On May 15th, 1999 in Lowell, Massachusetts, USA at 45
years of age, Wilson stepped back into the ring to fight for the vacant
IKF Pro FCR Cruiserweight
World Title against Dick Kimber for what is still this day, the
highest kickboxing purse ever paid, $150,000.00 and some additional training
expenses. Kimber swore to everyone that he'd have the fight over before the
fifth round. However when the Dragon unloaded on Kimber in round three, Kimber
dropped to the mat and referee Dan
Stell counted him out on the floor. Kimber never stood during the
count and to this date, Kimber never fought again. Having never been challenged
for his title, Wilson voluntarily retired it several years later. (Photo
above after he won the IKF World Title) IKF WORLD TITLE BOUT VIDEO - CLICK HERE
Don "The Dragon" Wilson's FIGHT HISTORY Wikipedia - Don "The
Dragon" Wilson - Full Fight & Acting Bio
A Tribute to the Legend of Kickboxing
Don "The Dragon" Wilson During
his Seminar in Palermo, Italy. CLICK
To schedule domestic or international
seminars, appearances or fights: ddragonw@aol.com www.DonTheDragonWilson.com
