FRIDAY, June 27th, 2008, AT 6:20 PM/PST
This year is only a few fighters away from surpassing last years number of Registered Fighters. At last years 2007 IKF World Classic, 201 fighters registered to "Walk The Walk". Of them, 188 were still registered as of weigh-in day. After weigh-ins, 174 actually made weight and fought. For those who remember, last year was the year that some behind the scenes politics by a rival tournament's associates put a stop to the IKF hosting the IKF World Classic Tournament in Chicago Illinois. Because of their actions, the IKF Tournament Staff was forced to scramble and find a new home for the 2007 IKF World Classic. The answer was Orlando, Florida. The decision upset a lot of trainers from the Midwest, so much that they choose to create their own tournament to avoid the long travel to Florida. The forced move last year not only cost the IKF Thousands of dollars, but dozens of fighters as well. Even with all the political drama and games, the Classic still fielded more participating fighters than any of the other 4 kickboxing tournaments in North America. The same competition exists this year as the last few and as noted last year, there is no greater praise for ones effort than the attempt of duplication. However, those attempts are still a ways away from the true "Golden Gloves" of Amateur kickboxing. Since the first IKF Amateur Championship Tournament in 1999, 7 other kickboxing sanctioning bodies have started hosting annual amateur kickboxing tournaments. Of them, 3 of tournaments promoters learned a lot of how to host such a Tournament from participating in the IKF Tournaments. Their addition has pulled some gyms/camps away from the Annual IKF Tournament which like anything being diluted, dropped the number of fighters attending over the last two years. Whether the days of 200 plus fighters (Reached on the 2001, 02, 03, 04 & 05 IKF Tournaments) attending the IKF Tournament are long gone or only on a brief absence for now, the IKF continues to bring the most prestigious and most rewarding "ALL AMATEUR" Kickboxing Tournament to those willing to truly "Walk the Walk" against fighters from around the world instead of just a basic region like many of the other North American hosted tournaments. As for numbers, the IKF World Classic has continued to draw the largest number of amateur fighters of all the tournaments mainly due to it's reputation of being the true, original "Golden Gloves" of Amateur kickboxing. This year, with 12 days yet to go until the final registration deadline of July 9th, 192 fighters are registered to "Walk The Walk" and take their shot at being one of the Best Amateur Kickboxers in the World! Better yet, of that 192, only ONE fighter has been forced to drop off the event and that was due to some Visa Problems which would have been 193. That means, as of this moment, this years IKF World Classic is already 4 fighters ahead of last years Tournament numbers as of weigh-in time and 18 ahead of the actual number of fighters who fought. To put the numbers game into more perspective, keep in mind, unlike other tournaments that are promoted by Trainers and Fight Promoters, NONE of these fighters ever registered for the IKF World Classic are trained by the HOST of this event, the IKF. The IKF can't pad up their numbers by having dozens of their students join to make the event look large. In addition, the IKF does not show favoritism in the matchmaking of brackets and fighter seeding, which has been a long standing complaint from the other tournaments. BUT HOLD ON... However, there is something else as well. Like last year, the IKF World Classic Tournament is a "Destination!" You can't beat Orlando Florida for a "Destination Location!" No one here needs to tell you what all there is to do in Orlando, and if you don't know, it's not hard to look it up, or just click HERE! It's the NUMBER ONE tourists destination in the World!
Adding to this, the Tournament will be held at the Largest Marriott in the
world, the The Orlando World Center Marriott Resort! Better yet is the room
rate the IKF negotiated for everyone, and we mean EVERYONE and ANYONE!
ANYONE attending the Tournament, fighters, trainers, officials, family and fans
can book under the IKF room rate. You won't be paying the
$249.00 per night rate though at this resort hotel. Instead, all you pay is
$125.00 a night... And wait till you see this place! What a GREAT
location for such a prestigious tournament. As Special Tournament guest
This years event will cost the IKF around the neighborhood of $40,000.00. However, it won't bring in that much. This Tournament is the IKF's way of saying "Thank You" to the sport as well as "We are here for you, and the Sport!" It's not designed to be a "Money Making Event." like other tournaments that offer less awards and charge higher prices. This event is for KICKBOXING! It's designed to be a "Showcase event for the participants and the sport of Amateur Kickboxing!" Because of this philosophy, you don't have to worry about draining your pocket books. The registration fees for the IKF World Classic Tournament has remained the same, at $55 per fighter for the last 6 years! As well, the ticket prices are well below the prices of other tournaments at $15 and $20 and $30 gets you a FULL weekend pass to sit anywhere you want to! Oh, and children under 10 are FREE! To see all the ticket prices, click HERE! Also, anyone with an event pass is welcome into any of the Tournament sessions for FREE! Speaking of expenses. ALL Registered Fighters, Trainers and Officials will be treated to an all expenses paid Welcome Banquet Dinner on Friday night after registrations (See event schedule by clicking HERE ) which will include the awarding of some Special Awards, Guest Speakers and the Event Rules Meeting. However, the best part is dinner is Free! The dinner is being paid for by IKF President Steve Fossum and will be about $24.00 per person and plans are confirmed for about 300 people. (Do the math on that one...) The dinner will include, Lasagna, Bread, Salad and Soft Drinks. Non registered fighters and trainers can purchase a Welcome Banquet Dinner ticket for $25 at registrations. So after the competition, book a few extra days to see the sites. Make it a vacation that combines your Passion for Kickboxing and or Muay Thai with the fun, relaxation and excitement of Orlando Florida! Looking At The "Numbers'
As Of Today, Friday, June 27th.
How Dare You Dream!
Jay Perry Presents
"IKF Point
Kickboxing & Grappling Tournament!"
Grass Valley, California, USA
Men, Women and Children compete in exciting semi contact continuous Kickboxing sparring! Win Great Awards! Earn your IKF/PKB Circuit Points! Safe and Fun! $40 Registration Fee, $10 Each Additional Division. Assorted Divisions of Kickboxing! MT- IR and AK - High and Low Kick! No Knockouts Allowed! More info at www.IKFPKB.com - www.AKPromotions.org
Norman Kelly Presents
Dublin, Ireland
Nations Mens Pro FCR Featherweight Title
Martin Kenny (Irish Champ -
Dublin, Ireland) vs Harjinder Singh
Plus A Full IKF Undercard
Tricia McKeary, Keith Nathan, Neil Holden
In Association With IKF/AKA
England Present
Altrincham, England
Steve Logan and K-Star Gym Present
Birminghamh, England
Pro FULL RULES Muay Thai
British Title Bout
Robbie Newton ( Bishop Auckland - Paul
Pearson) VS Carl Copestake
( Birmingham - Steve Logan )
THURSDAY, June 26th, 2008, AT 8:10 AM, PT
IKF/AKA Presents
Widnes, England
WEDNESDAY, June 25th, 2008, AT 6:40 PM, PT
Continued Excellence
Aristotle once said,
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,
then, is not an act, but a habit."
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote on many different subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology and zoology. The words he used to describe "Excellence" are a perfect fit to the IKF's work in preparing for the Annual IKF World Classic Tournament.
Every year for 10 straight years, the IKF repeatedly makes promises, and follows through with them year after year. As someone put it last year, "You say what your going to do, and you actually do. This is what sets you apart from the rest in everything the IKF does." Each year, something is better, or something added such as the Friday night Welcome Banquet Dinner this year which is FREE to all Registered Fighters, Trainers and Officials... Yes, FREE!
Whether the sanctioning of Amateur events, to the sanctioning of Professional World title events around the globe, the IKF continues to simply come through with what they promise and in most cases, give MORE THAN Promised!
As of this posting, the
10th Annual, 2008
IKF WORLD Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championship
Tournament is on track to once again "Come through as
promised!" This year the surprise has been in the Adult Muay Thai
division. Already this years event is proving to be more of an ADULT Fighter
event instead of a JUNIOR event. Of the currently 174 registered fighters, 109
are adult men and 30 are adult women. Of those 109 adult men, "60" are
registered to fight in Muay Thai. Today's stats show several overall tournament
records already broken with several more on the verge of being broken. Here once
again are just some of those records.
Another record already broken is the one held for the State with the most participating fighters. Yes, the event is in Florida, so many will say "that's Why so many fighters are coming from there..." However, in the past, NO HOME state even came close to having the most fighters attend. As of today, Florida has "52" registered fighters which shatters the previous record set by Illinois a few years back. After speaking to Florida's JP Peurlmutter today, (Former multi time IKF Tournament Champion and now Trainer) that number could raise well above 160, and that's not counting the others we spoke to in Florida. There are plenty of other camps that are still sending in Fighter Registrations from North America as well as many more still coming from Europe, including Neil Holden's Muay Thai team from England.
So don't put off any longer with your Registrations everyone. This is sure to be another memorable event for everyone. Our advice to all of you, registered, or about to be registered is to work hard and get ready for the best experience of your Amateur Career. As for us, well, as Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." We will continue our daily habits of hard work and hope to be Excellent for all of you in Orlando Florida at the 10th Annual, 2008 IKF WORLD Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament!
Bring It ON!
Some have been wondering why the IKF Websites Alexa numbers have been slipping. Well, it's not because the visitors are no longer coming to the IKF Site, it's just that we have been redirecting them to "OTHER" IKF Sites.
For example, earlier this year we launched the IKF Point Kickboxing Site at www.IKFPKB.com. More recently our IKF United Kingdom Team launched another IKF website so they could make quicker updates and keep track of more detailed IKF UK news. The new IKF UK Site can be found at www.IKF-UK.com
Even with all this redirected traffic the IKFKickboxing.com website still remains the most highly visited web site for Kickboxing and Muay Thai. For the latest Alexa numbers on the Internet Fight sites, just click HERE!
Kickboxing Or
We keep getting calls here from Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Art Promoters in Illinois asking us if we have any info about the current "Black Out" (As many are calling it) on both Amateur and Pro Kickboxing and MMA events in the State of Illinois. In case you didn't know, as of June 1st, of this year, the State put a hold on all future Amateur and Pro Kickboxing and MMA events in the State of Illinois until legislation passes and puts into act the new rules and regulations for both sports. Many thought this was going to be a simple switch, where the State simply takes over the Pro side of both sports. However, such an easy change over was not to be.
Today we spoke to Mr. Rafael Caro of the Illinois State Professional Boxing Board, Division of Professional Regulation in the Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation. Mr. Caro informed us that there are only 4 approved events currently in Illinois between now and the end of the year. All 4 of those events are scheduled for this weekend. They include;
"No events have been approved for the remainder of the year after this weekend." Said Caro. Currently legislation is in session and Caro says they are hoping they will have time to review and approve their rules for the State before they break for their next session which will not come until the Fall of this year. Their main concern is passing the State budget, so the submitted rules and regulations for Pro and Amateur Kickboxing and MMA are not the high priority.
Even if they make it to the Kickboxing and MMA rules, there could still be some additional delays. For example, if legislation does not pass the submitted rules or can't make the adjustments needed to pass them, we could still be waiting until the fall session for final approval. That means no Kickboxing and or MMA until late this year.
On the positive side, even if approved quickly, they still need to determine an actual date as to when the rules will go into effect. "We honestly have no idea when the earliest date of approval will be." said Caro. "It could be as early as next month or could take until this fall or even next year, we really don't know."
What this means is all you IKF and ISCF Promoters who have been calling our office asking if we know anything, it means we all have to just wait it out. It may be months before Illinois sees anymore kickboxing or mixed martial arts action... But for the sake of both sports and the fight fans of Illinois, lets hope this isn't the case.
MONDAY, June 20th, 2008, AT 11:10 PM, PT
New Record Set For Early Registration!
The Count
Now Stands At
Registered Fighters...
And the numbers are still climbing!
New Record Set For Men's
Muay Thai!
Currently "50" Adult Men's Muay Thai Fighters
Are Registered breaking the old Overall
Record for Adult Men's Muay Thai of 42!
Registered Fighters!
Forget the line about "We were just short of the Overall Record for number of registered fighters by first deadline." We found out today that 5 other fighter registrations had been received before the Friday Deadline:
This means, the "Overall Record for number of registered fighters by first deadline was TIED this year at 131!"
That being said, we have already broken the Overall Record for number of registered fighters by second deadline today. That record was 149. However, as of this post, we have a total of "27" more fighter registrations we received today and possible a few more over the phone that have yet to be posted on the registered fighters pages and added into these totals. This will bring the current registered fighters total to 158! All of these fighters will be logged into the registered fighters pages today.
One Overall Record already broken is the number of registered Adult Women's Muay Thai fighters. The Previous Overall Record was 13. Today that number stands at 15. Also on the verge of being broken is the Overall Record of Adult Men's Muay Thai Rules Fighters registered. Before the posting of the 27 fighters noted above, we already had 39 and the Overall Record is 42 set in 2005 when the Tournament was at the Wyndham Palace in Orlando Florida. That same year there were 17 Overall Records set that still stand today, that could be broken this year.
Here is a look at where we stand this year so far (BEFORE WE ADD IN THE 27 FIGHTERS NOTED ABOVE) against all the Overall Records before the Tournament. Records already broken are listed in RED.
Looks like this year will indeed be the BEST YEAR EVER for the IKF World Classic, The ONLY TRUE Amateur Kickboxing Championships in the WORLD!
To see the Registered Fighters Pages Click HERE!
To see all the Tournament Records from the past 9 years, CLICK HERE!
We look
forward to seeing "The BEST" Amateur Kickboxers In The World...
SATURDAY, June 21st, 2008, AT 4:10 AM, PT
First Deadline ARRIVES
Close... But Just Shy Of A NEW Record At
Registered Fighters!
Keeping Track Of The Numbers...
of yesterday, the first of several Registration Deadlines for the 10th Annual, 2008 IKF WORLD
Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament came. We were
just short of the overall record for number of registered fighters by first
deadline. The record still stands at 131 fighters registered as of first
deadline set last year. This year at first deadline we missed it by only a few
126 Fighters.
However, this number is good enough to take second place which was at 114. These
numbers do not include the Semi Contact Fighters of which only some are listed.
We already have two divisions full with 8 fighters in the Muay Thai Divisions. However, instead of blocking out any fighters, we may decide to have TWO Divisions for those that run past 8 fighters.
The front page "Region Listings" have not been updated with all the recent registrations of about 70 fighters, but be patient, they will be up soon with all the others. Keep watching the Registered Fighters Page for this years 2008 IKF World Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championships and lets hope to see some new records in Orlando to "Walk The Walk" with the Best in the World and win the original...
Amateur Golden
Gloves of Kickboxings
World Tournament Title!
We look
forward to seeing "The BEST" Amateur Kickboxers In The World...
To see all the Tournament Records from the past 9 years, CLICK HERE!
Proves Successful For All
The results from Muay Thai Jamaica just got in but it was too late to get any full bout details. Here are the nights quick results below.
IKF Title bouts In
Somerset, England!
Professional Southern Area Super Lightweight Title
Anna Otterwell (Spartans)
Zoe Mason (Touch Gloves)
IKF Amateur English
Super Middleweight Title
Chris James
(Budo Juku)
Vs Rob Burbridge
FRIDAY, June 20th, 2008, AT 11:40 AM, PT
Everyone Still Ready To Rock!
IKF HQ: For unknown reasons, the IKF Muay Thai Super Heavyweight World Title between Rick Cheek of the USA and Patrice Quattron of France was switched from bout 7 to bout 4. The bout 7 spot was filled with the WBC Muay Thai Super Cruiserweight World Title between Ashwin Balark of Holland and Steve McKinnon of Australia which had been scheduled for bout 3. We asked IKF President Steve Fossum if the switch was a WBC issue or not and he simply said, "I really don't want to fuel any ideas of drama here because there is none. Patrick (WBC) and I are getting along great as well as everyone else. We are all working together. Rick and Patrice are OK with it so the fight fans will just see a great fighter sooner in the card. We have a great event here and we are proud to be a part of it."
Regardless of when each title will take place, this is a great event. This isn't about letters and titles as much as it is about the outstanding talent we will all see LIVE tonight via the internet on YouStreamIStream.com - This is an event that will be remembered for a long time and the IKF is proud to be a part of it with ALL the other Organizations, WBC, IKKC, IMTC and WIKBA!
Here is tonights order listed below:
As Today's First Deadline Approaches
92 Fighters
Prepare To "Walk The "Walk"... So
Keeping Track Of The Numbers...
of late last night, 92
Fighters had registered for this years 10th Annual, 2008 IKF WORLD
Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament! These numbers
do not include the Semi Contact Fighters of which only some are listed.
Today at 5:00 PM is the first of Several Deadlines. Last year at the first deadline time we were just over 100 so we are not too far off that number with a full day to go. We are excited to see what today's mail will bring to the IKF Office. For those calling in with a credit card, if you reach our answering machine it simply means we are SWAMPED so please just try calling again. The best time to call is after 12 noon today.
If records mean anything, the highest number of registered fighters at first deadline point was last year of 131, a record that "Shattered" the previous record of 114. Right now, this years event is a ways from that number, but that shouldn't mean much. Many fighters wait to see who is registered in their weight division before registering themselves. Yesterday we added about 40 fighters which changed the landscape of the brackets a lot. Some are nearly full, especially in the Muay Thai divisions. We are already above the average first deadline mark of 88. As we said a few weeks ago, if the registrations continue, this could be the Largest turnout yet in the 9 year history of the IKF Championship Tournaments.
The front page "Region Listings" have not been updated with all the recent registrations of about 40 fighters, but be patient, they will be up soon with all the others. From what we can see, Florida is still doing it's best to keep ahead of the pack of most registered fighters, but others are gaining on them, especially Georgia.
Remember, the all time total from a state is 39 Registered Fighters which was a record set by Illinois back in 2006.
Keep watching the Registered Fighters Page for this years 2008 IKF World Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championships and lets hope to see some new records in Orlando to "Walk The Walk" with the Best in the World and win the original...
Amateur Golden
Gloves of Kickboxings
World Tournament Title!
We look
forward to seeing "The BEST" Amateur Kickboxers In The World...
To see all the Tournament Records from the past 9 years, CLICK HERE!
THURSDAY, June 19th, 2008, AT 10:45 PM, PT
Bring It ON!
Those hesitating whether or not to purchase tomorrow nights event on YouStreamIStream.com can pull out your wallets and credit cards now and make that purchase. ALL NINE Title fights WILL take place tomorrow night in Montego Bay, Jamaica!
Promoter Dennis Warner has successfully organized 24 Top Pro Muay Thai Fighters from 9 different countries (USA, France, Thailand, Netherlands, Japan, Canada, China, Australia and Jamaica) with a a total of 9 Pro Muay Thai World Titles (10 if you count last nights private, invitation only event) on one event with 5 different sanctioning organizations, IKF, WBC, IKKC, WIKBA and IMTC! When was the last time that has ever happened? Probably NEVER!
The IKF, along with many other sanctioning bodies have been working towards unification of the sport. What was once an "I'm bigger than you" competition between organizations has now turned into a "Lets support the sport as ONE" attitude and approach. If you count Wednesday's event the overall organization of Warner and company put together a total of 10 World titles and 12 Internationally mixed bouts. That's simply unheard of!
Tonight all the sanctioning bodies sat down and unified all their rules, regulations and ring assignments. The Referees and Judges from all the organizations will mix in and work all the bouts. For those looking for the officials names, we have listed them with the bouts below. Here is tomorrow nights line up. For those purchasing the event over the web, the fights begin at 9:PM Central USA Time. All the bouts are 5, 3 minute rounds with 1 minute rests. Fighters are listed in their Corner Color.
watch the event over the web Click the link box ad below.
The Event will begin at 9:PM Central USA Time
1:00 AM,
Takes Home The IKF Gold!
Muay Thai Fight Night
Wednesday, June 18th - Montego Bay, Jamaica
Some thought it may be a dynamic closing of a Great kickboxing career for Manson "The Blaster" Gibson. However, no one bothered to tell that to Edwin Aguilar of Mexico who instead, made his own party in the ring with a Muay Thai Knee Clinic on Gibson. Although round 1 was even, Aguilar found a weakness in Gibson that he never use to have... Age. At 47 years old, this was Gibson's last shot at an IKF World Title and probably his last bout as a professional kickboxer. This was Aguilar's first shot at an IKF title and he showed he still has plenty of fight left in him.
"Look at that belt! That's what we came here for!" Said Aguilar's trainer after his victory. Aguilar started his knee attacks in round two where he forced Gibson to a standing 8 count be referee Dan Stell to win the round 10-8. In round 3, despite some clean shots landed by Gibson, he just didn't have the "Snap" he use to have on his punches and kicks that had propelled him to an amazing fight record of over 100 victories with 63 KO's with 30 coming by head kicks.
As round 3 came to a close, it was clear Aguilar had found his rhythm and seemed to be scoring with his knees over and over again on Gibson. As the bell rang, Referee Stell informed Gibson that if he didn't defend himself he was going to stop the bout. He then asked Gibson, "Do you want to continue?" which Gibson replied, "No, I'm done..."
It was over, and as a once great fighter faded into the darkness, Aguilar stepped into the bright lights to accept the first, new, IKF World Title belt around his waist. As for Manson "The Blaster" Gibson, no one here will forget the excitement you brought to this sport and your best days will surly be remembered, and missed greatly. You Manson will always be remembered as one of the Greatest kickboxers of all time!"
Congratulations to the new
IKF Pro Muay Thai Cruiserweight World
Edwin Aguilar
and for those
Cruiserweights out there wanting a crack at him, we think his simple answer will
"Bring It ON!"
Two other Pro Muay Thai bouts also took place last night. The first was a match up between Claudia Vidaurri of USA vs Joanna MacEachem of Australia. Sadly this bout didn't even have a chance at really getting started. MacEachem seemed to be the aggressor in round one which probably won her the round, but it wasn't like she dominated Vidaurri by any means. About a minute into round 2, MacEachem landed an elbow on Vidaurri that sliced an ugly cut on her forehead. The cut started bleeding down Vidaurri's face which brought referee Paulo Tocha to stop the bout to allow the ring doctor to look at it. After examination the doctor ruled the cut was too deep to allow Vidaurri to continue and the bout was stopped. We really wanted to see these two ladies go at it a lot longer so it was disappointing to see this bout end so quickly. Congratulations to Joanna MacEachem.
The other bout was a Jr. Lightweight Bout between Dylan Resnedov of Australia vs Genki Nakamura of Japan. This seemed to be the strong left leg of Nakamura vs the more impressive boxing of Resnedov. Resnedov seemed to find his target more with his hands on Nakamura's face while Nakamura drove the power and quickness of his left leg to Resnedov over and over again. Resnedov begin to feel the pain of Nakamura's left leg on his right thigh during round 3, but the end was far from his leg... more on this to come.
During the first three rounds, Nakamura hit Resnedov over and over again on his thigh which clearly brought a lot of pain to Resnedov. The sad part though was when Nakamura missed his target and instead, landed three kicks to Resnedov which caused some obvious pain. Finally, on the 4th low blow, referee Jorge Zarate took a point from Nakamura. However, the fear of being hit low yet again may have been the reason Resnedov blocked low in round 4 when he should have kept his hands up. In doing so, it left a free path for Nakamura's left leg to Resnedov's head at 2:07 of the 4th that Knocked Resnedov out COLD! Congratulations to Nakamura on one of the strongest and quickest left legs we have seen and our prayers to Resnedov in hopes his recovery is healthy and quick.
Weigh-ins for Friday nights bouts will take place tonight at 7:PM. We will fill you in on any news if need be before Friday nights big event! Here is Friday night's line-up in the order we were given below.
reminder that you can watch the entire event over the web.
To buy
it, just start by clicking the link box ad below.
The times of the event are
listed in "Central Time"
TUESDAY, June 17th, 2008, AT 11:55 PM, PT
Part ONE Ready For Action On...
"World Championship Muay Thai"
Muay Thai Fight Night
Wednesday, June 18th - Montego Bay, Jamaica
Tomorrow night, the first of 4 IKF Pro Muay Thai World Title bouts will kick off two exciting Pro Muay Thai events. The first IKF Pro Muay Thai Title bout will feature Manson Gibson and Edwin Aguilar who will battle for the vacant IKF Pro Cruiserweight World Title. Along with this bout will be two other exciting Muay Thai bouts. These three bouts will be on a special Private Invite Only Event in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Here are the details for tomorrow nights fight card with their weights from tonights weigh-in.
SUNDAY, June 15th, 2008, AT 7:00 PM, PT
RISARC The Caribbean Classic Golf Invitational (CCGI)
Foundation & Dennis Warner Present
Championship Muay Thai"
Thai Fight Night
Montego Bay,
No Xclusions, Inc. Presents
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
SUNDAY, June 15th, 2008, AT 6:10 PM, PT
Results from Absolute Adrenaline's
June 8th, 2008 - Bournemouth,
Yavapai-Apache Recreation In Association
With Golden Cobra Kickboxing Present
June 14th, 2008 - Camp Verde, Arizona, USA
June 12th, 2008, AT 6:00 PM,
Yavapai-Apache Recreation In Association With Golden
Cobra Kickboxing Present
Camp Verde, Arizona, USA
Send Your Prayers
To Iowa!
In case you hadn't heard, the State of Iowa has been having a little too much water. In fact, so much that downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa, home of the 2003 and 2006 IKF Amateur Kickboxing World Classic Tournament and the 2007 & 2008 ISCF Amateur MMA World Classic Tournament is under water.
We checked in with fellow Iowa Kickboxing & Muay Thai trainers and promoters Dean Lessie, Russ O'Connell and Pete & Pam Peterson earlier today to make sure all is well. "The severe flooding is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Waterloo & Cedar Falls." said Dean.
"I am sure Russ O'Connell is in the thick of things. Dubuque where I live is not flooded. Please keep all of those affected by this terrible flood in your thoughts and prayers. The rain is still falling."
We will indeed Dean. As for Pete and Pam, they are on the other side of Iowa in Carroll, Iowa. "I do not know what it is like in Dubuque with Dean, but down here it is close to the flood of 93." Said Pete.
"We have only had minimal damage to our home, but so many areas are underwater. Many of the roads are closed forcing alternate routes. Dry spell for a few days here so hopefully waters begin to recede. Tornado hit our town last night, did quite a bit of damage, but nothing like Parkersburg or anything, again it was minimal. Everyone is OK."
You guys stay safe out there and we here at the IKF would like to wish you luck and know you are in our prayers. As for Russ, we never did hear back from him as of yet, so we can only hope he and his family are making it through all this. The photos below and at the right were sent to us by Dean and are of Downtown Cedar Rapids, right near the US Cellular Center and Crowne Plaza Hotel where our tournaments were.
___ |
June 11th, 2008, AT 12:45 PM,
Now You
REALLY Have Something To Fight For!
Check out the NEW LOOK for the IKF "PRO" World Title Belts!
The new IKF Pro World Title belts will be available in various colors. Promoters will have a choice of the new IKF belts shown here or the old style IKF World Title belts. A lot of course will depend on the Promoters Budget...
IKF Promoter Dennis Warner will be the first IKF Promoter to host an event that will present the new belts. Next week Warner is Promoting a Muay Thai event in Jamaica with 4 IKF Pro Muay Thai titles on it! The Champions will be awarded one of the below Belts from the IKF!
Warner's event will feature a
total of 10 Pro Muay Thai title sanctioned by three different organizations. The
IKF, WBC Muay Thai, IMTC and the IKKC. For more
info on Warner's "MEGA MUAY THAI EVENT" click the banner
Rungruangyon is the current WMC World Super Welterweight Champion, Rajadamnern Stadium Super Welterweight Champion and the number 2 ranked WBC Super Welterweight contender. The title will still be for the vacant IKF Pro Muay Thai Middleweight World Title. |
Here is the fight card for this exciting event!
June 10th, 2008, AT 6:00 PM,
Results From Mr. Lee Green's Higher Level Martial Arts &
Fitness Gyms
June 7th, 2008 - Manchester,
Check Out The
Full Results From This Outstanding Event By Clicking
Word has it that Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson and his trainer/father Ray Thompson will be traveling to Montreal to train with George St.Pierre as Pierre prepares for his fight with Jon Fitch on August 9th in the UFC.
Thompson and his father will be there for 2 and a half weeks (From June 22nd til July 9th.) St.Pierre and his trainer, Firas Zahabi, will be working with the Wonderboy to improve his skills for Mixed Martial Arts and in return Stephen and Ray will be working with St.Pierre to improve his stand up game.
First Deadline June 20th
Largest Number So Far At This Stage...
Lets Hope The
Momentum Continues...
Track Of The Numbers...
Last year at the "Two
Weeks prior to First Deadline"
date, we had 36 registered fighters. As expected back then, we are ahead on the
numbers because this past Friday, our official registration count was 38. Today,
11 days before the first deadline, we are at 42 Registered Fighters for the
10th Annual, 2008
IKF WORLD Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championship
Tournament! These numbers do not include the Semi Contact
Last year broke the mark for the largest number of registered fighters at the "Two Weeks prior to First Deadline" mark. That record broke the record set in 2005 when we had 24 fighters registered at the "Two Weeks prior to First Deadline" mark.
With the first Deadline coming on June 20th, things are looking exciting for this years World Championships. As we said last month, 42 fighters may not seem like a lot now but if the registrations come in at the same rate as past Tournaments, this could be the Largest turnout yet in the 9 year history of the IKF Championship Tournaments.
As expected, Florida is making bold statements and following them up. As of today, Florida already has 20 Registered Fighters. As previously noted, last year Florida registered 25 fighters. Several Florida Gyms have not sent their registrations in yet so the Florida number could beat the all time total from a state of 39 Registered Fighters which is a record set by Illinois back in 2006.
Keep watching the Registered Fighters page for this years
IKF World Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championships
and lets hope to see some new records in Orlando to "Walk The
Walk" with the Best in the World and win the original
Amateur Golden
Gloves of Kickboxings
World Tournament Title!
We look
forward to seeing "The BEST" Amateur Kickboxers In The World...
To see all the Tournament Records from the past 9 years, CLICK HERE!
Back on
July 15th, 2003
2 Time Pro World Kickboxing Champion Johnny Davis (R)
wrote the article below due to the various political issues surrounding the
sport of kickboxing at the time.
Sadly, a lot of those issues still remain
today and have been hurting our sport.
This article hit the point back then
and we feel it hits the point today.
Because of this, we wanted to post it
again today...
Some updates were made to the article to reflect the past 9 years
of this
Tournament instead of the past 4 when this article was first written.
A Stance For Something
Supporting the IKF World Classic
By Johnny Davis
2 Time Pro
World Kickboxing Champion
Since childhood most of us have had to take a stance for or against something. Often times, the mental or emotional urges to follow the group in doing something that we knew was wrong or detrimental to us were the toughest to fight. We faced challenges in our adolescence that called for taking a stance. Remember when a "friend" would ask you to stay out longer than the deadline your parents had given? Some of us followed our parents' request while others went the opposite direction only to suffer the consequences of those actions...the wrath of our parents! As adults we deal with taking a stance on our jobs, with our children, spouses, and so on. Sometimes, not knowing if we are right or wrong but just following our hearts to what we feel is the right thing to do and hoping for positive results. Relying on our past experiences to show us and our loved ones the best way to proceed is never easy but nonetheless pertinent to our daily successes or failures. Recently, Kickboxers have had to deal with the reality of other amateur tournaments that seem to spring up everywhere, alluring the "hungry for a fight" Kickboxer to make a decision. For the past nine years the IKF has been building the most successful Kickboxing tournament in the history of the sport. Now in it's 10th year, most who have attended are pleased with the outcome of the IKF Tournaments. Other organizations have recognized the success of the IKF and are now eager to produce their version of a National and/or North American tournament. The decision to try and support all of these tournaments may have financial and enduring consequences that all of us will have to deal with. We will have to decide or take a stance on whether supporting other tournaments is helping to further grow our sport or diluting it in a way that diminishes the longest running and most successful tournament. Thereby, taking away the strength of a solidly laid foundation that could be the answer to convincing major potential sponsors to pour badly needed revenues into the dehydrated "spit bucket" we have had for many years. We are now starting to reap a few rewards of the hard work done by the IKF. For example, more sponsorships, a TV deal, and a Kickboxing magazine to name a few! Some will argue they are more concerned with keeping their fighters busy than massaging any group's letters. Others will say that they support Kickboxing in general and the more tournaments the better. All of these views may be true and have their strong points. However, here is something to consider for example. When it comes to finances, some may find that choosing one tournament over the other will be their only recourse, resulting in one tournament losing out on a valuable competitor(s). Thus, possibly reducing the overall participants numbers to a level not respected by potential sponsors etc. So the real questions are do we take a stance for what has worked for us the past NINE years or, do we jump ship to chance the waters of the unproven? Is it better to have four or five small tournaments or one or two large ones? Are we willing to deal with the consequences of our actions in the potential demise of our sport...again? Or, should we continue to ride the wave of success that we have witnessed with the IKF / Tournaments? I don't necessarily see where supporting other tournaments will ultimately cause the demise of our sport and I also think one should follow their heart to what is the proper thing to do based on their situation. Keep in mind the questions posed above. But certainly there lies ahead a bigger challenge for the IKF and that is to continue to grow and make events even better than in the past. The IKF must continue to give the fighters, trainers, promoters and the fans what they want. The IKF must continue to prevail to the hearts of those who have committed their support to the IKF, regardless of their commitments to other organizations. My mother, when I was a child, and my wife today constantly remind me of these cherished words "Johnny, either you stand for something are you'll fall for anything!" Therefore, my objective and stance is unclouded and I'm willing to deal with whatever consequences that may befall me. I have witnessed firsthand the IKF fulfilling today my childhood dreams that never materialized for the sport of Kickboxing in the past. So today, my stance is for the potential bright future that has been established by the IKF's commitment to offer the best in growing our sport since its inception back in 1992! My stance is for consistency and to one day offer consistent opportunities for fighters to get more fights and make the kind of money that enables them to live beyond the meager means that many live in today! My stance is for fighters and trainers to get the recognition they deserve for their undying commitment, desire and hard work to become the best! My stance is for securing the hopes and desires of those not yet born but who will also dream of obtaining prosperity and longevity in this great sport of Kickboxing! My stance... is for the IKF!
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We hope to see you at this year's
World Classic...
The true test for the Best Amateur
Kickboxers in the World with the BEST REWARDS!
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Results From Upstate Karate's
May 31st, 2008 - Simpsonville,
South Carolina, USA
"Walk The Walk And Bring It ON!"
Results From Griffin's Martial Arts Gym's
Point Kickboxing & BJJ Tournament
May 31st, 2008 - Indian Trail,
North Carolina, USA
On May 31, 2008, the Martial Arts Gym held the 2008 Martial Arts Gym Spring Tournament at Sun Valley Middle School, which was a huge success. Students from ages 4-adult competed in self-defense, forms and Point Kickboxing (PKB) divisions. The following are the results of the tournament:
If you have any questions about the tournament or classes, please call (704) 488-3908 or check out www.magym.net.
FRIDAY, June 6th, 2008, AT 11:10 PM, PT
Mr. Lee Green's Higher Level Martial Arts & Fitness
Gym Presents
Manchester, England
For Bout Updates
On This Event Please Click
PMA Kickboxing Presents
Grand Portage, Minnesota, USA
IKF Amateur Full
Contact Rules Super Lightweight Canadian Title
Jorden Allan Vs Tyler Asselstine
Absolute Adrenaline Presents
Bournemouth, England
Pro Southern Area Title
Cornick (England) Vs
Scott Gannon (England)
Bee (England) Vs Sanja Bilanovic
For Bout Updates
On This Event Please Click
THURSDAY, June 5th, 2008, AT 5:35 PM, PT
For Those Who Have Set Their Goal On Being A
IKF World Classic
Amateur Kickboxing
Tournament Champion...
It's Time To Start Showing You SOME Of
What Will Soon Be
WEDNESDAY, June 4th, 2008, AT 7:20 PM, PT
It's one thing to "Dream" to be in movies, just like it's a Dream for many to win a Championship, or a World Title, let along 11! Former IKF World Champion Don "The Dragon" Wilson though has done more than just Dream of great things, he accomplishes them!
Many of you right now may be Dreaming of being the next IKF World Classic Tournament Champion. However, while some of you are "Dreaming" of being great, many others have already taken action steps towards their Dreams and made them Goals and hope to soon Accomplish them come July in Orlando Florida.
So while some of you won't be able to accomplish the Greatest Dream or Goal of todays Amateur Kickboxer this year, we hope you at least strive for the next best thing. Who knows, maybe you can accomplish your dream next year.
In the mean time, be prepared to read about those accomplishing what hopefully you won't be saying you wished you "Could of done"... Being called a Champion at the 10th Annual, 2008 IKF WORLD Classic Amateur Kickboxing Championship Tournament!
We hope to see you in Orlando in July to...
"Walk The Walk and Bring It ON!"
Speaking of Don "The Dragon" Wilson... If you want to do some catching up on some "Dragon" movies, we suggest you start with his last action film, The Last Sentinel.
Released on DVD on
November 13th, 2007 by Director Jesse Johnson The Last Sentinel
has had quite a bit of success. As we reported last May, The Last
Sentinel made it's debut on the Sci Fi Network on May 12, 2007.
We spoke to Don back then and he explained to us that "Although
there is some Martial Arts in the film, this is not my usual Martial Arts style
film. This is a Science Fiction film with tons of Explosive Action. My next
project is called the Samaritan and it will have a lot of Martial Arts in it."
said Don.
Here is a breakdown of the Movie: The last of the legendary 700th, the last of the warriors, our last hope... The Last Sentinel. It's defences crippled, mankind has been slaughtered to the brink of extinction by the drone police. Tallis (Played by Wilson) is the last of the last, after his unit was destroyed in the final terrible battle of the last great war. Living a life of survival, he is only ever one step ahead of the creation humankind hoped would bring peace on Earth, the Drone.
When Tallis crosses paths with a young freedom fighter known only as "The Girl" his world changes. Tallis finds his reason to fight again, but, this time he'll wage outright war! Set against a back ground of mythic proportions, with a spectacular cast of characters, "The Last Sentinel" is the story of a hero of ancient principals, of a poet warrior of the classic type.
For more info on "The Last
Sentinel" click
TUESDAY, June 3rd, 2008, AT 10:40 PM, PT
Results From Rumble In The Valley's
"Rumble In The Valley"
May 30th, 2008 - Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, USA
Cichon &
Take Home IKF
By Snap Locally Photography
For more Info contact Jason At
or go to snaplocally.com
Results From Upstate Karate's
May 31st, 2008 - Simpsonville,
South Carolina, USA
Wow! What a great tournament! When Sunday, May 18th rolled around the crew of Upstate Karate only had a few fighters registered, with a total of two bouts scheduled to happen. The deadline for registration was Friday, May 23rd. But by Wednesday the registration forms started rolling in!!! What a busy few days with fighters calling and getting everyone's information together. By Friday they had 87 registered fighters! Like other tournaments, everyone decided to wait until the last minute to get their forms in but Upstate Karate's crew sure are glad for the great turn out!
They had fighters come from South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Of them, 28 were registered juniors, 13 females, and 46 males. Overall there was 2 Muay Thai fights, 11 International rules fights, and 28 Full Contact rules fights.
The rules meeting and weigh-ins went great! plans were to get the fights started at 3:PM, however; they had a small delay with their second fight ring they had set up. After quickly managing the ring situation they got started about forty minutes past their original planned start time. As things started, they ran two rings with the first 18 fights full contact rules. Once they finished with those fights they split the two rings between full contact and International & Muay Thai. They had some great fights and exciting action and a full crowd of spectators to witness the action. The night ended shortly before 9:PM and the crowd stayed all the way until the end of the action packed fights!!!
Upstate Karate's crew would like to thank everyone who came to "Walk the Walk" and helped out with the fights! What a great night of action 41 fights!! See You All In Orlando in July at the 10th Annual IKF World Classic to
"Walk The Walk Again and Bring It ON!"
World Classic Tournament!
Well he "Talked the Talk" and
David "Thunder"
and his World Class Fight Team is
The Walk!
Muay Thai and kickboxing trainer and former multi time champion David "Thunder" Cummings has already sent in about 10 World Classic Registrations with about 10 more on the way by weeks end. He hopes to have even more. Cummings has been talking up this years World Classic to everyone in Florida and if it's anything close to what he has come through with so far, we may see a big Florida turnout! Here are some training shots David sent us today.
It's Hard Work Being A
Action Film Star, 11 Time Kickboxing World Champion, you would think former IKF World Champion Don "The Dragon" Wilson would be sitting around the pool soaking in the rays. Well, that's just not Don! Don has been all over the World as a Kickboxer and he continues to travel all over the World for special appearances, seminars, movies, you name it, he's been there.
Earlier this year Don was at Cannes Film Festival. Here are some of those candid shots. A reminder that Don will be the Special Guest once again at this years IKF World Classic in Orlando in July. While there, you may want to grab a snapshot with him.
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MONDAY, June 2nd, 2008, AT 4:00 PM, PT
Results From Ice Athletix'
Ice Athletix promoter Chris Hickman put on a great
event in Ocala Florida this weekend. This was their first event with IKF and it was a sold out crowd. Great attention was
paid to every detail including a catered dinner for VIP tables and IKF officials. This made the event well organized,
and makes patrons as well as fighters ready to return. All of the fights were
great it's hard to pick just a couple to highlight-but Stephen Cummins
(3-1) and Nicholas Urso (0-1) was one of the most
exciting fights of the night. Great techniques and non stop action these guys
had skill.
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