PAST NEWS This Page Includes Past IKF
News for
JULY, 2005

July 29th, 2005, AT 2:00 PM,
MIDWEST FIGHT FEST Kansas City, Missouri, USA
IKF/ISCF Missouri, USA Tonight, June
Promoters Jesse Finney, his Shamrock
Promotion Team and The Blue Corner Promotions will once again team
up to host "MIDWEST FIGHT FEST".
The event will take place at the Clarion Hotel located next to Arrowhead Stadium
at 9103 E. 39th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. The event will feature
IKF Amateur Kickboxing,
Amateur Mixed Martial Arts and Amateur Boxing.
For more info on this event please call Mr. Jesse Finney
at (314) 608-3104 or by e-mail at jesse@finneyskickboxing.com or see their website at
or contact Mr. Patrick Harrington of the Blue Corner Group at
or Mr. Benjamin Nogueras at
or go to www.TheBlueCorner.com


July 31st 2005
IKF European Title
Matt Martin VS
Greg Katsimpas
Sorry but no additional event information was
provided by
IKF Europe as of press time today.
July 27th, 2005, AT 11:55 AM,
Derek "TNT" Yuen

 Toney Hannon
As time moves on, so do some of the greatest fighters we have
known. Such is the case of Derek "TNT" Yuen. This past
Saturday in San Jose, California Yuen announced to
IKF President Steve Fossum and
head Official Dan Stell that the time has come to move forward in his
life. Derek is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin but moved to San Jose,
California a few years ago for the company he worked for. Today he is an
assistant trainer at AKA (American Kickboxing
Academy - www.akakickbox.com) in San Jose, owned by former
Kickboxing World Champion Javiar Mendez.
AKA is also home to
former IKF Amateur National Champion and
now Professional Fighter Gary Owens along with other kickboxers such as
Travis Johnson & Jerome Turcan.
Derek now owns his own engineering consulting business
in San Jose. No disrespect to the great gym of
but Derek's best days as a fighter were when he was in Milwaukee
Wisconsin. "I always joked with
Darek that when he moved to California, especially San Jose, that the
sun and the surf gave him too many fun things to do instead of train."
Said Fossum.
Regardless what it was, change of home, change of job,
whatever, it is true his bigger Glory Days as an amateur fighter were
when he lived and trained in Milwaukee Wisconsin. While there under the guidance
of trainer/promoter and former IKF World
Champion Duke
Roufus, Yuen built an impressive record and won several
IKF Amateur Titles.
His first IKF Title he
won was the IKF Amateur Wisconsin State
Muay Thai Title. He won this title on February 26th, 2000 in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA when he defeated Brian Rood of Hudson, Wisconsin, USA by
split decision, 48-47, 47-48 & 48-47.
At the 2000
USA National Amateur Kickboxing Championships at Harvey's
Casino Hotel in Council Bluffs, Iowa he won the Muay Thai
Rules Light Heavyweight Title with a victory over Kevin Brown of Omaha,
Nebraska, USA by TKO at 1:32 of round 2.
In 2001 Derek moved to San Jose, but was still guided
by Roufus when he continued his winning ways on the National Level. At
the 2001 IKF/Ringside USA
National Amateur Kickboxing Championships at the Holiday
Inn in Olathe/Kansas City Kansas, USA he successfully defended
his National Title when he defeated defeated Charles Pemble of
Marquette, Michigan by majority decision, 30-27, 30-26 & 28-28. This was
Derek's last tournament appearance.
Some here may know about Pemble's future as he has went
on to win the 2002
and 2004 IKF Championship Tournaments.
Derek ends his career with an amateur kickboxing record
of 15 wins, 5 loses and 4 wins coming by KO/TKO. "Derek always reminded
me of one of the greatest amateur fighters in and out of the ring in IKF's past,
a fighter named Toney "The Hammer" Hannon (Left)."
Said Fossum. He continued, "Like Hannon, (Bakersfield,
California, USA, 18-0-3/16, trained by Eric Nolan) Derek has always
been a gentlemen out of the ring and a focused fighter who fought calm and
composed in the ring. Unfortunately for Hannon, there was no web site
like this one on the internet back in the early 90's so few heard about him
around the world. However I assure you, he was one of the greatest amateurs ever
with "Several IKF Titles" to his credit, and like
him, Derek will always be remembered in the same memory."
We wish Derek the best of luck in his future and as
always, hope to see him around ringside at future kickboxing events, in the
corner of future Champions. As we have said here before, to those of us who have
known him over his winning years, he will always be "MR. TNT!" Mr.
Yuen can be reached at dyuen@xtestinc.com

July 26th, 2005, AT 12:50 PM,
Pro Kickboxing
World Champion
IKF Virginia, USA
Professional Kickboxing World Champion Ronnie Copeland (Right,
gave an outstanding seminar this past July 16th in Virginia Beach Virginia. To
say the least, the seminar was a big success.
IKF Central East Representative Craig
Smith (Below Left, www.craigsmithkarate.com) of Virginia Beach,
Virginia hosted the seminar and tells us in his own words how great it was;
After sitting back and
remembering all of the Saturday seminars that Copeland performed in
Virginia Beach last Saturday it is very pleasing to know that we can still have
the old fashion glove up, old school, workout and sweat, train and learn, and
walk away satisfied seminars. I have been to a many a seminar and put on many
seminars, but this one has to be near the top of all of them. I have had many
Champions teach a seminar, but in recent years it seems that the teachers have
forgotten how to give a seminar. It seems in recent years that most of them find
themselves listening to themselves talk. I told Ronnie that the people
who were coming to this seminar were all fighters. Not Karate guys or girls, not
Forms people or beginners or brainiacs, these people were FIGHTERS and needed to
be treated as such. Well they got there monies worth and more. One of the big
things I have found in the seminars given today is that most of the Champions or
teachers providing the material love to listen to themselves talk and have
forgotten how to give a seminar for people to learn as well as WORKOUT. Well
Ronnie did exactly what myself and everyone else wanted. He taught a
Tuff, hard working, learning, and sweating seminar that many will never forget.
Between the mitt work and the cardio and the Combo's, and lets not forget
the sparring, it went over perfect. Everyone walked away with new knowledge and
a soken t-shirt and pants. "Exhausted" one registered fighter said,
another said he had learned so many new drills with the mitts, that he could not
wait to get back to his own school to teach his students. Then there was the
cardio that seemed to impress all whom attended, second to none one fighter
said. At the end, with the likes of the Pogue's and the Baines,
and the Maldanato's and all the World class fighters, this seminar was
well taught and appreciated by all.
When you can go to a seminar and learn new drills and learn new coaching
material plus get in a tuff workout and then get to fight with all the Great
fighters who attended this show, now that is a satisfying and tremendous feeling
when all is done. For all coaches and school owners whom are looking for a good
seminar, I recommend Ronnie Copeland for your next one. Great Job Ronnie
and we all here in Virginia thank you for your time and effort in showing us the
old school seminars are still out there, you just got to find Ronnie
Copeland to teach them.
To read more about Ronnie Copeland go
to: www.teamcopeland.net
- Mr. Copeland can be reached at
friend Craig Smith.
July 25th, 2005, AT 3:00 PM,
5 IKF U.S.
Champions Crowned At
Born To Fight
IKF San Jose,
California, USA
IKF Promoter
and Pro San Shou World Champion Cung Le and his USH! Entertainment staff once again hosted
another great night of Amateur Kickboxing which included both Muay Thai and San
Shou rules bouts. Here first are the results of the 5 IKF
Amateur San Shou title bouts followed by the nights undercard.
SS Flyweight Title
Van Do (4-3,
112) of San Jose, California faced
Shana Howell (7-3, 113) of Ohio in the
first IKF Title bout of the night. Do
won all rounds in taking her first Title by unanimous decision.
SS Light Cruiserweight Title
Fonseca (8-0, 184) of San Francisco, California and
Richie Council (6-3, 180) of Columbus,
Ohio fought a war! Fonseca's trainer Kru Sam Phimsoutham has
brought his entire team to greater heights over the past year and it was noticed
by them all throughout the night. In the end, the judges were as close as we
were but it would be Fonseca who would take the Title by Majority
Decision. Fonseca is also the IKF
Amateur Muay Thai Light Cruiserweight Champion.
SS Featherweight Title
Valladarez (10-0, 124) of San Jose, California jumped into
his bout with
Ray Ho (Actual record unknown since
his smoker bouts are unknown, but many, 122) of Oakland, California, and we
do mean "JUMPED!". Valladarez did a jump/flying kick
that smacked Ho in the face as his very first move, and it set the tone
for a fast and exciting bout between two great fighters. In round 4, Valladarez
landed a head kick on Ho that knocked him down, forcing referee Dan
Stell to give him a standing 8 count. this was quickly followed by an
uppercut by Valladarez that dropped Ho again, and forced yet
another standing 8 count. In the end, despite being much closer than the reply
of a "Unanimous" decision, Valladarez took the title
home and remained undefeated at 10-0.
Woman's SS Super Welterweight Title *Defense
July 26th, 2005 at 2:25 PM: After hearing some facts
leading up to this bout, we have added them in for your reading
On paper
this looked to be the toughest challenge for IKF
Champion *Elaina
Maxwell, (13-1/2, 153) of San Jose, California. It was her
first defense of the IKF title she won by
forfeit at last years Born To Fight IV
when her opponent, Melissa Alley, walked out of the arena right before
the fight started, afraid to face Maxwell. Across the ring would be
Tiffany Chen (6-3, 148) of New
York, NY. What some may not know is that earlier in the day, the San Shou USA
Team Trials were also held. Registered to try out for the USA Team were Maxwell
and Chen. Chen naturally weighs less than Maxwell, so
she had registered for the San Shou team trials at a weightclass below Maxwell.
The Team Trial judges (Not associated with Cung Le or the IKF) made Chen
fight Maxwell for the team selection anyways. Because of this, Chen
fought Maxwell the morning of their night time fight. Maxwell
won the morning fight unanimously by being outscored. Although she had already
lost to Maxwell, chin agreed to continue to fight her for the evening
fight, because she committed to it. Without a doubt, a very brave and honorable
thing for Chen to do. In the night time bout, Maxwell was just
too much for the naturally lighter Chen. Maxwell stopped her
with a round kick to Chen's face that split Chen's chin wide
open at 1:27 of the first round. Maxwell successfully defends her IKF US Woman's SS Super Welterweight Title in her
first defense. Our respect also goes to Chen for assuring Maxwell
had an opponent to face in the defense.
SS Light Middleweight Title
Max Chen, of New York City, New York, USA
(William C. C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan, 25-8/2) defeated
Ricardo Almondia of San Jose, California,
USA (Cung Le's, 5-2 with 2 wins by KO/TKO) by unanimous decision to win
the vacant IKF United States San Shou
Light Middleweight Title.
Here are the results from the nights
undercard bouts:
Vishu Gulati (135, 2-1) of San Francisco,
Gem Mil Langit (135, 0-3) by
unanimous decision, 30-27, 29-28 & 29-28.
Rey Juachon (136, 2-0) of San Francisco,
defeated Chris Home, (137,
1-2) also of San Francisco, California by split decision, 30-27, 28-29 &
Kerry Paylor (122, 4-2) of San
Francisco, California
defeated Brittney Troesch
(120, 6-3) of Oakland, California by unanimous decision.
Alex Hernandez (San Francisco, California)
defeated Ryan McClintok (221, 2-1)
of San Jose, California by unanimous decision, 30-25 on all 3 judges cards. Hernandez
gave McClintok two standing 8 counts, one from a head kick.
Duncan Duffin (131, 14-6) of San Jose,
defeated Anthony Bui (132,
?) by TKO at the end of round two. Bui and his corner stopped the
bout themselves.
Kenny Woo (143, 3-0) of San Jose, California
defeated Hugh Brasher (139, 5-3)
of Houston, Texas by split decision.
Ky Hollenbach (167) of San Francisco,
Marcelino Miguel (168, 3-2) by
split decision.
Dan Ash (137, 3-0) of San Jose, California
defeated Jesus Sosa (140, 4-2)
of San Francisco, California by split decision, 29-28, 27-30 & 30-27.
Sam Spangler (184, 6-3) of San Jose,
defeated William Reyes (183,
9-2) also of San Jose, California by unanimous decision.
For more info contact Cung Le Martial Arts
at (408) 729-4468 or by e-mail at cungle@cungle.com or go to
or www.BornToFight.com
San Shou
OUT Of The
WHERE are all those San
Shou Fighters who were excited about the IKF
adding San Shou to this years NAC? Well, one thing is for sure... They won't be
in Orlando fighting for an IKF North
American "San Shou" Title as hoped. With only 4 fighters
signed up for the San Shou division as of the first deadline (Last Friday)
the IKF now needs to make the decision to
eliminate San Shou from
this years 2005 IKF NAC Tournament due to
lack of competition.
There are NO Adult Women registered for San Shou and in the
Adult Men there are only four who registered to "Walk The Walk".
They are, in no particular order:
- Mark Trillas of Weston, Florida, USA, 11-1/0, 145
- David McClung of Bryan, Texas, USA, 175
- Christopher Baten of Tampa, Florida, USA, 0-0/0, 212
- Eric Rivera of Plantation, Florida, USA, 2-2/0, 245
"It is possible we can match up Baten and Rivera
for a San Shou title, if Baten want's to move up to the Super
Heavyweight Division, which is 'A LOT' of weight to give up, (212-245) so we
don't expect it to happen." Said IKF
President Steve Fossum. "If the match can't be made, all 4
fighters will be given the choice to either receive a refund of their
registration fees or move to another rule style."
Who's In The Lead At The
Last year the State of Virginia and Regional Director Craig
Smith and company took home the award for the region and State with most
participation. However this year Virginia is far behind. Will they catch up to
regain the title they won last year or will there be a new Champion? Here are
the states in order as of press time today, that do not include
today's entrees.
- Illinois -21-
- Florida -12-
- North Carolina -12-
- Ontario, Canada -12-
- Alberta, Canada -10-
- Iowa -10-
- Missouri -9-
- Georgia -7-
- Arizona -6-
- Arkansas -6-
- Idaho -6-
- South Carolina -6-
- Virginia -6-
- Wisconsin -6-
- Texas -5-
- California -4-
- Tennessee -4-
- Indiana -3-
- Mississippi -3-
- Michigan -2-
- Minnesota -2-
- Oklahoma -2-
- Colorado -1-
- Maryland -1-
- New Brunswick, Canada -1-
- Nevada -1-
- New Jersey -1-
- Ohio -1-
- Pennsylvania -1-
Who's Afraid To
"Walk The Walk?"
So what States (or even countries for that matter) have NO
AMATEUR KICKBOXERS qualified to go to the 2005 NAC Championships? What States so far are
all "TALK" and no "WALK!" Many
states and regions express how many great fighters they have and how many titles
they have won... Really? Are their titles only against "LOCAL"
Competition? Are some of these fighters afraid to step out of their local
comfort zone and face "REAL Competition" from around North
America? Some certainly are, as was told to us by some trainers in the North
East two weeks ago. Their response to us when asked "Do you have anyone
going to the NAC in Orlando?" They responded with, "Why travel
when I can win a title here at home. And against an easier opponent. The general
public doesn't know the difference between my boys north american title and one
won at the NAC."
Well, this may be true for "SOME" of the general public.
However, those "In The Know" do KNOW that the
NAC is "THE"
Golden Gloves of Kickboxing, and if your not there, you can
never say you "Walked the Walk with the BEST".
If you have never won, you can never say you are "THE"
North American Champion for Amateur Kickboxing... So remember that next
time you brag to your friends about your hardware you won and put into
perspective what your title is really worth. Worthy of "LOCAL"
praise is fine, if that's all you seek. But in the Fight Game, fighters need to
be known to their peers around the world.... Those of you who have the courage,
the strength, the discipline to "Walk The Walk" at any
of the past or present NAC Tournaments, your bragging rights are in place. And
if by any chance you became a CHAMPION
at the NAC, well,
"Some things speak for themselves..."
Here are the states that have NO amateur fighters qualified to "Walk
The Walk" in Orlando this August for the North American Championship Title.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Vermont
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
- Quebec, Canada
- Manitoba, Canada
- Saskatchewan, Canada
- British Columbia, Canada
- Newfoundland, Canada
- All of Mexico
- All of Bermuda
- All of Greenland
- All of Puerto Rico
- All of Virgin Island
To keep track of all the states and regions CLICK HERE.
July 22nd, 2005, AT 11:10 AM,
Born To Fight V
San Jose, California, USA: IKF
Promoter and Pro San Shou World
Champion Cung Le (Right) and his USH!
Entertainment staff are all set for tomorrow nights (July
23rd) Born To Fight V! the event will
take place at Mt. Pleasant High School in San Jose, California, USA.
There are 5 IKF Amateur
San Shou United States Titles on the card and if a replacement fighter was found
to face current IKF US SS Welterweight
Champion José Palacios, there could be a total of 6. Here are the
titles on the line:
SS Flyweight Title
- Van Do, San Jose, CA vs
Shana Howell, Ohio.
- Van has won the 2002 USAWKF National Champion (Gold), 2003
Battle at Columbus San Shou (Gold) and the was a 2003 USA National San
Shou Team Member.
- Shana won the 2004 World San Da Championships when she defeated
Tserenkhand Tsogterel of Mongolia by decision.
SS Featherweight Title
- Andrew Valladarez, San Jose,
California vs Ray Ho, Oakland, California.
- Andrew (7-0) fought on the Born
To Fight IV event and defeated Jeff Toledo of Santa
Clara, California, USA by Knockout at 1:56 of round 2.
- Ray fights out of Cheetah Muay Thai in Oakland and has a record of
Middleweight Title
- Ricardo Almondia, vs
Max Chen
- Ricardo of San Jose, California, USA (Cung Le's, 6-0 with 2
wins by KO/TKO) is the current IKF
Amateur San Shou California Super Welterweight Champion. He won the title on
March 26th, 2005, in Fairfield, California, USA when he defeated Julian Lugo
Jr. by majority decision 38-38, 40-36 & 39-37. He is 25 years old and
fights in both San Shou & Muay Thai. This will be his first title bout.
- REVISED ON 8-9-05: Chen of New York
City, New York, USA (William C. C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan, 24-8/2) had won
the IKF Amateur San Shou West Coast
Middleweight Title when he was in California training with Cung Le.
the title was retired when he moved back to New York.
REVISION ON 8-9-05: After receiving about 15 e-mails
from associates of Mr. Chen over the last 2 days, who all have told us
Max Chen "NEVER" trained with Cung Le and never lived
in San Jose, we had to make this post. To begin with, Max HAS INDEED
trained some with Cung Le. We posted he was under Cung Le
because at the fighter weigh-in in 2001 when he won his IKF "West Coast" title, Mr.
Chen told Mr. Fossum personally that his trainer was Cung Le
and that he was from San Jose, "California". IF Mr. Chen
would have said he was from New York, we would have posted as such, but for
whatever reasons, he did not. One of those e-mailing us was Priscilla Chen,
Max's mom and wife of his father and trainer, William C. C. Chen who
insisted that her husband receive 100% credit for Max Chen's skills. So,
we will do so. Hopefully this ends the drama here, despite no one explaining to
us the one question we asked which was, "WHY did Max Chen tell us
he was under and trained by Cung Le and from San Jose, California?"
Was this just so he could win a "West Coast" title? Who knows,
no one has offered any valid explanation for this question.
Regardless where
he was from, Max won the IKF "West Coast" Title when he
defeated Matt Cateleta of Oakland, California, USA by unanimous decision
on July 21st, 2001 in San Jose, California.
SS Light Cruiserweight Title
- Mike Fonseca, CA vs
Richie Council, OH
- Fonseca (8-0) trained by Kru Sam Phimsoutham is
also the IKF Amateur Muay Thai Light
Cruiserweight Champion. He won this title on April 30th, 2005 in Fairfield,
California, USA when he defeated Kurt Floyd of Modesto, California USA
by split decision, 37-39, 39-37 and 40-36.
- Richie is from Bellefontaine, Ohio, USA and has a record of 6-3.
Woman's SS Super Welterweight Title *Defense
- *Elaina Maxwell,
CA vs Tiffany Chen
- Elaina (7-1) trained by Cung Le
won her IKF USA title by forfeit when her
opponent Melissa Alley pulled out of the bout after the event had
actually started on July 24th, 2004 in San Jose, California, USA. This seems to
be a problem for Elaina who won the 2004 King of Sanda title the same
way, by forfeit, when her opponent did not come to the ring on fight night.
Although her Super Welterweight title is the only IKF
title she holds her other accomplishments include becoming a 2002 National
Champion, 2 time BTF Gold Medal Champion, 2003 US National Team Member, and now
a 2 time World San Shou Champion as well as the North American San Da
Intercontinental Middleweight Champion.
- Tiffany began competing in Women's Lei Tai San Shou (Chinese
Kickboxing on a raised platform) in 2003. She won her first world
championship in the event the same year, at the 2003 World Kuoshu Women's Lei
Tai Championship in Sao Paolo, Brazil. She was also awarded the tournament
trophy for The Best Lei-Tai Performance by a Female Athlete. As of October 2004,
her record is 7 - 2. In recognition of her achievements and competitive spirit,
Inside Kung-Fu magazine named Tiffany to its 2004 Hall of Fame as the
Best Competitor of the Year.
SS Welterweight Title *Defense
- *José
Palacios, CA vs TBA
- Jose (8-1/4) trained by Cung Le is hoping
matchmakers can confirm an opponent for him by fight time tomorrow night. His
original opponent, Ian Morgan of New York San Da got injured. Palacios
won his IKF USA title when he defeated
Boy Faphiamai of San Francisco, California by KO at :37 seconds into
round 1. the bout was stopped due to Faphiamai injuring his ankle on
July 24th, 2004 in San Jose, California, USA.
For more info contact Cung Le Martial Arts
at (408) 729-4468 or by e-mail at cungle@cungle.com or go to
or www.BornToFight.com
July 9th, 2005, AT 2:00 AM,
Proves He Deserves
ANY World
IKF Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Last year
Randy Pogue was stripped of his ISKA World Title because they refused to
wait for their Champion to have an eye operation so he could pass a boxing
commission physical in the state his challenger lived in, California. It has
always been an unwritten law that a sanctioning body should always respect their
Champions needs first as long as they were not making up excuses to dodge an
opponent. Pogue was doing no such thing here and they had plenty of
justified and fair options such as postpone the title challenge, have the
challenger fight for another title first or move the fight to a state where Pogue's
eye condition (Prior to his surgery) would still allow him to fight as
it did in the State where he first won the title. Plenty of fair options for all
involved but instead, this organization made the worst decision of them all. An
action where a great fighter had his World Title stripped and stolen from him by
the very organization that gave it to him. Instead, "HIS"
title was fought for between two other fighters, which means, no matter who won
that night, they never won the title from the Champion.
That title is history now, and it's worth much less because the
real Champion was never allowed to defend it in the ring. However, Randy
Pogue could care less now, especially about some title with 4 worthless
letters on it. Do we sound upset about what this other organization did? You
bet we are! How could any organization do such a thing to not just a
great fighter, but their own Champion? Oh well, who cares anymore about those
letters... Anywhere for that matter. Instead, lets focus on what the
Champion proved tonight to a full house in Kansas City Missouri that in a sense
was his way of telling the world, "I'm back and guess what... I
NEVER Left!"
Tonight, July 8th, at the Harrah's North Kansas City Hotel and
Casino, IKF Promoter Joe Kelly and
Entertainment company in Association with Harrah's North Kansas City Hotel and Casino hosted
an exciting night of fight action. The night's focus of the undercard was
Professional Boxing but it was clear to everyone that the Pro Kickboxing took
the top honors of the night as the nights Main Event.
The "Harrah's River Rumble" -
The Heat is On Main Event featured a showdown
for the vacant IKF Pro FCR United States
Super Middleweight Title. On one side of the ring was the visiting fighter. IKF Pro FCR number 2 ranked
Randy Pogue (Above Right) of Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA.
Although Pogue still holds his USKBA World Title, he has felt like the
world pushed him aside when he was stripped of his ISKA World Title last year.
So tonight, it was Pogue's moment to show the world, He's still 'THE'
Champion. Having come off a loss in a fight to just stay busy, Pogue
lost his number one ranking to the current number 1 IKF
Ranked Super Middleweight Ryan Madigan of Akron, Ohio, USA in a very
close 5 round non title bout by split decision. So Pogue had plenty to
prove tonight to the world, himself, another organization, the guy who holds "His"
World Title and in doing so, he wanted to send a message back to Madigan
that next time they meet, he will see and feel the REAL Randy Pogue!
On the other side of the ring stood the power of IKF Pro FCR number 3 ranked John, JJ Barnes
of Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Barnes on paper was the POWER of
the night! He entered the fight tonight with a record of 18 wins, only 1 loss
and 16 of his wins coming by KO or TKO. Pogue had an amateur
record of 15-1 and a professional kickboxing record of 18-4-1, but only 3 wins
coming by way of KO/TKO as a professional, in those 18 wins. So on paper, this
would be a technician, Pogue, vs a POWER Hitter, Barnes.
However, what we saw was a reversal of rolls, or better put, the only stealing
done tonight was Pogue stealing the show with great technique, speed,
patients and most importantly, Power!
In round 1 Pogue
threw 18 kicks to Barnes' 12 and appeared to be the more active in the
round. All except for one great right hand by Barnes that in our
opinion, was either a wake-up call for Pogue to remember to defend from
it next time, or the telling of another KO victory by Barnes. Still, the
one great punch was not enough in our opinion to win the round. Two of the
judges agreed with our visual giving round 1 to Pogue 10-9, but one judge had
Barnes up 10-9 in round 1.
In round 2 Pogue
exploded with his kicks again and this time, followed them up with some great
hand combinations. He landed his roundhouse to Barnes' head on a few
occasions but Barnes weathered them and fought back. Pogue
seemed to be the one on the prowl but Barnes was always ready to try and
answer him. Sometimes he could, but many times he didn't as the two would either
tie up inside where referee Kevin Champion would eventually break them
or Pogue would just be in and out so fast Barnes couldn't
counter. Pogue threw 22 kicks but Barnes appeared to have been
shut down by Pogue's attack as he only threw 10. Again we had Pogue
win the round and again, so did two of the three judges. This time though it was
yet a different judge that somehow gave the round to Barnes.
In round 3 Pogue
came out kicking again and Barnes tried to counter with some big right
hands. However Pogue was even more the aggressor in this round. Towards
the end of the round he rocked Barnes with a strong right hand that
dazed Barnes, but Pogue failed to close in to end it. Barnes
regained his composure and kept in the fight but his kicking game had been all
but shut down. Barnes failed to get his 8 kicks in, only getting 6 while
Pogue kept busy again with 19. This time there was little to question as
all 3 judges gave it to Pogue 10-9.
Round 4 was all Randy
Pogue. He seemed as fresh and relaxed as he did in round 1 while Barnes
seemed to be fatigued having taken several kicks to the head and become
exhausted mentally trying to formulate a game plan against the ever changing
Pogue. Still, at age 42, Barnes not only impressed us at
ringside but he stood his ground and fought on. Then suddenly, WAM!
Pogue landed a left rear leg round kick to Barnes' head and down
he went! JJ stood up near the end of the count to beat the 10, but he
was rocked. Still, he was back in the fight, but not for long. Unlike in round
3, this time Pogue was not going to give Barnes any chance to
recover. He went right back to work on him with some of the best hand and feet
combinations he had thrown all night. Barnes had no answer and as the
round came towards the end, it came again! WAM! Pogue's
left leg round kick sent Barnes to the canvas again. He was able to
stand up but referee Kevin Champion saw in his eyes it was over and
waived the bout off at the end of round 4. Randy Pogue became the new
IKF Pro FCR United States Super
Middleweight Champion.
As the night came to an end, a few things became clear. If
anyone thought Randy Pogue was done, they need to think again.
Second, if anyone thinks he is not currently the best Super Middleweight Full
Contact fighter, they need to think again. And finally, it's time to
match up Pogue and Madigan for that World Title shot, but with
an organization that has respect for their champions. That being said, the
vacant IKF World Super Middleweight Title
is waiting for you guys... Madigan of Akron, Ohio, USA has a
professional record of 8-2/3 and an amateur record of 18-2/7. We had mentioned
before the fight that all such a bout would need is a promoter willing to host
it, and Joe Kelly of Kansas City Missouri has already shown some interest in it.
Time will tell if we get to see this rematch where BOTH have a lot to
There is one thing that bothers us though. It's when we meet
two great gentlemen outside the ring and know that at the end of the night,
chances are, one will win and the other will lose. Such was the reality tonight.
JJ Barnes was and is a CLASS ACT! As is Randy Pogue.
These two guys talked before the fight to each other as gentlemen and then went
between the ropes to do battle, and continued their respect for the fight game
and each other inside the ring. We cannot be more proud of both these
individuals and we cannot say enough of JJ Barnes ability at age 42.
Don't let his age question Pogue's win fight fans. Barnes did
not appear to be 42 years old! He came to the ring tonight in great shape and
ready to win, but so did Pogue. It's too bad that someone had to lose
tonight, but we would like to go on record to say that it's guys like JJ
Barnes, at his age, has been such a great role model for us all in this
sport. When your in the ring again Mr. Barnes, we hope the IKF letters are sanctioning the show because you
were an inspiration to watch. The same for you Mr. Pogue. Two great
warriors did battle tonight and in a sense, both still walked out of the ring as
Champions because they "Walked the Walk!"
Great job by IKF Promoter
Mr. Joe Kelly of Titan Entertainment
along with the staff of Harrah's! For more info please contact Mr. Joe Kelly
of Titan Entertainment at (816) 454-1123
or at
or go to www.titanentertainment.com
July 6th, 2005, AT 1:40 PM,
The Heat is On
Pogue &
This Friday night, July 8th, IKF
Promoter Joe Kelly and his
Entertainment company in Association with Harrah's North Kansas
City Hotel and Casino will present
"Harrah's River Rumble" - The Heat
is On! The event will feature both Kickboxing and Boxing.
The nights Main Event will be the quest for the vacant IKF Pro FCR United States Super Middleweight Title.
IKF Pro FCR number 2 ranked
Randy Pogue (Left) of Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA will face
IKF Pro FCR number 3 ranked JJ Barnes
(Sorry, no photo was sent to the IKF) of Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Randy comes to the ring Friday night with a record of
18 wins, 4 loses, 1 draw and 3 wins coming by way of KO/TKO. He also has a Pro
Boxing record of 8-3/2. he is the current USKBA World Champion also. On the
other side of the ring JJ (John) enters with a record of 18
wins, only 1 loss and 15 of his wins coming by KO or TKO. As a Pro boxer JJ
had a fight record of 3-2/1.
The winner of this bout will have his sites on number 1 IKF Ranked Ryan Madigan of Akron, Ohio, USA.
Madigan recently beat Pogue in a very close bout by split
decision to capture Pogue's previous number 1 ranking, so Pogue
will be hoping for a revenge rematch. Madigan has a professional record
of 8-2/3 and an amateur record of 18-2/7. The winner between Pogue and
Barnes hopes to face Madigan for either the vacant IKF North American or the vacant IKF World Super Middleweight Title. All such a bout
will need is a promoter willing to host it.
The nights fight card will also feature IWBF Jar Flyweight
World Champion Mary "The Heat" Ortega, IBC Americas
Lightweight Champion Josh "Nino Asesino" Sosa,
Harold Roberts, Jason Nicholson and Glen Cusimano.
The event weigh-ins will be at 5:PM Thursday night at the
Harrah's Convention Center. For more info please contact Mr. Joe Kelly
of Titan Entertainment at (816) 454-1123
or at
or go towww.titanentertainment.com

July 1st, 2005, AT 8:30 PM,
Back In The

It all started in 1999 (Right) with 72 fighters who
showed up to "Walk the Walk" at the first ever Major IKF Tournament. The place was Council Bluffs Iowa,
USA and 43 bouts later we had our first 33
IKF USA National Amateur Champions, 4 of
which were walkover Champions who's opponents did not show up. This year will be
the 7th Annual Tournament that has grown from a USA National Championships of
those first 72 fighters to a North American Event with over 200 fighters and 150
bouts. (All
Stats Click Here)
We can bet there are some stories many of you didn't know about
some of the Champions from those first two years who's names you have seen here
on the IKF News page. Here are just some
of them who were IKF National Amateur
Champions in one of the first two years of the Tournament, 1999 and 2000. Check
them out below in no particular order:
- Aaron Lassi of Duluth, Minnesota, USA won the 1999 IKF FCR USA National Amateur Light Middleweight
- Aaron turned pro and is now the current IKF
Professional FCR Light Middleweight North American Champion. He won this title
on April 30th, 2005 in Hinkley, Minnesota, USA when he defeated Muzammal
'Abu Zayd' Nawaz of Burlington, Ontario, Canada by unanimous decision 99-91,
99-91 and 96-94.
- Zachary Day of Augusta, Georgia, USA
- Zack won the 1999 IKF USA National
Middleweight Full Contact Rules title when he defeated Peyton Russell of
Minneapolis Minnesota by TKO at 1:56 of round 2. Soon after Zach's moved on to
fight professionally and has won titles under other sanctioning bodies. His most
memorable win tough to date is a controversial win over IKF Light Middleweight World Champion Anthony
Bartinelli in 2004. Many want to see a rematch of this bout.
- David Pareja of Flossmoor, Illinois, USA won the 1999 IKF USA National Light Heavyweight Full Contact
Rules title.
- In September of 2004,
David "Danger" Pareja was one of 12 amateur boxers to be
featured on the Fox Boxing show, "The Next Great Champ" hosted
by De La Hoya on Fox. With an amateur boxing record of 41 wins and 14
loses, he calls Chicago, Illinois his home with his wife PJ. He drives
four hours round-trip every day to train with his boxing coach, who had talked
him out of retirement so they could both pursue their dream.
- Nathaaniel McIntyre of Brooklyn Ctr, Minnesota, USA
- Nate won the 1999 IKF USA National
Lightweight Muay Thai Rules Title when he defeated Vantha Chhim of
Modesto California by unanimous decision, 29-28, 30-27, 29-28. He just recently
(June 11th, 2005) won the IKF Pro
Muay Thai Lightweight US Title when he defeated
Raul Llopis by split decision at this years IKF North Central MTR/IR
Region Tournament as a special Pro feature bout.
- Dan Rawlings of Euclid, Ohio, USA
- Dan won the 1999 IKF MTR Super
Lightweight Title when he defeated Chris Brammer of Omaha Nebraska by
TKO at 1:56 of round 1. Since Dan won his IKF
Title he went on to have a very successful professional career. Along with his
IKF National Amateur title, Dan has won
the IKBO National Muay Thai Lightweight title the USKBA World Muay Thai
Welterweight Title and the IMTC Warrior's Cup III Lightweight Title. Dan now
runs his own school in Florida, GriffonRawl Muay Thai.
- Duane Ludwig of Aurora, Colorado
- There are a lot of great things that happened in Duane's career and we are
proud to say we were there in the beginning. Duane won his IKF National Amateur Light Middleweight Muay Thai
Title in 1999. Previous to this, in 1998 after
Duane had lost to Canadian Trevor Desjarlais in Canada, our news page
told his future when it said, "Ludwig has a great future in Muay Thai!
Promoters look out for this kid as he is very good!" When Duane turned
professional he went on to win World Titles in both Muay Thai and Mixed Martial
Arts. For more on Duane Click Here.
- Jason Johnson (Right) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
- Jason won the, 1999 IKF Muay Thai
National Amateur Super Heavyweight title when he defeated Steve Bass of
Omaha Nebraska by TKO at 1:16 of round 3. Jason turned professional and had
great success before turning his sights to Hollywood. To read more on Jason
Click Here.
- Angela Rivera of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- In 1999 Angela won the IKF Muay Thai
National Amateur Woman's Flyweight title when she defeated Deb Davey of
Dixon Illinois by TKO at 1:09 of round 1. She won her IKF
Title while training with Jim VanOver in Hespeira California. However,
she later moved to Las Vegas and trained with Master Toddy. She was one of the
USA's top female fighters fighting and was voted Competitor of The Year by Inside
Kung Fu magazine. She has since moved to Australia with her husband, another
famous fighter, John Wayne Parr.
- Anthony McGaughey of Norman, Oklahoma, USA.
- In 2000 Anthony made his IKF debut at
the National Tournament. There he started a relationship with the IKF where he won a total of 6 IKF light Middleweight Titles which included 4 IKF
National Tournament titles, 1 North American Title and finally, the winning of
the IKF Amateur World Title earlier this
year. His wins included;
- In 2000 he won the IKF FCR USA
National Amateur Light Middleweight Title when he defeated Marc Mayfield
of St Louis Missouri by TKO at 1:22 of the 3rd round.
- in 2001 he defended his IKF National
Tournament Title when he defeated Jeff Bederd by unanimous decision,
30-27, 30-27 & 29-28.
- In 2002 he again successfully defended his Title when he defeated
Neil Halmstad of Wrenshall, Minnesota by unanimous decision 30-27 on all
3 judges cards.
- Later in the fall of 2002 he went on to win the IKF
FCR North American Light Heavyweight Tournament title when he defeated Shaun
Gay of Valdosta, GA, USA by TKO at 1:02 of the second round.
- In 2003 he came back to the Nationals and again successfully defended his
IKF National Title when he defeated Shannon
Hudson of Greer, South Carolina, USA by unanimous decision, 30-27, 29-28,
30-27 in a bout that was closer than the scores sound to win his 4th IKF National Tournament title and his 5th IKF Title overall.
- in April of this year he defeated Mike Morello of Santa Barbara,
California, USA by unanimous decision 48-47, 49-46 and 48-47 to win the IKF Amateur FCR Light Middleweight World Title.
- Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson (At right -
Punching) of Simpsonville, South Carolina, USA
- There are some similarities between Stephen and Anthony McGaughey.
Both made their IKF debut in 2000 where
they both won the IKF National Amateur
Title that first year. Stephen defeated his now close friend Peyton Russell
by unanimous decision, 30-23, 30-24 and 30-24.
- Both came back a second year where Stephen posted a record that has yet to
be broken, winning the IKF National Title
in a record time of 14 seconds into the first round when he defeated Vilavahn
Seukpanya by TKO. It was the only strike thrown in the bout and set a new
record for quickest win by KO/TKO. The kick broke Seukpanya's arm.
- Stephen came back in 2002 and defended his 2001 IKF
FCR Light Heavyweight Title when he defeated John Scanlon of Chicago,
Illinois USA by TKO at :44 seconds of round 1.
- Later that same year in 2002 Stephen won the IKF
North American Title at the same Tournament Anthony did when he defeated
Bill Jardine at 1:26 of the 4th round which was Jardine's first
loss. Stephen did not compete at the 2003 Nationals though because too many
people were bagging on him saying he should turn Pro.
- Stephen still had one more IKF title
to accomplish before his amateur career was over. He still wanted the IKF Amateur World Title. He achieved his goal on
November 15th, 2003 in Greenville, South Carolina, USA when he became the fourth
IKF Amateur Champion ever when he defeated
Kevin Engle of St Louis Missouri, USA by unanimous decision, 50-42,
50-42 and 49-45. His amateur career was an amazing 33-0 with 18 wins by KO or
- So what is the difference between Stephen and Anthony? Well, we
have yet to see what Anthony's plans are but as for Stephen, he turned Pro on
May 15th, 2004 and has never looked back. As of this posting he is still
undefeated with a professional record of 4-0 with 3 wins by TKO/KO. Stephen is
actually fighting tomorrow night (Saturday, July 2nd in Canada), so he
may be either 5-0 or 4-1 when some of you read this, but we would expect him to
be perfect still at 5-0. for more on Stephen Click Here.
- Jesse Finney of St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- Many know Jesse as an IKF and ISCF Promoter but did you know him as a fighter?
Yes, Jesse was an IKF FCR National Amateur
Super Middleweight Tournament Champion in 2000 when he defeated Mark Brennan
by a split decision, 30-27, 29-28 and 28-29. Jesse later retired to put his
efforts into promoting full time. His fight record was 17-0 with 14 wins by
- Clint Zimmerman of Davenport, Iowa
- Clint did something in 2000 that no other fighter has ever tried. At the
2000 Nationals he won the Cruiserweight title by walkover when his opponent,
Quincy Morris of Stillwater, Oklahoma no showed. However, Clint still
wanted to fight so he choose to move to the Heavyweight Division and "FIGHT"
for the title against opponents heavier than him. The result? Not only did he do
well... Not only did he end up winning the National Tournament Title but he won
both his bouts by TKO! He won the IKF
Championship bout by TKO at 1:58 of round 1 over Steve Bass.
- Wayne Wilks of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Until this years Tournament, Wayne will have the bragging rights of being
the only IKF San Shou Tournament Champion.
This year San Shou will be back after being dropped from the Tournament for lack
of participation in 2000. Wayne won his title in the Adult Men's Super
Middleweight division and made history as the first ever to win an
IKF National Amateur Tournament San Shou
Title Bout. His victory came by an impressive HEAD KICK KO at :35
seconds of round 1 to Raymond Jenkins.
- Trisha Hill of Lawerenceville, Georgia, USA
- Trisha "TNT" Hill won the 2000 Woman's Lightweight Title
in impressive fashion with a spinning crescent kick KO at 1:09 of the 3rd round
in what was "The Women's Bout of the Tournament" over, Katie
Ehrhardt. But this wasn't Trisha's best moment. By the time she ended her
amateur career she had won a total of 3 IKF
Titles. The other two were the,
- IKF Women's Amateur IR U.S.
Featherweight Title when she defeated Jacqueline Chavez of Los Lunas,
New Mexico, USA by unanimous decision on July 29th, 2000 in Merraitt, Georgia,
- IKF Amateur Woman's MuayThai Rules
U. S. Featherweight Title when she defeated Angela Rivera, of Las Vegas
Nevada, USA by split decision, 49-46, 49-47, 50-45 on December 2nd, 2000 in
Monterey, CA, USA.
- However Trisha's shinning moment came in February of 2004 when she defeated the German World
Title Holder Silke Weickenmeier to take her WIBF (Womens
International Boxing Federation) Featherweight World Title by TKO in the 7th
- Sunshine Fettkether of Mesa, Arizona, USA
- Sunshine (Deborah actually is her first name) won the 2000 IKF Muay Thai Woman's Amateur National Welterweight
Title by TKO over Julie Jackle at 49 seconds of round 1.
- Sunshine made headlines back in 1999 (Yes, before she was an IKF Champion) when she fought in a Man vs Woman
bout. In the bout she "Woman Handled" 39-year-old Randy Pittman
with ease. The big news though was before the bout when the Mesa City mayor
tried to stop the bout. "I don't like kickboxing in the first place and
kickboxing between a man and a woman, I really don't like that," said
Mayor Wayne Brown... Probably because Wayne was a guy...hehehe.
- Sunshine, like Trisha Hill has also excelled in Pro Boxing winning
several Titles which include the WIBC Welterweight Title in 2002, the WIBF
Welterweight Title in April of 2003 and again in July 2003, the IFBA
Welterweight Title.
- Kaspar Harrison of Detroit, Michigan, USA won the 2000 IKF USA National Junior Amateur Featherweight title
over Shane Shappley by unanimous decision 29-27, 30-26, 30-26.
- In September of 2004,
Kaspar was featured on an ABC Family reality based T.V. show called Switched.
The show featured two teenagers, from different parts of the U.S., switching
places for a week. Kaspar switched with a farm boy in Montana as compared to his
city life style in Detroit Michigan.
- Justin "Hammer" Lawrence (Right) of
Pacific, Missouri, USA
- In 2000 at the age of 10 Justin won the Junior Boys Welterweight Title when
he defeated Nathan Hicks by unanimous decision 30-24, 30-24, 30-24.
Justin went on to win 3 more National Titles making him a "4 Time"
National Champion... All before he was "Fourteen" years old...
- In 2001 at the age of 11 he won the IKF
FCR USA National Junior Amateur Light Heavyweight title when he defeated Ameil
Alcozer of Plainview Texas by split decision, 30-27, 30-27 & 28-29.
- In 2002 at the age of 12 he won the IKF
FCR USA National Junior Amateur Light Cruiserweight title when he defeated Nic
Houser of Twin Falls, Idaho by unanimous decision 30-27, 30-27 & 29-28.
- In 2003 at the age of 13 he won the IKF
FCR USA National Junior Amateur Light Atomweight. In doing so he fought his way
from being the number 4 seeded fighter to win it all when he defeated
Andre Camarena of Norcross, Georgia, USA by unanimous decision 30-25,
30-25, 30-26.
- Justin could have very possibly became a "5 Time" IKF National Champion in 2004 but the change of
venue for the Tournament from Iowa to Florida made the trip too expensive for
Justin and his team to make. We hope to see him in Florida this year..
- Derek Yuen of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
- In 2000 Derek won the IKF Muay Thai
USA National Amateur Light Heavyweight Title by TKO at 1:32 of round 2 over Kevin
- The following year Derek came back and won the IKF
Muay Thai USA National Amateur Cruiserweight title when he defeated Charles
Pemble by majority decision, 30-27, 30-26 & 28-28 to become a two time
National Champion.
- Matt Bentley of Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
- The Junior program of the IKF
Nationals in 1999 had planned to start with 2 fighters. However Junior Anthony
Kindel of Milwaukee Wisconsin won his IKF
National Title by forfeit when Carlos Flores of Bakersfield, California
failed to show up at the weigh-ins or the event. So where does Matt fit in here?
Although not registered, Matt was there to watch his team-mates fight. But when
Anthony didn't have a fight, Matt stepped in and fought an exhibition bout with
him, which was the first time a Junior bout of any type happened at the National
Tournament. It was the start of a winning career for Matt as a young amateur.
- In 2000 Matt won the IKF USA National
Amateur Bantamweight Title by unanimous decision, 30-27, 30-27, 30-27 over David
- Two years later in 2002 Matt defeated David Oudthone by unanimous
decision, 30-24, 30-23 & 30-23 to win the IKF
IR USA National Lightweight Title.
- Matt now owns and runs a branch of his trainer, Mick Doyle's Martial Arts
Center called Matt Bentley's Martial Arts in the town of Wayne,
Are there more stars from the 1999 and 2000 IKF
National Amateur Tournaments? Of course there were and keep watch for them here
in the coming days.

 Duane Ludwig
 Jason Johnson

 Stephen Thompson (Punching)
 Jesse Finney

- ISCF - MMA |