2005 Championship Finals Page
2005 Main Tournament Page - 2005 Finalist Page - 2005 Finals Page - 2005 Finals Officials - Tournament Rules
Northwest - Central West - Southwest - North Mountain - Central Mountain - South Mountain - North Central #1 - FCR - North Central #2 -MTR & IR - US Central - South Central 1 - South Central 2 - Northeast -Central East - FCR - Southeast
Canada & Alaska - Mexico - Bermuda - Greenland - Puerto Rico - Virgin Islands
FC: Full Contact Rules - IR: International / Leg Kick Rules - MT: MuayThai Rules - Junior Rules - Ages 8-17
Main USA Nationals Page - IKF Home Page

All 2004 Champions still need to register to fight at this years 2005 IKF North American Classic. Champions "DO NOT" have to register at a regional seeding event to be seeded for the 2005 IKF North American Classic. However, if they choose to register and fight at a regional seeding event, they automatically lose their automatic top seeded position. Seeding positions are determined as follows:

  1. TOP SEED IN DIVISION: Previous years NAC Tournament Champion.
  2. Winner at a Regional Seeding Tournament in their region - Must be an actual Regional bout in the weightclass for both fighters. Not just a matched-up win.
    • Followed by a fighter at a Regional Seeding Tournament that may have won 1, lost 1, won 2 lost 1 etc.
  3. Fought in a Regional Seeding Tournament but lost.
  4. Registered for a Regional Seeding Tournament but did not have a fight.
  5. Had no Regional Seeding Tournament in their area and registered as a walkover.
  6. Had a Regional Seeding Tournament in their area but due to hardships, could not attend and received a waiver from the IKF and the Regional promoter after the fighter has paid the Regional Promoter fees to the Regional Promoter.
  7. BOTTOM SEED IN DIVISION: Any of the above but registered AFTER the first Registration Deadline of July 22nd.
    This year ALL fighters who register AFTER the first Registration Deadline of July 22nd will not only be charged a late fee, but also be seeded at the bottom of their division.
    This rule applies to ALL CHAMPIONS too.
    Late registered fighters will be seeded according to DATE we receive their Registration Forms "AND" Fees.
  8. ALL TIES Will be broken by "PROVEN and "VERIFIABLE" fight records. For this reason, it will assist all fighters best who include their full fight record with their fighter registration for the Finals.


In order for everything to run smooth, all fighter applications and registration fees must be received here at the IKF Headquarters by July 22nd, 2005. Registrations received AFTER July 22nd will be charged additional late fees.
(See Below)

For the IKF North American Classic REGISTRATION Is JULY 22nd, 2005. Any fighter who's Registration form is RECEIVED (Not Postmarked) Here at the IKF Headquarters AFTER JULY 22nd, 2005 will be charged the following late fees to be paid at the Finals Weigh-ins.

Registration Received between 12:01 AM July 22nd, 2005 and 12:00 Midnight July 28th
will be charged a $25 Late Fee.
This Late Fee May Be Paid At the
Finals Weigh-ins PRIOR to your weigh-in.

Registration Received between 12:01 AM July 29th, 2005 and 12:00 Midnight August 2nd
will be charged a $35 Late Fee.
This Late Fee May Be Paid At the
Finals Weigh-ins PRIOR to your weigh-in.

Registration Received between 12:01 AM August 3rd, 2005 and 12:00 Midnight August 4th
will be charged a flat fee of $40 To Register For The Classic
"IF" Their Registration is accepted at all.
This Late Fee Must be paid along with your Registration.

Registration Received between 12:01 AM August 5th, 2005 and 12:00 Midnight August 9th
will be charged a flat fee of $45 To Register For The Classic
"IF" Their Registration is accepted at all.
This Late Fee Must be paid along with your Registration.

Registration Received between 12:01 AM August 10th, 2005 and 12:00 Midnight August 12th
will be charged a flat fee of $100 To Register For The Classic
"IF" Their Registration is accepted at all.
This Late Fee Must be paid along with your Registration.

AUGUST 12th, 2005