By the end of the round, White was given two standing eight counts as a result of the hand-leg attack and was barely saved by the bell. Fernandez went for broke in round three with an assault that left the crowd standing and he was able to stop White at 1:39 of the third when referee, Nelson "Doc" Hamilton put a stop to the attack.
Pedro has shown that he is ready to step back up with the big boys, especially after his poor showing against Rick Roufus at K-1 USA in August 1998 and would like nothing more than to meet any of the IKF's ranked contenders. Fernandez is a very low key individual, but has proven to be very charismatic with his Mexican fans, and if Saturday is any indication, he should be very well received by the American public as well. As an interesting side note, Fernandez also acts as a male dancer at several night clubs in Tijuana and San Diego when he isn't busy teaching at his gym or training. A possible bout with Kevin Rosier in April is currently in the works according to a Southern California Promoter. Fernandez hopes that his may be for one of the vacant IKF titles (If the Promoter decides to sanction the bout with the IKF) that are currently in his weight division. Fernandez is trained and managed by Reyes Kickboxing of Tijuana, Mexico and Ken Shamrock's Lions Den in Chula Vista, CA.
NEWS OF 1-24-2000. . .
Amateur Headgear...
After consulting with several IKF Associates, we have decided to allow USA Boxing/Olympic Style style Headgear "WITH" the cheek protecors. The Amateur Headgear rule now reads as follows;
Must be IKF or USA Boxing/Olympic Style approved. (It is the Fighters Choice whether to use the type with a cheek protector or not. Some say the cheek protectors block their vision. If so, than we suggest the type without cheek protectors. Again, this is the fighters choice, but it still must be USA Boxing/Olympic Style approved)
LAST UPDATE: THURSDAY, January 20th, 2000, AT 4:15 AM - Pacific Time
vs IKF Belarus
But First, For
Everyone, A Lesson In MuayThai Class 101
IKF Belarus Promoter and MuayThai instructor Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski } is truly a MuayThai personality that "Walks the Walk" in not only his fantastic event production but also in his skill level he requires in all the fighters he trains at his club in Minsk, Belarus. With most of Kotelnikov's fighters beginning their fighting careers as young as 10 years old, Kotelnikov has a stable of fighters worthy of "ANY" competition worldwide. It's a shame not all the world knows about them, but we will soon take care of that issue in a moment.
Before we discuss last Friday nights, IKF Belarus Vs IKF USA FULL MUAYTHAI Rules competition in Minsk, Belarus, lets first express to you the thoughts that now lingers in the back of our minds. Those thoughts are that of a myth or a fantasy Why you ask?
Well, it has nothing to do with if the event was good or not. No questions about it, this televised event was a FIRST CLASS Production with a sellout crowd of just under 3,000!
It also has nothing to do with whether or not MuayThai is a real fighting art. For as you will find out, IT TRULY IS as well!
And finally, our thoughts have nothing to do with whether the fighters were any good or not, THEY ALL WERE!
As we here at the IKF have always done for our fans of these pages, we always try to educate "EVERYONE" on aspects of our sport and maybe a short class here in MuayThai 101 will help to form where this article is going. Some of you may know most if not all we will teach in this class while others will answer honestly, "Oh, I didn't know that." So let the class begin
Nearly every weekend around the world there's a kickboxing event that advertises they will feature the long honored fighting art of Thailand known as MuayThai. If these fighters are both following true MuayThai tradition, they will both enter the ring over the top rope. Why? In MuayThai tradition, the Mongkon (headpiece wore around the top of each fighters head prior to their bout) is blessed for good luck by each fighters respected religion. Going over the top rope is symbolic that God is Above All Things such as the ring ropes. The spectators and their peers see 2 fighters dressed in the traditional MuayThai shorts with their Mongkon wore proudly on their head. Once in the ring the traditional MuayThai music begins and a fighter has their first options of the bout. However in Thailand, this is NOT an option and SHOULD NOT be an option even in other parts of the world. These options are not fighting options such as "Should I throw a Jab or a knee etc." these options are the ones of long and honored traditions of MuayThai. To seal the ring (The walk around the ring which symbolizes the sealing of evil spirits from the ring), begin their Wai Kru (Wai means Bow and Kru means Teacher. When the fighter bows down paying homage to their teacher, club and family) and or a Ram Muay. (Which translates into boxer dance) or to simply stand and await for their opponent to be ready and the referee to begin the bout. Keep in mind that not all MuayThai fighters perform these things. Even in Thailand, they are a fighters choice.
If a fighter decides to seal the ring we'll see them stopping to pray in each corner. In Thailand, the Wai Khre is paying homage to their Buddha. This pray continues at each corner during their walk to all four corners. Once again, a fighter may now choose to perform a Wai Khre followed by their own version of their Ram Muay. Often during a fighters Ram Muay, many true fans of MuayThai fighting may not know what the dance is for. To answer this question, the dance expresses a fighters balance and agility. Sometimes at it's end, it may be followed by a show of confidence or challenge towards their opponents corner such as a stomping of their feet or an imitation of shooting an arrow at their opponent. To true fans of the sport, this is all part of the bout as well. As each fighters rituals ends, the trainer removes their Mongkon and turns to face their opponent. And at this point ladies and gentlemen is where the true fighting art of Traditional MuayThai ends in a large majority of Kickboxing or MuayThai events around the world.
Wondering where that word "Myth" comes in? Well, here it comes While many fans are awaiting what they "THINK" True MuayThai is, what many will now see instead is what many call "Modified MuayThai" .." MODIFIED you ask???" Yes, MODIFIED How does one "MODIFY" something and still call it the same? Well, around the globe, "Modified MuayThai" usually means NO ELBOWS allowed. However, it may also be modified in several other ways as well such as elbows OK but only to the body or knees to the body but not the head or no clinching and the list of these "MODIFICATIONS" goes on and on Many times these modifications are required due to state or country athletic commission or sport authority regulations. For example in many states, elbows are not allowed at all however knees are OK. So the promoter/matchmaker and the fighter take the position, "Well we'll take what we can at least and call it close enough " So in reality, rules of those (State Commissions) who most of the time know nothing about the sport of kickboxing let alone REAL MuayThai are the reasons for the word "Modified".
But the rules DO have reason behind them, at least those making them feel they do. Their reason is for fighters SAFETY. HOWEVER, according to many MuayThai experts, taking away such techniques does not necessarily increase the safety for a fighter, surprisingly, it may actually increase the possibility of injury. WHY? The reason is that, when a fighter doesn't train for such a thing, is more prone to injury, especially when a fighter doesn't fight with elbows. The key words here are PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. It's like practicing for a Full Contact Rules bout and fighting in a International Rules bout or even more so, the other way around. For example, look at all the International Rules fighters who refused to fight Alexio in Full Contact Rules. Why, because it takes away from their style, "Leg Kicks". A Very IMPORTANT weapons in their fighting style. There "IS" a big difference when you add or take away "ANY" technique in "ANY" fighting style and such changes can put "ANY" fighter in jeopardy as well as changing the sport completely. Here's where the questions begin MuayThai is a "Traditional Sport from the country of Thailand". It represents the ultimate of stand-up fighting styles with all the weapons of the body. But as fighters, keep in mind that there are other styles to choose and ALL (Full Contact Rules, International Rules and San Shou) can be devastating. We've seen peoples heads get split open in a boxing match as well so does the safety issue really fall into play here? You may ask "HOW could you compare?" We answer very simply, EXPERIENCE.
As we have already announced, "ALL" IKF Amateur bouts in ALL Rule styles now require headgear (See Headgear Rule at this Link: -Fighters Equipment) As amateurs, these fighters learn their skill to their fullest potential before taking off the headgear and turning PRO. Whether amateur or pro, NO FIGHTER is EVER forced into the ring of battle and with this in mind know that EVERY fighter KNOWS what they are getting into or at least have a good idea of what could and may happen to them. It's "THEIR" choice to say "Yes" or "No" to a matchmaker when he/she calls!
This same argument is supported by us here in the IKF with our NHB Organization ISCF. Our feeling again is if the event has knowledgeable and skilled officials (Mainly a GREAT Referee such as John Perretti of Hampton Bays, New York, USA who's also the matchmaker for the UFC) to oversee a fighters safety than why ban the sport. We here at the IKF "FULLY" support NHB fighting as long as the event has skilled officials to assure a fighters safety as in "ANY" Contact Sport, even football. We've had our NHB critics in the past who somehow got the stupid impression we wanted to support a NHB BAN in California. Mr. P.S. of Jackson, CA, USA couldn't have been FARTHER from the truth. (And about the box comment P.S. made about Mr. Fossum, -Long story- well, ha ha, we laughed too and we have a box for you too An APOLOGY is DUE!) The main reason? Because WE here at the IKF SUPPORT NHB style fighting! But enough here, back to MuayThai.
As we explain more, we need to make one thing VERY CLEAR to ALL "Modified" MuayThai fighters around the world. Every one of these fighters still go into the ring and "Walk the Walk" to do battle rather than lay on their couches and talk about how they "Could" do that if they wanted to. We all know MANY GREAT MuayThai fighters that "ONLY" fight in "Modified" MuayThai Style Bouts. No, we won't name them because some may feel we're bashing them and we're NOT by any means. They and many fans know who they are so enough said here.
You see, the fault here may be that there is not "2" SEPARATE DIVISIONS for such fighting. OK, hold on critics. No we're not suggesting adding "ANOTHER Rule Division, at least not yet . This would be to fragment the sport even more and have even more champions, as if the sport didn't have enough already. So as far as suggesting ANOTHER Division for Modified MuayThai Fighters and NOT Calling it MuayThai AT ALL, maybe we should just add KNEES to International Rules (Such as K-1 Rules). We don't have an answer here yet, but it truly DOES NEED to be addressed eventually. SOMETHING DOES NEED to be done here.
Why is this debate so important now? Lets just say "Our Eyes were opened a bit in Belarus..." Matchmakers, promoters and fighters have taken the long honored traditional fighting art and NATIONAL Thailand Sport of MuayThai and "Watered it Down.". The same thing can be compared to what happened to the word KICKBOXING when TaeBo became so popular? Heck, in respect to Billy Blanks (TaeBo founder and creator), at least he never even mentions kickboxing in his ads. Yet look at all the Karate, Tae Kwon Do and aerobic instructor's that "CLAIM" they know kickboxing. They NEVER even trained in a real kickboxing program let alone been in a kickboxing match. Isn't experience the best teacher? Of course it is. You wouldn't take flying lessons from an instructor who's never flown would you? No need to answer. More and more people are getting hurt in these classes because the instructors truly know nothing about the sport! It's a SLAP in the face INSULT to those of us who have paid for our experience with our own sweat and blood so these people can market the name of "OUR SPORT and ART, KICKBOXING" to be bop around and say "I teach Kickboxing." Ya right . "Oh, we kick, we punch, isn't that kickboxing?" As ridiculous of the statement "What's so hard about judging kickboxing? It's boxing with kicks " made by a Local State Athletic Commission "BOXING" Judge during the pre fight rules briefing at an IKF event in last year. The State Commission assigns all officials, and they gave us 3 "BOXING" judges for a "WORLD" Title bout. We would have had a BOXING referee as well if we wouldn't have pushed the issue. How does this compare? We wonder if the commission would like to have a judo referee in a BOXING World Title bout. Yes, they're both fighting, but VERY DIFFERENT!
Like the students of "Cardio Kickboxing Class", the majority of MuayThai fighters around the world, by no fault of their own, just the system, have no idea what it's like to see live, let alone "BE IN" a "REAL" Full MuayThai Rules bout that includes full power knees and Elbows to the head and body. Heck, in all honesty, most of these fighters simply don't want to jeopardize taking a full power Elbow to the head. Outside of Thailand, there are very few TRUE Full MuayThai Rules fighters. Again, the debate arises about "Another Division that has knees, but no elbows. (K-1 Style)"
Again, we're debating here at the IKF if this should simply be added to the leg kick rule division in the IKF known as International Rules. Most Cardio Kickboxing instructors have NO CLUE what REAL Kickboxing is and those who brag to their friends that they train in kickboxing when all they're actually doing is cardio "KARATE, if that, are just as wrong (no offense, but it's true) in the difference of MODIFIED MuayThai vs "REAL" MuayThai. To stress another important point we already brought up, we "ARE NOT" bashing on modified MuayThai fighters. As we already said, Everyone of these fighters still go into the ring and "Walk the Walk". To cover our entire thought here, all fighters "Walk the Walk". All we're trying to point out is that there TRULY "IS" a difference in "Modified" MuayThai compared to "TRUE, FULL RULES" MuayThai.
With that said, lets end our class now and share with you the nights experiences of 8 fighters who took an important step in making the IKF take a closer look at the rule style of MuayThai as explained above. We'll also share with you the experiences of 4 American Pro MuayThai fighters who have been in the FULL MuayThai Rules arena before and "Walked the Walk". On this trip they entered the ring on a cold night in Minsk, Belarus (West of Russia) to face opponents they had never seen before in yet another Full MuayThai Rules Competition. Their common quest was for yet another win in their already impressive and successful fighting careers.
Let the Journey begin
IKF USA vs IKF Belarus
When people gazed through our web site and scrolled down the upcoming events page over the last month, they came across an event entitled IKF USA vs IKF Belarus scheduled in Minsk, Belarus on Friday, January 14th. At that point, many of them paused and asked themselves, if not us through an e-mail, "Where is that?" Minsk, Belarus is a city that rests centrally along the Western Russia boarder. On a map, one can see that it lies directly in the land mass known as the Russian Front during World War 2. For those who know this area, sunshine is something rarely seen and cold weather is nothing new. It was late in the evening on Thursday, January 13th, when we arrived in Minsk so we didn't think about any sunshine other than the desire for it from the cold tundra air. The heater on the plane we took for our final hop from Vienna Austria to Minsk was broken so we were already cold from the nights air. At the airport, like many in this part of the world, there was no boarding gate so we were about to feel the brisk Belarusian air on our faces the moment we stepped outside the plane, and brisk it was. Minus 10 was the reading and with the wind blowing through the night the air hit us in the face like a sharp cold knife. Welcome To the Cold USA... By the time we had walked the 100 feet to the airport terminal our teeth were chattering and our hands were shaking. It didn't take us long to realize that we had arrived on a cold tundra of land that has no room for the weak of the cold. Where boys become men at a young age and strong self discipline is a way of life, not a desire as it is in America. Once inside the terminal we awaited our host, Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski }. When we finally made eye contact, he approached us and greeted us with a warm hello and a smile. Suddenly we weren't as cold anymore as we discovered Mr. Kotelnikov - { Dobrotvorski } was not a stranger in a strange land anymore. Only a Friend we had never met. At his side was someone who also warmed the Belarus Air with her smile, charm and beautiful eyes. Our interpreter, Tatiana (Tanya) Artemenko. Our drive from the airport took us many miles across the cold Tundra finally to arrive in the City of Minsk. Once there, Mr. Kotelnikov - { Dobrotvorski } took us to his training gym. It reminded us a lot of the IKF Headquarters. There was no big sign out front, just a staircase that lead down to a door much like the gym we visited in Armenia in 1998 (See 1998 IKF News : SUNDAY, November 15th, 1998, AT 2:55 AM IKF SAN SHOU ARMENIA ). As we walked through the door we were greeted with surprised looks by many inside. Some were unsure how to respond to us but as we shared the universal language of a smile, we all received smiles back. The USA Team was given the option to weigh-in tonight (the night of their arrival) or to wait until the next day. All choose to weigh in now so they could eat. One by one, all 8 fighter weighed in, some were at weight while some had to lose a little but in no time the weigh-ins were complete and now all that laid ahead was the wait of the competition. After the weigh-ins Mr. Kotelnikov - { Dobrotvorski } took us all to dinner where we were treated to our first Belarusian meal. When we were done, it was off to the hotel where everyone checked in. Since it was late, everyone hit the sack and eagerly awaited competition day. As Friday morning came, it was our first realization that this land truly doesn't see a lot of sunshine. Outside our hotel windows the land was white with snow and a touch of the glass proved the air outside was "COLD"... well, at least to us Americans that is.... The morning of competition day started in the lobby with a warm smile and hello from Tanya who escorted us to our breakfast. Once done, some of us opted to visit the neighborhood McDonalds. (A recognized food of many Americans when out of the country... these guys should really be our sponsor for that kind of a plug...) After a few burgers and fries we made our way back to the hotel where we awaited our driver. Once he arrived it was off to some sights and than to lunch...Once done, it was back to our hotel for a short rest before the competition. At 4:30 we made our way to the venue. As if it wasn't already cold enough outside, the event was to be held inside an Ice Hockey Arena. The ice was nearly all exposed except for an area about 100' by 50' that was created for the fighting ring, bandstand, officials area and TV equipment. Inside the arena area it was nearly as cold as outside and when team Captain Duke Roufus (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) and assistant Deric Yuen (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) saw their breath when they talked, they realized that getting the fighters warm enough to fight had presented yet another challenge for everyone. The event begin with spotlights, color strobes and loud music to warm up the sell out crowd of nearly 3,000 people. As Team USA started their parade walk to the ring behind the American Flag one would think they were watching a portion of the Olympic Games. One by one they entered the fighting ring. Team Belarus entered the arena next behind the Belarus Flag and as well, took their positions facing the American Team across the ring. As introductions were made one by one and the Teams National Anthems were played, everyone could see that this had the making of a GREAT EVENT! Once done the fighters left the ring and made their way back to their dressing rooms. TV Cameras were in place, the crowd was ready... Let the GAMES BEGIN! |
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After 4 matches it was obvious who won this great competition of "FULL and TRUE" MuayThai as the scoreboard showed Belarus: 4, USA: 0... IKF USA has "NOTHING" to be ashamed of in their loses. Team Captain Duke Roufus had a VERY HARD TIME finding USA "MuayThai" fighters to fight under "FULL" MuayThai Rules but these 4 DID IT! Truly no offense intended to the rest of the MuayThai fighters in USA but regardless of all those fighters who want to call themselves "REAL" MuayThai Fighters and Champions, the truth is, you have to"Walk the Walk In FULL RULES" to prove yourself around the World in the Game. Elbows and knees to the Entire Body Everyone... That's what MuayThai "REALLY IS!" Otherwise, we might as well start up a new division with rules like K-1 instead of calling it "MODIFIED" MuayThai... As far as IKF Belarus? Well, what can we say... IKF Promoter and trainer of the Belarus Team Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski }can Truly Stand Proud. He and his fighters have proved themselves against some of the best and did in in front of the World with the IKF. As we've said many times before on these pages, "It's AMAZING of the unknown talent out there that few people know about." Kotelnikov's - { Dobrotvorski's } fighters are the "REAL DEAL" and are truly worthy of ANY Competition in ANY Arena, ANYWHERE in the World. These young fighters were Champions among their peers on this night and not only represented their Country Strong and Proud but the "TRUE" Sport of MuayThai as well for those who love the sport Worldwide! As we have announced for the future of the IKF, "The Game Has Changed!" This night was just a taste of GREAT MuayThai Events to come this year on the IKF Schedule along with other great bouts in ALL the Rule Styles. With the addition of former WKA Coordinator Mick Fowles joining the IKF Team to work with Alby Bimpson in organizing the IKF UK and Western Europe Team, new IKF Team Member Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski } and his Team of Promoters will be announcing several IKF events in Eastern Europe including more events in Belarus, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Russia and other countries as well as in the MiddleEast such as Lebanon. It's a big year for the IKF World TEAM so get ready everyone... Were gunna have some fun!!! On behalf of the IKF, all of us here at the IKF Headquarters and the IKF USA Team, we would like to give our most Gracious THANKS to IKF Host Promoter Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski }and his Promotional Staff. Miss Artemenko, (Tanya), thank you for making the sun shine through the clouds for all of us with your smiling eyes and knowledge of your beautiful city. Your light will shine with us all. With the exception of Delta Airlines losing Alberto Ramirez' luggage and of course the bout results, those of us traveling with IKFTeam USA all seemed to have a great experience and would be honored to return again. We would also like to thank Joe Taylor, Albert and Doug Ward at RINGSIDE INC. for designing the IKF Team USA shorts, robes and warm-up suits. As always, you guys at RINGSIDE INC. came through with FLYING COLORS for yet another Great IKF Event! They also provided the event fight gloves and some shirts that IKF Team USA gave away to IKF Team BELARUS. Oh and your wondering what all happened after the event? Come on everyone. As the saying goes, "What happens on the road, stays on the road".... OK... Just kidding... McDonalds of course......Man... Another Great Plug... Did somebody say McDonalds? Goodnight... |
LAST UPDATE: TUESDAY, January 11th, 2000, AT 2:55 PM - Pacific Time
Faces IKF Belarus
Minsk Belarus
IKF Promoter Mr. Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski } of Minsk, Belarus is all set to host IKF USA vs IKF BELARUS which will feature 4 Exciting "Full" MuayThai Rules Bouts with Knees and Elbows to the ENTIRE body. So, Why is this such a big deal? Well, as IKF USA Matchmaker and USA Coach for the event, Duke Roufus will tell anyone, finding USA MuayThai fighters that were "WILLING" to fight FULL "REAL" MuayThai Rules is easier said than done. Many USA fighters "WANT TO" say they fight MuayThai Rules however, VERY FEW USA Fighters fight TRUE MuayThai. The majority of them fight in what is called "Modified MuayThai Rules" which take away knees to the head and all elbow strikes.
It's been clear that the IKF is Changing The Game of Kickboxing Worldwide, especially in the MuayThai Division. Excellent advice has come from very knowledgable people in the sport and what makes this work is that the IKF is not only LISTENING to the ADVICE but putting it to use as well.
Some of these people include World Famous MuayThai Referee, Kuhn Fred Fitzgerald. (See his IKF MuayThai Page by clicking HERE) Fitzgerald has been VERY Helpful in EDUCATING IKF MuayThai Officials around the world how to PROPERLY Referee and Judge MuayThai bouts. His experience of training comes from the best in Thailand where he is the only American to Referee in the big Stadiums in Bangkok. The IKF has also received a lot of help in developing the MuayThai division from experienced MuayThai Promoter, Fighter and Trainer Duke Roufus of Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA, MuayThai Promoter and Trainer Mick Doyle of Omaha, Nebraska, USA, IKF European Representative Alby Bimpson of England and MuayThai Promoter and Trainer Mike Miles of Alberta, Canada. There have been others outside of the IKF that have offered valuable thoughts as well such as RingReports Eric Haycraft.
Again, what's making this all work worldwide is the IKF's "TEAM" concept. The IKF is commitment to listening to the EXPERTS of each Rule Style (San Shou for example is another rule style that will be big for the IKF in 2000) for better ideas, better rules etc. to IMPROVE all aspects of the sport and not stay STAGNANT as other organizations have. The IKF is COMMITTED to CHANGE for the better and CHANGE has been the BUZZ WORD around the IKF World Headquarters these days.
This Friday night, January 14th in Minsk, Belarus, IKF Promoter Mr. Evgeni Kotelnikov - { Evgeni Dobrotvorski }and his IKF Promotional Team will be a big part of the NEW IKF. MuayThai is MuayThai and Kotelnikov - { Dobrotvorski } and his IKF Belarus MuayThai Fighters will feature true MuayThai against the IKF USA MuayThai Team. As team coach, Roufus will be assisted by MuayThai fighter and trainer Derek Yuen also of Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA.
Faces Shish For
IKF MuayThai World Title In Belarus
In The Main Event of the night, Current IKF Pro Junior Welterweight Intercontinental MuayThai Rules Champion Richard Kostuk (21-6 with 6 KO's of Milwaukee Phetnoi MuayThai Gym, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA) will face Vasily Shish ( 45-9 of Minsk Belarus, WAKO World Champion) for the vacant IKF Pro World MuayThai Lightweight Title. Kostuck is coming off an impressive victory back on December 18, 1999 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA when he gave Springfield, Missouri, USA's Alex Arnall (IKF #5 Contender) a serious lesson in MuayThai stopping him at the 0:15 mark of the first round.
Faces Shakuta For
IKF MuayThai Intercontinental Title In Belarus
In The Semi Main Event, Fernando Calleros, (38-8 with 23 KO's of Albq.. New Mexico USA) will face veteran MuayThai fighter Dmitry Shakuta (60-4 of Belarus, WAKO European & World Champion) for the vacant IKF Pro Intercontinental MuayThai Welterweight Title. Calleros is coming off an outstanding performance in a very close decision loss against IKF Pro Full Contact Rules World Champion Juan Torres in Sacramento, CA, USA back on November 23rd, 1999 in a Full Contact Rules bout.
Faces Pekarchik
Garcia Faces Logish
IKF MuayThai TEAM Bouts in Belarus
In addition to the 2 IKF Title Bouts will be 2 IKF Team Bouts as well. IKF Team USA vs IKF Team Belarus. In the Pro Junior Featherweight MuayThai division, Alberto Ramirez ( 35-3 with 29 KO's of Tacoma, Washington, USA) will face Alexei Pekarchik ( 45-5 of Belarus, WAKO European and World Champion) This bout will be especially important for Ramirez who will be fighting IKF Pro World Champion Ali Hallak (48-6-1 with 22 KO's of Australia) in Australia for the vacant IKF Featherweight MuayThai World Title on March 4th of this year. In the other Team Bout, veteran fighter Ben Garcia (19-2 of Las Vegas Nevada) will face Roman Logish (22-7 of Belarus) in the Lightweight MuayThai division.
The team will be departing early Wednesday morning from their hometowns around the United States. Roufus, Yuen, Kostuck, Calleros and IKF President Steve Fossum will meet in Atlanta while Ramariez and Garcia will meet in New York. From there, they will fly to Vienna where they will all meet and fly to Minsk, Belarus together. The event, as mentioned, is Friday night, the 14th. The USA team will be back in the U. S. late Monday night, the 17th. We wish all the fighters success and remember Team USA and TEAM Belarus, win or lose, all 8 of you are taking a BIG STEP in promoting TRUE MuayThai for the World to see. All 8 of you will TRULY "Walk the Walk" this Friday night! The eyes of the world are on you all as you represent not only your countries but MuayThai and the IKF World Team as well. Good Luck to you all.
NEWS OF 1-11-2000. . .
As always, we here at the IKF are still organizing information for our web viewers more and more. To see our latest work, check out our new Rules and Regulations page. Vicki at Z's Martial Arts in Chicago, IL, USA brought our attention to the need to update some of the new IKF Rules that are new for the year 2000. Thanks Vic. One of the biggest changes was our new rule for Mandatory Headgear for All amateur fighters. Although there will be some that don't like it, we feel we should make a stand for the safety of Amateur fighters. So check out the page by clicking HERE and let us know if you like it and all the new connecting pages in regards to IKF Rules & Regulations.
NEWS OF 1-11-2000. . .
Amateur Champ
First American To
Win At
In Thailand
On Thursday, January 6, 2000 James "Knock`em Down" Downey did what no other American has ever done. Fighting in his professional debut at Bangkok's famous Rajadamnern Stadium, the 21 year old Muaythai fighter from Racine, Wisconsin, USA not only became the first American to ever fight at Rajadamnern, he also became the first American to win at Rajadamnern.
The victory improves Downey's overall record to 12-1, 6 ko's ( pro record: 1-0, 1 ko). His 20 year old Thai opponent Konsan T. Pitakgolghan brought 35 professional fights into the ring. Both fighters weighed in at 154 lbs./70 kgs.
Downey followed the Thai tradition by taking on the ring name "Sit Kongnapa Kiet Phetnoi" which means "student of Kongnapa and Phetnoi Gym". He took the name to honor his trainer Kongnapa Kiet Phetnoi (4-time Rajadamnern Stadium Champion & current IKF Jr. Middleweight World Champion). The event was promoted by Mr. Wiwat Phetnoi.
Those who stayed after the main event were treated to an awesome Junior Middleweight battle. The fight started fast and furious, as the Thai tested Downey's blocking and defense, with an onslaught of powerful kicks and crafty elbows. Downey gained his composure in Round 2, combining an intelligent defense with an aggressive offense, allowing him to take control of the fight's tempo.
By the middle of Round 3, Downey turned the tide, coming forward with a barrage of bone crushing knees. Round 4 saw Downey unleash a turbo knee attack that eventually stopped the Thai midway through the round - a knockout that produced Downey's first Pro victory.
The odds were against Downey, no one expected an American to have a chance at victory, but he won over the Thai audience with heart and skill. Rajadamnern promoter and Phetnoi Gym owner, Wiwat Phetnoi, commented "(Downey) has a good body for Muaythai and a strong heart. He has a very powerful knee. He scared me in Round 1, but showed a lot of heart, gained his composure, and kept working the knee. He has a lot of potential. He was very popular tonight with the audience and we will be putting him on our next promotion on January 24th at Rajadamnern Stadium."
Downey thanked his trainer Kongnapa "King of the Sky" Kiet Phetnoi for "not holding back the training and knowledge and pushing him to train hard." He also thanked his managers Duke Roufus and Scott Joffe for backing him and making the fights and training happen in Thailand. Downey went on to say, "it is great that I won, but now I have to train twice as hard. The Thai's have seen me fight and they know my strengths and weaknesses. Next time they will match me with someone even tougher."
Downey began his career in February 1999, fighting for Phetnoi MuayThai Gym under the supervision of his trainer, Kongnapa, and managers Roufus and Joffe. Downey is now living and working full time as a Boxer in Bangkok, Thailand, training at the renowned Phetnoi Gym.
LAST UPDATE: SATURDAY, January 8th, 2000, AT 3:40 PM - Pacific Time
Challenge From
Down Under...
From Thunderlegs Promotions,
$20,000 (US$) Winner Take ALL!
We at Thunderlegs Promotions have a proposition for Anyone interested. Have you ever heard of a Female fighter named HOLLY "WILDCAT" FERNERLEY? She is the current IKF World Bantamweight Champ, IKBF Commonwealth & ISKA South. Pacific Champ. Because of the lack of Pro Shows here in Sydney, except for when we do them, we are spreading our wings & putting up a challenge, to ANY FEMALE FIGHTER, at ANY WEIGHT between 55-59kg, for ANY RULES for a WORLD TITLE. Holly is fighting Julie Woods of New Zealand for her second IKF World Title on THUNDERZONE IV (March 11th).
Her last fight on September 24th last year saw her defeat South African Lynette Els with a Kick KO in the 3rd Round. Now, here's the deal. Because a lot of promoters out there are watching their money in their pockets, Holly has a sponsor who will pay for two tickets to your part of the world to fight your best, at the above weight as discussed, ONLY FOR A WORLD TITLE (Any Rules). The sponsor is that confident that he will bet up to $20,000 (US$) that Holly will win the fight. Holly will even fight Boxing. Hey, she would even fight (Under water), just to get a fight.
Who ever promotes such a fight has to pay the purse of $3,000 (US$). This is separate to the bet. Not a bad deal hey?. We need at least 4 weeks notice, but please no offers between the dates of February 27th -March 12th. Any time before, or after is great for us. To keep it fair, there must be an Australian judge on the fight. So, ANY TAKERS?. As they say in the boxing, "LET'S GET IT OOOONNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I await your reply & remember, contracts get the fight happening, not just words. We feel we have the best Bantam & Featherweight Champion ANYWHERE in the world. We challenge ALL THE CHAMPIONS OF ANY SANTIONING BODY WHO HOLD THE TITLES AT THOSE WEIGHT DIVISIONS. I await your replies. First "Genuine Reply" gets us first! Until then, Kru Robert Wilesmith, THUNDSERLEGS KICKBOXING AUSTRALIA. Please contact us by e-mail. click HERE!
LAST UPDATE: WEDNESDAY, January 6th, 2000, AT 2:15 PM - Pacific Time
Now Sells TWINS Products!
It has just been officially announced that in 2000, RINGSIDE will be featuring TWINS Equipment of Thailand for sale in their 2000 Fall/Spring Catalog. As their relationship begins, RINGSIDE will only be selling a few items but as time goes by, they hope to be selling more TWINS Equipment. This association will GREATLY help the association of TWINS For this reason, TWINS Equipment will be accepted this year at the 2000 IKF/RINGSIDE USA National Amateur Tournament Events and on many other IKF Events Worldwide. We here at the IKF would like to Welcome TWINS to RINGSIDE and as well, Welcome them as a part of the IKF World TEAM!
To order a RINGSIDE Catalog, click this link:
NEWS OF 1-6-2000. . .
World FCR Champ
Torres To Box!
IKF Pro World Full Contact Rules Light Welterweight Champion, Juan "The ghost Warrior" Torres (South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA AM: 5-0/4, PRO: 38-3/26 ) will be fighting in a boxing match this Saturday night in New Mexico on the Johnny Tapia under card on Showtime. Torres will be facing David Semple of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. We wish you luck Champ!
LAST UPDATE: SUNDAY, January 2nd, 2000, AT 7:30 PM - Pacific Time
NATIONAL Amateur Championships!
Although some may already know, we just wanted to remind everyone again. This notice is to once again inform all the Promoters and Potential Fighters of the IKF/RINGSIDE 2000 USA National Amateur Championships that we will be offering a SAN SHOU Division at some of the Regionals as well. It will ALSO be a Featured style at the Nationals Championship event in Iowa along with the other styles. For more info on this event, please click HERE!
LAST UPDATE: SATURDAY, January 1st, 2000, AT 6:20 PM - Pacific Time The IKF
Welcomes For most of 1999, the IKF Europe Team headed by IKF Europe Representative Alby Bimpson has been pretty quiet. However, as one says, "There is Always a Calm Before The Storm." The year 2000 will begin a major IKF Storm in Europe as well as other parts of the World which will be announced throughout January. Unlike some storms though, this is a WELCOME Storm that will be GREAT for the IKF and more importantly, for the Sport of Kickboxing! It is with great honor that the IKF would like to Welcome Mike Fowles of England to the IKF World Team. Fowles Official Title will be the IKF European Co-ordinator assisting Alby Bimpson, also of England who is the IKF European Representative. Both Fowles and Bimpson will be making a trip to the IKF World Headquarters in Newcastle, CA, USA this February for a meeting with IKF President Steve Fossum in regards to their work in Europe for the IKF. All IKF European operations will be handled through the IKF European offices under the direction of Bimpson and Fowles. While in the United States, they will also meet with other IKF Promoters, Associates and Representatives from North America at the IKF Headquarters. Look for more information on Mr. Fowles and Mr. Bimpson's work in Europe later in the week. A full European schedule will also be announced soon as well. |